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coolpeps33 · 1 decade ago
awe, you definitly are worth something, i've been through that, and i garentee someone out there thinks your amazing, but is just afraid to tell you. becuase trust me, your beauitful, and amazing,

flyawaybirdy · 1 decade ago
you are worth so much, darling! those people don't know what they're missing! i'm sure you are an amazing, beautiful, funny, kind person, and i wish i could meet you in real life!! (:

Summerr_xo · 1 decade ago
this made me cryyyy :| you are defitnly gorgeous inside & out by desciring yourelfff !! ANY GUY is lucky to have you your world cant be stromy for ever andd things will get better in the end & if its not better its not the enddd;D TRUST ME, yoru life cant be like tht forever. im shure someone has a crush on you you seem so cool & dont care what haters say they are honestly JELOUS.

lacr0553grrly · 1 decade ago
You are worth more than just something and a guy is going to find that out and tell you all the great things about yourself...Don't cut DON'T CUT!!!! If you cut or hurt yourself too badly no guy will get to see how awesome you are. I have had a friend that got sent to the hospital because hse cut herself and now that is how she is know and she feels even worse because ppl call her emo and cutter. its awful watching this happen to her and i help as much as i can but you need to stop and look at the good things in your life not the bad things and things will end up being great for you. you need to talk to guys to get them to like you also and that girl who didn't wanrt to be your friend it's only because she new she couldn't handle you super awesomeness
Ihope everything gets better for you.
You can comment on my wall and i can give you more advice if you need it
i hope this helps

summerlovingggg · 1 decade ago
you ARE worth something! th only reason those girls are mean to you is because secretly,there is something they like about you. and they're jelous! i know you've probably heard that before, but i promise it's true!and dress however you wsnt!!! the way you dress doesnt make a difference on who you are. and you are beautiful, even though i've never met you. but i know that you are. everyone is!and dont worry aboout having a boyfriend. most of them arent worth the troube, or the heartbreak. god is saving you for someone special. please just remember that! and that just because i havnt met you, i still love you!

turkeybacon107 · 1 decade ago
You are great the way you are. Don't let ANYONE think of you any different. Live your life to the fullest. I know you are beautiful regardless of what other people think. Stay Beautiful (:

iCantHearYouOverMyMusicx · 1 decade ago
Doll, you're worth the world and someday you'll find a guy who's smart enough to see that. It will be a long way until you find him but you will. I've been through a lot of the stuff you have and I know what it's like. I'm telling you, you're worth it. But what isn't worth it, is hurting yourself. Chin up, beautiful. :D

bellacullenxoxo · 1 decade ago
You are worth something, everyone is. I have had that time in my life where I thought I wasn't but YOu just have to really think about it. and you will know. Your worth it I promise.


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