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Member Since: 14 Jan 2010 05:07pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 98589

121 Favorites
1 Following
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  1. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2010 8:17pm UTC
    ok, well yah know the whole recycle thing is "think green"? well then why are those little recycle bins BLUE??
    please answer my question by commenting THANKS,sillymuffin1.

  2. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 4:24pm UTC
    MY GIRLS : ♥
    our times together? unforgetable.
    smiles so memorable
    their friendship? IRREPLACEABLE!

  3. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 4:22pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2010 7:45pm UTC
    my favorite word begins with F and ends in u-c-k
    ... firetruck firetruck what else do you think i would say?! ahha
    crack myself up!! favorite this.!

  5. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2010 2:10pm UTC

  6. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2010 2:06pm UTC
    ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I will be your sunset oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    ooooooooooooooooooooooooo If you'll be my silhouette oooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    --Took forever!!! (pic. mine no jocking!) :D :D

  7. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2010 2:04pm UTC
    899X7 X8997
    g999999Wm_ ,gm999999W.
    gW99*~~~~VM9Ws ,m99*~~~~VM99m.
    g999` '*99i W9Af Y99W.
    999[ '*9W_ ,g9Af 999b
    999W '*9W. g9Af i9999
    9999W_ 'V9W. \. ./ g9A~ ,g99999
    99999**Nm__ ~MW_. N. .N _g9f` ,_gm**M99999
    9999| 89999mms___ ~MWm. [ ]` gm9f` ,___mmW9999| 8999P
    999999999` '9999Af` ~VM999P 9999*~` ~*9999P Y99999999[
    M9999AM99s. ,g9999` '99[ 99P Y999W_ _W99*99999!
    ]9999b'*999999999999b _999. d99b. ,999999999999Af,99999
    'M9999i 'V*9999999999Wm__gmW9999[ 99999mm__gm9999999999A*~ W9999f
    M9999s ~~~~~~~~~~~~LmW99f 'M99ms7~~~~~~~~~~~` ,W9999!
    V9999Ws_ ___mmW99999[ 999999mms__. ,_m9999A`
    '~*999999999999A**f~ ]9A[ A99 '~***999999999999Af~
    2999A*~~` d9 9 ][]9. ~~V*999K.
    ,gW9A~ ,_W9! 9[ 9[ M9s_ 'V99m_
    i999A ,_W99f` i9[ 9W ~M99s_ !999W
    !9999ms_______mW99Af` d99A. /999. ~*999ms_______mW999A
    Y9999f~~~~~~~~~` gW9f~ +_z`'~M9m. ~~~~~~~~~~M9999`
    V999 ,gm9Af` ~*9Wm_ ]99A`
    ~*Nm______mmW99Af '*999mms_____gm*f`
    99999999 99999999

  8. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2010 1:46pm UTC
    I wished for you....

  9. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2010 10:12pm UTC
    ♥i love my friend♥

  10. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2010 10:10pm UTC
    My name is........ jen no just kidding it is...
    my name is ting-ting!!!!
    ♥i love my friend♥

  11. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2010 10:07pm UTC
    Peanut Butter Jelly i l♥ve....!
    I don't want FLUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ♥i love my friend♥

  12. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2010 10:04pm UTC
    Hot Turkey on a kaiser roll
    with MAShED potatoes!!!!
    ♥i love my friend♥

  13. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2010 9:55pm UTC
    rainbows and bellybuttons
    ♥i love my friend♥

  14. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 10:40pm UTC
    x0daniellex0121 7:32 pm
    (7:32:30 PM): what ever go get a job!
    erin!! 7:32 pm
    (7:32:39 PM): go get a life
    x0daniellex0121 7:32 pm
    (7:32:57 PM): I have one !!!! im living so I have one
    erin!! 7:33 pm
    (7:33:23 PM): onmg danille like really GROW UP
    (7:33:36 PM): like me real danielle you cant stay like this forever
    x0daniellex0121 7:33 pm
    (7:33:54 PM): blah blah blah !!!!!!!!!!!
    erin!! 7:34 pm
    (7:34:26 PM): that just says you have nothing to say just shows your speechless
    x0daniellex0121 7:35 pm
    (7:35:10 PM): ha what ever you say smarty pants like ew go get a ur you facial hair cut
    erin!! 7:36 pm
    (7:36:03 PM): hm danielle how bout you cut off that rats nest you call hair?!!!
    x0daniellex0121 7:36 pm
    (7:36:57 PM): like go get ur teeth fixxed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    erin!! 7:37 pm
    (7:37:05 PM): like already done
    (7:37:23 PM): danielle but tell me im curius are you havin a boy or a giirl
    What a nice friend you are!

  15. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 10:40pm UTC
    x0daniellex0121 7:32 pm
    (7:32:30 PM): what ever go get a job!
    erin!! 7:32 pm
    (7:32:39 PM): go get a life
    x0daniellex0121 7:32 pm
    (7:32:57 PM): I have one !!!! im living so I have one
    erin!! 7:33 pm
    (7:33:23 PM): onmg danille like really GROW UP
    (7:33:36 PM): like me real danielle you cant stay like this forever
    x0daniellex0121 7:33 pm
    (7:33:54 PM): blah blah blah !!!!!!!!!!!
    erin!! 7:34 pm
    (7:34:26 PM): that just says you have nothing to say just shows your speechless
    x0daniellex0121 7:35 pm
    (7:35:10 PM): ha what ever you say smarty pants like ew go get a ur you facial hair cut
    erin!! 7:36 pm
    (7:36:03 PM): hm danielle how bout you cut off that rats nest you call hair?!!!
    x0daniellex0121 7:36 pm
    (7:36:57 PM): like go get ur teeth fixxed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    erin!! 7:37 pm
    (7:37:05 PM): like already done
    (7:37:23 PM): danielle but tell me im curius are you havin a boy or a giirl
    What a nice friend you are!

  16. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 10:39pm UTC
    x0daniellex0121 7:32 pm
    (7:32:30 PM): what ever go get a job!
    erin!! 7:32 pm
    (7:32:39 PM): go get a life
    x0daniellex0121 7:32 pm
    (7:32:57 PM): I have one !!!! im living so I have one
    erin!! 7:33 pm
    (7:33:23 PM): onmg danille like really GROW UP
    (7:33:36 PM): like me real danielle you cant stay like this forever
    x0daniellex0121 7:33 pm
    (7:33:54 PM): blah blah blah !!!!!!!!!!!
    erin!! 7:34 pm
    (7:34:26 PM): that just says you have nothing to say just shows your speechless
    x0daniellex0121 7:35 pm
    (7:35:10 PM): ha what ever you say smarty pants like ew go get a ur you facial hair cut
    erin!! 7:36 pm
    (7:36:03 PM): hm danielle how bout you cut off that rats nest you call hair?!!!
    x0daniellex0121 7:36 pm
    (7:36:57 PM): like go get ur teeth fixxed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    erin!! 7:37 pm
    (7:37:05 PM): like already done
    (7:37:23 PM): danielle but tell me im curius are you havin a boy or a giirl
    What a nice friend you are!

  17. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 10:39pm UTC
    x0daniellex0121 7:32 pm
    (7:32:30 PM): what ever go get a job!
    erin!! 7:32 pm
    (7:32:39 PM): go get a life
    x0daniellex0121 7:32 pm
    (7:32:57 PM): I have one !!!! im living so I have one
    erin!! 7:33 pm
    (7:33:23 PM): onmg danille like really GROW UP
    (7:33:36 PM): like me real danielle you cant stay like this forever
    x0daniellex0121 7:33 pm
    (7:33:54 PM): blah blah blah !!!!!!!!!!!
    erin!! 7:34 pm
    (7:34:26 PM): that just says you have nothing to say just shows your speechless
    x0daniellex0121 7:35 pm
    (7:35:10 PM): ha what ever you say smarty pants like ew go get a ur you facial hair cut
    erin!! 7:36 pm
    (7:36:03 PM): hm danielle how bout you cut off that rats nest you call hair?!!!
    x0daniellex0121 7:36 pm
    (7:36:57 PM): like go get ur teeth fixxed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    erin!! 7:37 pm
    (7:37:05 PM): like already done
    (7:37:23 PM): danielle but tell me im curius are you havin a boy or a giirl
    What a nice friend you are!

  18. sillymuffin1 sillymuffin1
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2010 5:24pm UTC
    when someone tells you they love you and the next day they turn around and go out with someone else what do you do.....
    a. stand back and watch there love grow
    b. fight for your man??
    Please comment because i don't know what to do!!


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