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  1. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 4:10pm UTC
    I wonder
    what its like to be so beautiful
    that everyone gets nervous talking to you

  2. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 4:14pm UTC
    I wonder
    what it’s like to have someone fall for you.
    And I mean really fall for you.
    Not just they want to get in your pants
    because they think you’re attractive.
    But be consumed with every little piece of you.
    The way you talk, the way you laugh,
    the way you just exist.
    To everyone in love
    you don’t know how lucky you are...

  3. LiliBlackHeart LiliBlackHeart
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 5:47pm UTC
    All they told me was
    "just give up, you'll never be good enough"
    but I will carry on and show the world that they went wrong.

  4. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 9:02pm UTC
    I wasn't your "typical" self-harmer.
    I didn't cut, nor did I burn myself.
    I didn't turn to alcohol or weed.
    I was a big thinker when I was younger.
    I turned to the stairs.
    I tired breaking my bones, by flinging myself down the stairs.
    I say "tried" because I never actually broke a bone.
    I took this as a sign that maybe I was worth more than I gave myself credit for.

  5. jennlove1998 jennlove1998
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 6:42pm UTC
    not mine. credit goes to owner.
    Now he's your boyfriend;
    He used to be my friend, my bestfriend,
    my cuddle buddy, my good morning text,
    my good night text, my tear stopper,
    my secret keeper, my shoulder to cry on,
    who I was 'talking' to, who I'd text all morning
    until I got to school, my every morning hug,
    who I'd text all during school, who sat with me at lunch,
    who walked me to class even though it was all
    the way on the other side of the building, who I'd
    text all night, who sent me :) and <3
    He's who I thought I'd end up with,
    but now he's your boyfriend...
    He used to be my everything.

  6. x_damaged_x x_damaged_x
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2012 7:31pm UTC
    "Just friends"

  7. lexiboobear lexiboobear
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 8:42pm UTC
    ME: *In the shower and suddenley hear a noise.*
    ME: Mhmm what was that?
    ME: ... My family is being killed.!
    ME: I have to fight naked... fight and murderer naked..
    ME: What am i going to do? Its really cold out there...
    ME: *quickly turns water off*
    ME: *Grabs towel and runs into kitchen and nobody is in there*
    ME: If you are a murderer please speak up!
    MOM: What are you doing?!
    MOM: Go to bed...
    all minee

  8. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 7:54pm UTC
    i have never told a lie, but that makes me a liar.
    i've never made a bet, but we gamble with desire.
    i've never lit a match, with intent to start a fire.
    but recently the flames are getting out of control.
    call me a name, kill me with words.
    forget about me, it's what i deserve.
    i was your chance to get out of this town,
    but i ditched the care and left you to wait outside.

  9. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 7:56pm UTC
    you don't need
    water to feel like
    you're drowing,
    do you?

  10. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 8:04pm UTC

  11. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 8:09pm UTC
    there are two people in this world:
    1) people who have peed in the shower
    2) those who lie

  12. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 8:11pm UTC
    Life always offers you a second chance. It's called tomorrow.

  13. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 8:14pm UTC
    i automatically hate everyone with my name.
    i feel like its a competition and let's be honest, you're not winning that.

  14. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 8:16pm UTC

  15. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 8:43pm UTC
    how awkward would it be if facebook
    automatically updated statuses to what you were doing?
    "Jimmy is masturbating alone in his room."

  16. Seaglass Seaglass
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 9:02pm UTC
    :::I have a crush on your mind:::
    :::I fell for you personality:::
    And your looks are just a big bonus.
    - The Notebook

  17. _brotips _brotips
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 9:02pm UTC
    brotips #1360
    never do anything without
    an exit strategy.

  18. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 9:00pm UTC
    are you a traffic sign because stop.

  19. ashleybeer ashleybeer
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 9:00pm UTC
    I HATE it when people have loving moms always looking out for their kids then the kid goes and says I hate my mom so much, Yeah I would kill to have my mom back<3 R.I.P<3

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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