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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. sparkly_rain_bows321 sparkly_rain_bows321
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2011 8:02pm UTC
    "youre ugly"
    Pffft. Sure buddy. But thats not what my mom said.

  3. sparkly_rain_bows321 sparkly_rain_bows321
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2011 9:43pm UTC
    im sorry
    im such a complicated person. I can feel you growing tired of me, I'm tired of me too.

  4. sparkly_rain_bows321 sparkly_rain_bows321
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2011 7:56pm UTC
    a ton of calls in your call history just because you butt dial like its a hobby.

  5. winkedyesterday5 winkedyesterday5
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2011 8:24pm UTC
    I think
    took the
    "I got your nose "
    a little to seriously
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  6. megang862 megang862
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2011 9:25pm UTC
    && I will stand by You.,.,.,
    Oh, why you look so sad?
    Tears are in your eyes
    Come on and come to me now
    Don't be ashamed to cry
    Let me see you through
    'Cause I've seen the dark side too
    When the night falls on you
    You don't know what to do
    Nothin' you confess, could make me love you less
    I'll stand by you, I'll stand by you
    Won't let nobody hurt you
    I'll stand by you

  7. bieblover5 bieblover5
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2011 9:56pm UTC
    once in a lifetime
    means there's no second chance
    so i believe that you& me
    should grab it while it lasts

  8. shewaitsforeverxox shewaitsforeverxox
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2010 6:44pm UTC
    having a best guy friend is incredible
    he's there to make you l a u g h on the days you want to cry
    he's the only one you talk to when other friends say goodbye
    he's the star to you're sky, or an angel from above
    awh best friends forever? that's
    until you fall in love.

  9. XXKatiiKatXX120 XXKatiiKatXX120
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 5:05pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. ithoughtyoureallymeantit ithoughtyoureallymeantit
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2011 3:30pm UTC
    is laying in bed with the door locked.
    The curtains are drawn and the light's off.
    The Notebook is in the DVD player.
    An empty tub of ice cream is on the floor
    next to dozens of crumpled tissues.
    She's got her music blasting,
    so loud no one can hear her sobs.
    Her fingertips are smudged with black
    from wiping away mascara-stained tears.
    She's replaying their last conversation,
    thinking I'll never get him back.
    is sitting on the edge of his bed with the door locked.
    The curtains are drawn and the light's off.
    Call of Duty is in the xBox.
    The controller is laying on the floor,
    right beneath the spot where he nearly
    punched the wall in his own frustration.
    He's got the music blasting so loud,
    so nobody can hear his cries.
    His hair's a mess from running his hands through it.
    And he's replaying their last conversation,
    thinking she'll never take me back.
    -notmine, but i like it:)

  11. Hazel_Eyes_09 Hazel_Eyes_09
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2011 8:36pm UTC
    i hate when im texting someone and its like:
    "Hey "
    2 hours later:
    Well i dont want to talk to you now...

  12. JockerDealWithIt JockerDealWithIt
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2011 8:32pm UTC
    I don't like math ,«
    » because i dont feel comftrable talking about
    my Ex's & Why's.

  13. weezyfbaby_xx weezyfbaby_xx
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2011 9:54pm UTC
    i hate how everyone says,
    they are gonna be single on Valentines Day;
    because you never know what could happen.
    you need to look on the bright side.
    he could tell you he LOVES you tomorrow. ♥

  14. uflipmyxflop32 uflipmyxflop32
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2011 9:48pm UTC
    why'd you do it again♥
    not my format.
    . ......

  15. sophiaxx1 sophiaxx1
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2011 9:48pm UTC

    Love means that
    you care for another person's
    happiness more than your own
    no matter how painful the choices
    you face might be.
    - d ea r j o h n

  16. oxjoyyxo769 oxjoyyxo769
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 10:50pm UTC
    and in the end,
    we all become people we said we'd never be
    and in the end,
    we all do the things we said we'd never do
    and in the end,
    we all say the things we said we'd never say
    and in the end,
    c h a n g e
    --------------- ♥ ---------------

  17. conversecinderella conversecinderella
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 11:36pm UTC
    Those bracelets that you
    take off.


  18. coolkidforlife coolkidforlife
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 4:51pm UTC
    i'm broken inside
    all i wanna do is fuccking cry.
    *not my format, but my story.
    horrible day :'(

  19. fairytaleending fairytaleending
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 6:02pm UTC
    I 'd rather be lonely
    then settle for
    second best.
    --------------- ♥ ---------------
    not my format

  20. danceismylife23 danceismylife23
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2011 7:22am UTC
    And who else is going to be
    on Valentines Day?
    --------------- ♥ ---------------
    just me?


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