Witty Profiles

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    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 11:56pm UTC
    Dead or Alive
    The door slammed shut loudly behind me as I walked into the support group. A dozen or so cold faces whipped around to see who interrupted their meeting.
    I didn't really put up a fight when my mom suggested the support group. I figured that it would be easier to pretend to be eager, then tearfully come home, saying it wasn't helping, blah blah blah. We had done this before.
    A middle-aged man, looking to be the leader, waved me over to one of the vacant chairs. I sat next to a guy with tousled looking chocolate brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He looked up at me through heavy eyelashes and glanced at me for a second beat before looking back at his hands.
    "Guys," the leader started. "This is Blake Jordans. Blake, I'm Robert. I'll be your leader this session." I grunted a hello and glanced around the room. He made all the other teens introduce themselves. There was a chubby girl named Charlotte, a gay guy named Michael (he told me to call him Dominique), a rocker-looking kid named Devon, and this nerdy kid named David. There were a couple other kids too, but I didn't really get to know them that well.
    "I'm Cameron." The guys next to me muttered. He looked up at me with those bright blue eyes, and my voice caught in my throat.
    "Hey." I finally said, after realizing I hadn't answered. He gave me a small smile. Not like the kind that the guys at my school wear when they meet a girl the know they can nail. Not like the phony smile I get from the girls at the grocery store when I can tell their eyeing my hair and drab clothes. It was just.. a smile. And then I did something I hadn't done in ages:
    I smiled back.
    /// Part Four

    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 4:18pm UTC
    Dead or Alive
    I was laughing at a story Cameron was telling me as we walked out of the building. it was so weird, I hadn't laughed in years, literally. But these people here, I don't know. I just feel comfortable with them. I relate to them. I don't hate being around them.
    Today, Charlotte, Michael (aka Dominique), and David mostly talked about how hard it is to be made fun of all the time. They said it really bothered them and how they had tried suicide before. I didn't say anything at that, but I knew my face was red. I felt Cameron's eyes on me when we were talking about suicide and self harm and what not. He didn't say anything about it though. Neither did I.
    I don't know why Cameron's here. He doesn't look like the kind to be a trouble kid, but he has the same sadness in his eyes as everyone else. But there's more than just depression. There's anger and confusion. That's what makes his eyes so captivating, besides the bright blue color.
    So anyways, we were talking and laughing as we walked out. Everyone was huddled around us, but I guess they were just curious about the newbie. I looked up and saw my mother's car. My smile dropped and Cameron noticed.
    "What's wrong?" He asked me.
    "Uh, nothing. I gotta go, my mom's here." I mumbled a goodbye and shuffled to the car.
    When I got in, my mom had a huge smile on her face. Riley was in the back, playing a PSP game.
    "Hey Ma. Hey Riles." I mumbled when I got in the car. Riley grunted a greeting and gave me a brief headnod, careful not to lose his place in his game.
    "So..?!" My mom said excitedly. "How'd it go?? And who was that boy you were laughing with?? He looked mighty handsome!! Mmm!!"
    "Ma!" I groaned. "Stop, he's nobody. It was fine."
    "Fine like good fine, or fine like average, or fine like bad, or fine like--"
    "I don't know, Ma. It was good I guess."
    I can't explain to you how happy she looked just then. Her messed up little girl was finally getting help. She was finally going to be ok again. I bet this is what she was thinking.
    Sometimes, it's amazing how naive she can be.
    /// Part Five

    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 4:52pm UTC
    Dead or Alive
    The next morning, I had to get up early to go to work. I worked at an old, run down pizza joint that was between a pub and an old motel. It was stanky and totally out of shape, but I loved the place. I always had. My mom hates the place, but Riley loves it.
    I take him down here sometimes when we're home alone. He gets along with Red and Margaret real well, and they treat him like a son.
    Red and Margaret are my bosses. They're really old, and I see them as grandparents to me. Along with Riley, they're another couple of the only things that I love.
    I don't really need a job; my mom gives me money all the time because she always thinks that I'm gonna use it to buy some mice new clothes. As if. I do the job plainly because I like it. I like the smell of fresh baked bread early in the morning and how different people are coming in everyday along with our regular customers. And, the free pizza doesn't hurt.
    I was working the day that Cameron came in. I was cleaning tables when I saw him come in, and we made eye contact. He was with a girl. He gave me a brief smile and started to make his way to me, the girl following. As they got closer, I saw she looked younger. About Riley's age.
    "Hey Blake. You work here?"
    "Nah, just cleaning tables for fun. You eating here?"
    His smile widened. "Nah, just paying for crappy pizza for fun."
    I laughed. "Hey, this is quality pizza, sir. I help make it myself."
    "Well, I guess we'll see. Oh Blake, this is Skylar, my sister. Skylar, this is Blake. Blake and I.." He made eye contact with me. "..Uh, go to school together."
    "Hi." She said shyly. She was pretty, with dark skin and hair a little deeper brown than her brother's. Her auburn eyes were big and sparkly, and full of wonder.
    "Y'all are related?" I asked. They looked nothing alike.
    Cameron smiled. "Well, we're half-siblings. And she's adopted. But I love her just the same." He put his arm around Skylar's neck and she gazed lovingly up at her brother. It was easy to say she admired him.
    "Hey, Blake, you want to eat with us? Tell us a bit about the area?"
    "Y'all just moved here?"
    "Yeah, a couple months ago. That's when I started, um. School." He meant the support group, but didn't want Skylar to know.
    "Oh, cool." I yelled for Red. "Yo Red, can I take a break?"
    "Sure, Blake." He yelled back.
    Just then, Riley came out with a tray full of food for a table a couple booths down. I saw Skylar's eyes follow him. She watched him give the table their food, and while he cleared another table, just across from us. While he was walking back to the kitchen, he glanced over at our table and did a double take. He froze where he was and the entire tray he was carrying dropped to the ground, making a huge noise. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly open. I followed his gaze to Skylar, who was blushing and looked down quickly with a small smile on her face.
    I made eye contact with Cameron across the table and we both smiled.
    "Hey Riley!" I called. "When you're done cleaning that up, come sit with us!" He quickly cleaned up the mess and scurried back to the kitchen, cheeks burning the entire time.
    /// Part Six

    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 6:56pm UTC
    Dead or Alive
    Riley was taking forever in the kitchen, so I excused myself and met him by the oven. He was still a little pink.
    "What the hell was that?!" I asked teasingly. "You completely froze up!!"
    "Yeah, I know."
    "You liiiiiike her!" I said, shoving him playfully on the arm.
    "Shut up." But his cheeks were beet red.
    "Hey man, I don't blame you. She's pretty, huh?"
    He was staring out the door window with a little smile on his face. "Yeah." He said dreamily.
    "Ok, let's go."
    His face whipped around to look at me like I was crazy. "Are you insane?! No way!"
    "Aww, come on Riles! You gotta!!"
    "No I DON'T gotta."
    "Oh, so you don't want to meet her?"
    He paused. "I already blew it. Did you see how I dropped all those dishes out there? She probably thinks I'm a freak. I have no chance."
    "Come on, yeah you do. And hey, even if you did blow it, it could always be practice flirting!"
    He gave me a look.
    "Ohh, come on. What's the worst that could happen?" He opened his mouth to speak, so I said, "Rhetorical question, dude. Come on."
    He groaned and shuffled toward the door with me. We walked outside and I made him go in front of me. Halfway to the table, I tried to fix his hair, but he slapped my hand away.
    Oh, kitty likes to scratch.
    We made it to the table and I made Riley sit right across from Skylar. He gave me another look. After an awkward silence, I gave Riley a look right back that said, "BE. A. MAN."
    He rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. "I'm Riley." He said to Skylar, giving her a crooked grin.
    She smiled shyly and said, "Skylar." I look over at Cameron for help. He's cracking up.
    Once he gets himself together, he says to Skylar, "Sky, tell Riley how handsome he looks." They both just blush bright red.
    Another awkward silence passed. "And Riley," I said. "Doesn't Skylar look pretty today?"
    "OH MY GOD." He says exasperatedly. "Skylar, you wanna get away from these two weirdo's??"
    I can see Riley beaming when Skylar laughs. "Definitely."
    I hold back a fit of laughter and try not to smile as they climb out of the booth.
    "You do look pretty." I hear Riley say as they walk to another table.
    By this time, me and Cameron are cracking up. He reaches out to give me a fist bump, and I meet him halfway.
    "Those two are gonna get married someday." He says between fits of laughter.
    "Agreed!" I say.
    A moment of silence passes before he asks me, "So tell me about the scars on your arm."
    /// Part Seven

    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 7:27pm UTC
    click to see this quote

    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 8:11pm UTC
    Dead or Alive
    "Are we almost there?" I groaned.
    "Patience, Blake. Patience." Cameron said, and kept on walking.
    "Dude, we've been walking for like, 5 hours! If I had known it was gonna take this long, we could have taken my car!"
    "First of all, it's been like, one hour. Two, tops. And second, how could we miss this beautiful scenery?! Florida's gorgeous this time of year!"
    He sounded like my dad.
    We walked in silence a little while longer before Cameron stopped and said, "Ok, look."
    I looked up, and couldn't believe my eyes.
    It was a little lake, about the size of a restaurant. It was surrounded by trees and wildflowers were blooming everywhere.
    It was beautiful.
    It was hideous.
    I turned around and ran. I didn't know where I was going, I just had to get out of there. Cameron called my name, but I didn't stop. I felt him grab me around the waist. He spun me around and crouched down so he was level with my face. He was about a head taller than me. He had his hands on my shoulders. His eyes looked confused and worried and were searching mine. For a minute, I forgot what I was so upset about. I let myself get lost in his icy blue eyes.
    "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He asked, jerking me back to reality. "I just stared at the ground. He grabbed my chin so I would look him in the eyes. "Hey," he asked, softer this time. "What's wrong?"
    "How did you find this place?" I asked him.
    He blinked. "I was driving down this road when I saw this dog run across the road and into the woods. I followed it, and it was drinking out of this lake."
    I forgot my problem for a moment. "A dog? Is he ok? Where is he?"
    "Yeah, he's fine. He's back at my house. But what's up with you?"
    Oh, right. I sighed. "My dad used to take me here, when I was little. He taught me how to skate here in the winter, and taught me how to fish with my hands in the summer."
    I paused. "My dad died a couple years ago."
    His confused eyes filled with understanding as he stood up and let my words sink in.
    "We used to sit right over there." I said, pointing to a fallen tree. It laid right under another huge tree, so it was protected whenever it rained.
    Cameron walked over to it and hopped up, and I sat next to him.
    I liked how he didn't apologize like it was his fault. That's what I never got about people. Why did they say they're sorry? They didn't do anything. They couldn't have stopped it.
    We sat in a comfortable silence until he said, "How'd he die?"
    /// Part Nine

    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 10:35pm UTC
    Dead or Alive
    Just in case y'all we're wondering what all the characters looked like!!:))
    BLAKE-- (LUCY HALE) (imagine her with black, straggly hair at the beginning) http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Lucy-Hale-lucy-hale-801300_400_321.jpg
    CAMERON-- (YOUNGER CHRIS PINE) (imagine him a bit more rugged looking than in this photo; and with touseled, curly hair. http://angryweb.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/chris-pine-james-kirk_l-225x300.jpg
    RILEY-- (YOUNG ZAC EFRON) (but not nerdy) http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3420/3312278521_5b202a57db_o.jpg
    SKYLAR-- (YOUNG BEYONCE) (but auburn eyes) http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii1/MissKayshia/youngbeyonce2.jpg

    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 6:04pm UTC
    click to see this quote

    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 7:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. Titan4Life Titan4Life
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 8:04pm UTC
    the quiet kids phone went off in class. After he handed his phone to the
    teacher, a jock who sat in front of him, turned around and said to him,
    "Was that your girlfriend?" He looked the jock right in the eyes and
    replied "No, it was yours". I couldn't stop
    laughing all period.

  11. nanababii13 nanababii13
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2010 9:13pm UTC
    This is a poem
    written by a teenager with cancer.
    She wants to see how many
    people get her poem.
    It is quite the poem. please favorite
    Have you ever
    watched kids
    On a merry-go-round?
    Or listened to
    the rain
    Slapping on the ground?
    Ever followed a
    butterfly's erratic flight?
    Or gazed at the sun into the fading
    You better slow down.
    Don't dance so
    Time is short.
    The music won't
    Do you run through each day
    On the
    When you ask How are you?
    Do you hear the
    When the day is done
    Do you lie in your
    With the next hundred chores
    Running through
    your head?
    You'd better slow down
    Don't dance so
    Time is short.
    The music won't
    Ever told your child,
    We'll do it
    And in your haste,
    Not see
    Ever lost touch,
    Let a good
    friendship die
    Cause you never had time
    To call
    and say,'Hi'
    You'd better slow down.
    Don't dance
    so fast.
    Time is short.
    The music won't
    When you run so fast to get somewhere
    miss half the fun of getting there.
    When you worry and hurry
    through your day,
    It is like an unopened
    Thrown away.
    Life is not a
    Do take it slower
    Hear the
    Before the song is over.
    This young girl has 6 months left
    to live, and as her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to
    live their life to the fullest, since she never will.
    never make it to prom, graduate from high school, or get married and have a
    family of her own.
    By clicking the heart, you can give her and her family a little hope, because with every click on heart, The American Cancer Society will donate 3 cents
    to her treatment and recovery plan. It's
    not even your money, just
    your time to click the heart!

  12. SOCCERfreak20 SOCCERfreak20
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2009 9:04pm UTC
    I think we all need to learn a lesson from this:
    A college professor was doing a demonstration to his students. He had
    a big glass jar. He put several big rocks in it. He asked his students 'Can
    anything else fit in here?' They all replied 'No.' Then he put small pebbles
    in the jar. Several students gave a chuckle realizing they were wrong. The
    professor asked again 'Can anything else fit in here?' They all replied 'No.'
    Then he poured a bag of sand in the jar. This time almost all of the students
    let out an almost laugh. Then he said 'The rocks are the important things in
    life; your family, friends, etc.' 'The pebbles are the minor things in life which
    come after the rocks.' 'The sand grains stand for all of the unnessacary things
    in life.' 'If you were to put all the sand grains in first [the unnessacary things],
    then the pebbles [the minor things], then the rocks [the important things], it
    wouldn't fit. Therefore, you have to realize that family and friends come first.
    credit please(:
    heard it from my teacher

  13. seemskindafitchy seemskindafitchy
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2011 6:51pm UTC
    1. after sitting down for a while, you stand up and suddenly it feels like freaking niagra falls.
    2. you want to hit everyone...in the face...with a shovel.
    3. you cry so much for random stupid reasons.
    4. you crave random crap, that you don't own.
    5. when someone corrects you, you feel like shoving a wii remote down there throats.
    6. when you lose at something, you scream "SCREW THIS" and walk away really angry.
    7. you fall asleep...when you're not even that TIRED.
    8. you feel like you want to just stab yourself 600 times in 'that' area.
    9. you want to just shove a freaking towel up 'that' area.
    10. NO white pants that week.
    11. remember that cute pair of undies you got? runied. for. life.
    12. everybody is annoying, not matter WHAT they do, or say.
    13. when you DON'T get to go to the bathroom, because your teacher says "no" you want to scream in their face, and say "I'M ON MY FREAKING PERIOD OKAY?".
    14. boys are 10x more annoying.
    15. those stupid- pad/tampon commercials that have all those girls who are 'HAPPY' when they get their periods, make you annoyed.
    16. chocolate and ice cream are your best friends.
    17. the cramps you get feel like your being punched in the stomach 8 times.
    18. when you think you're finally 'done' you take off the weapons of tampons/pads.....5 minutes later you check. not done, not done at all.
    19. you don't care about anything BUT food.
    20. you wish you weren't a girl.
    21. when you wake up in the morning, and go to the bathroom, and your toilet looks like a freaking bowl of Hawaiian Punch.

  14. xoxoChristina xoxoChristina
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2011 6:27pm UTC
    n e v e r
    what someone says to you when they are
    because that is when the truth comes out

  15. March_25_ily March_25_ily
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2009 2:36pm UTC
    And there we were;;
    sitting on his bed, working on our english assignment. it was
    awkward being at his house, considering we stopped being friends
    a few years ago. but even so, i can't say i didn't like it.
    he stopped writing and said, just out of the blue,
    "why aren't we friends anymore?"
    he took me by complete surprise. i didn't know what to say. so i simply said
    "because we just gave up trying."
    "trying what?"
    "Look, you're popular. you've been the football guarterback since i've known
    you. you have girls who'd do anything to date you. you're a straight-A student.
    to the untrained eye, you're basically the perfect teenage boy. but me? i'm
    not popular, i just have my close friends. i'm not beautiful, maybe not even
    pretty. i'm not great at sports or anything. i can barely pass the mile
    run in gym class. i do alright in school, but i'm no genius. and guys
    aren't exactly fighting to ask me out. we were total opposites. i'm not even
    sure how what made us friends in the first place. but whatever it was,
    wasn't strong enough to last long."
    he looked at me seriously for a long time, taking in what i had said.
    "I know why we became friends." he finally said.
    "Why, then." i asked.
    "because on the first day of middle school, when you walked into homeroom,
    i almost stopped breathing. you were beautiful. you were wearing those faded jeans
    and green tank top. you had you're hair in a ponytail and weren't wearing any make-up.
    and you didn't know anyone in our class, but you still just came in and sat down next to me,
    smiled, and said "hey, i'm erin, what's your name?" and i could smell your rasberry shampoo
    and see the friendship bracelet on your right arm. and right at that moment, i knew."
    "..knew what?" i asked, amazed.
    "Right at that moment, i knew, that you were the girl i wanted to be
    in my life forever <3

  16. jessicax3579 jessicax3579
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2010 7:39pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. xoxoMAKxoxo xoxoMAKxoxo
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2009 9:22pm UTC
    Me and my little five year old cousin were walking in the park
    When I bumped into him. We started talking.
    My little cousin looked up at him and asked, "Are you in love with her?"
    I blushed furiously, apologizing for her behavior.
    He said to me, "Don't worry. It's ok." Then he knelt down and looked at my cousin.
    "Haha no," he said. "She's just an amazing friend."
    Then he got up and walked away .
    Before I could scold her, my cousin looked up at me, smiled, and said,
    "He lied."

  18. HeHasMyHeartt HeHasMyHeartt
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 9:38am UTC
    When I was in 3rd grade
    A boy came up to me and asked if he could borrow a pencil.
    We became best friends, but he moved away in sixth grade.
    There I was, studying in the library in college.
    when a guy whispered, "Can I borrow a pencil?"
    I looked up, and it was him. We've been dating ever since.

  19. MyEye6 MyEye6
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2010 6:37pm UTC
    CA KE
    FRI} {ENDS
    GO OD
    MU SIC


  20. fuckyeahquotes fuckyeahquotes
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2010 4:29pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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