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  1. perfect10xo perfect10xo
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2004 10:35am UTC
    I think of you...
    every second
    every minute
    every hour
    every day
    every week
    every year
    Am I ever on your mind?

  2. perfect10xo perfect10xo
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2004 10:33am UTC
    Boys are like lightbulbs...
    some are brighter than others
    **Cute w/ a dark blue backround, Bold black letters and the /|\ thing in yellow**

  3. perfect10xo perfect10xo
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2004 5:55am UTC
    As you might or might not know, you're always on my mind. When I think of your smile I smile and it makes me want to cry knowing that you and me may never truly be T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R.

  4. perfect10xo perfect10xo
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2004 7:42am UTC
    Peanutbutter & Jelly
    Cookies & milk
    Pillow & blanket
    Keyboard & mouse
    Ball & bat
    Girls & guys
    Me & ...
    oh yeah.. there is no me &... IM ALL ALONE, Just ask me already, I know you like me, and I do like you.. JUST ASK ME!

  5. perfect10xo perfect10xo
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2004 6:54pm UTC
    No one belives you can
    Believe in yourself, be your number one fan
    Who cares what everyone else thinks?
    Who cares if everyone thinks you stink?
    Go for it and try to get the gold
    Listen to me and do what you're told
    Prove them wrong,Do something the right way
    Do something you've never sone before, do something new today
    Believe in yourself thats all you need
    Believe you can do it and you'll sucseed
    when you belive your dreams'll come true
    the only person who needs to beleve, is you
    -- 100% origional, ttml

  6. perfect10xo perfect10xo
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2004 6:47pm UTC
    They said I couldnt do it
    they said it'd be to hard
    yea well I must have missed it when they said that part
    cause now I can run as fast and tumble as hard
    as all the other girls
    and ya know what... IM JUST AS GOOD
    all cause I believed
    This goes out to everyone who was told they couldnt do something and went after it with all doubt against you. It may not make much sence to you, it has personal meaning to me

  7. perfect10xo perfect10xo
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2004 6:44pm UTC
    You run like a girl
    You jump like a girl
    You swing like a girl
    You tumble 6 feet over a four inch beam...

  8. perfect10xo perfect10xo
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2004 6:42pm UTC
    Friends like us are harder to find than I good fitting pair if jeans. We've been there together for ever, People WISH they had as strong of a friendship as we do. Thanks for always bein there
    -This goes out to all the girls who have a real best friend there right alongside them, just like I do

  9. perfect10xo perfect10xo
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2004 6:38pm UTC
    I want to be alone
    Dont call me on the phone
    Dont IM me a million times
    I dont wanna hear you cry and whine
    I feel bad, I really do
    but now I need some time for me, not you
    I know we're friends and I should be there for you
    but like I said before, I need some time for me too.
    100% origional
    no one gets it, I just need to be alone sometimes


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