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Member Since: 4 Jan 2010 05:22pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 97861

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I'm Arie, that's all i'll ever be; don't like it? Then delete me. don't start calling me names when you haven't even talked to me. i hate when people judge other people, it's pretty  gay. I'm 4 ''10'' , love the fact that i'm short; D3 i laugh more than i breath! friends can always make my day (: craaap happens, but i don't start it, but i can so end it. i will almost always keep a smile on my face, music is my boyfriend, oh yes :D my eyes are hazel ---> blue, it's great. i love meeting new people, But I don't give out my number randomly, sorry. I also think that talking in comments are easier than messaging. :) so, let's talk :)

temmmmmppppp;;; britttteeerrsss LOVES this picturee, and yess,
those are silly bands in my hair(: britt ownsss<3.. aaayooo! leeex here haacckkinn aaarrriiieee ttthhheee aaarrraaabbbiii jjjeeewwwiiissshhh mmmiiidddgggeeettt!(: OMFG! me&&this chickkkaaa have soooooooooooo many memories together, even since theee day we met(: i remember EXACTLY what we said;; it was in kindergarten and my class switched with her class and we walked by each other and i said &qout; hey! i like your pants! " and she said " thanks! i like your shirt! " and i asked if she wanted to be my friend and she said " yep! " and right then and there i knew that was the beginning of a new BESTfriendship(: DUDE! dont even get me started on our inside jokes, like i would list them, but it would be going on for at LEAST two years! thats how retarted we are(; OMG! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDD we ALWAYS act retarded in public, and when people STARE (which we HATE), we just say " YUUUUUUUUUP;; we're BESTfriends!(: " people are just jealous, and they hate us because we're just THAT cool(: HOLY FUDGE NIIIIPPPSSSS! my pool! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY MEMORIES IN MY POOL! soooooooooooooooooo much fuuun! in 4th grade aaarrriiieee&&izzzy came over in winter, and we were sitting in the water tube thingeee, and we pushed each other in the pool, and the ice started to break from us, and when they pushed me in, of course, THE ICE BROKE! IT FRICKEN BROKE! OMG! and at darieeen laaake, and alleeeegaany! lmfaaao! weeeeelll i love this chickkkaa more than ANYONE! so suck me! uhhh! immaa stop writing now because its preeettty long;; buuuuhhhbyeee loovveee! ♥
Haacked By:Miireeyaa!<3
Weell i wanna keep thiss shoort && simplee. i juust meet Arrie liike yeestuurday buut shee's helluh nicee. Shee's helluuh sweet and heer faace is aas cuuyte as a Barbie dooll<3 Soo, imm noot suure whaat to taalk aboout 'coos i doont knoow heer veery weel buut soome thinng i coould saay it thaat she oopened up to me so fuucking' faast! We taalked for likee 20 min. Leessesned, aand she alreaady truusted me to teell me heer beautiful email and paaswoord<3. Shee's heelluh swweet juust likee canndy<3. Peeople saay shee's annoying i doont know heer weell enouugh yeet to saay she is or isn't buht so faar she dooesnt seem anoying to me<3 Shee's preeetty fuunny i loove thaat in peoplee. Weell shee's helluh awesoome and i caan alreaady tell weree gonna be heluuh good frieends! I caant believe she's singglee<3. weell ariie yoou maake me wanna go Oh My Gosh; [Original Making Of Mireya; Copied by Allie, Stolen my Babby Riiah!] Weell this isnt shoort so im geetting off yoour ugly myspace Babby Dooll.
.. ..
Love, Mireeya♥!(: Photobucket Arie. brittice bbear ketts hacked this bitchh You have been my friend since god knows how long, your my bestfriend,,we fight MAJORLY but we ALWAYS get thru it noo matter what,, we stick togetherrr and we have eachothers side,, we always hang out,, we keep each others secerts,,were faggots,,i love our prank calls ahah even tho we cant even really "prank" we just sit there any laugh our ass offf.. lmao we fuckin laugh thru the whole thing..we have soo many memories and yet to come,, everytime we see eachother we BURST into fuckin laughter,,i honestly could be myself around you,,we take stupoid pics together and laugh our ass off at the stupidist thingss : )We were the bestfriends That skipped down the hallway in preschool . We are the bestfriendsThat take random pictures together We will be the bestfriends That go on double dates We will be the bestfriendsThat walk our kids together .. We will be the bestfriends That race in our wheelchair We will be the bestfriends That last a lifetime <3remember the FIRST time we ever got into a HUGE fight you passed a note to me in school and i wrote one back swearing and shit and the teacher took it and we had to work it out then we were crying and stuff and then we saw kevin and were like "NOOOO DONT LOOK AT ME" ahahahah,,inside jokess ♥,,blah blah blah blah blah blahh,,okay welll ARIE IS SINGLE SOO GET AT HER,, YOU WONT REGRET IT!! ♥♥,, iloveyouuu fagggggottt i love you MamaRiaaah♥Riiaaah Looves yoou(: Arie' yoour the moost sweetest thing eveer i love taalking to you' yoour always making me feel good about my self like fuur'reals yoour helluh always know how to keep a conversation going i doont know how yoour single coos baabyy yoour helluh pretty! I waant thata llittle blonde haair of yours. Yoou needuuh geet yoour ASS to fugly merced already so we couuld chiil(: && dooes little cuunts that are alwaays haating on you could back the fuck off coos theyre messing with me to and i'll get some spoons and trow it at e''mm! Ohkaay well i helluh suuck at haacking buut yoou get the pooint & i did this coos you have been asking me to do it foooever~ IloveeyoouUglyBeestiee<3
.. ..
Claire Bear♥
So this be Claire here :) This chick is the best, she's so amazing. She can put a smile on my face anytime of the day! I think she should be a model? Doesn't everybody? :) Flawless = This girl right here (: Pretty is what she is, boys get in line (: Hahah. So to sum it all up ; I love youuu chicka (: - Claire (:

 Heathaa♥ hey bitches and hoes! this is heatha hackin aries myspace! arie is the sweetest person everrrrr! shes seriously little mee♥ funniest chick ever and her personialty is bombb! walkin right down the street to hang is the best! me and her are pretty leight! we hit eachother with a text! and shes fucking baddass so fuck with her and you fuck with me bitches! im gonna keep this short and sweet love you chicka love always HEATHAAAAA<3 ♥♥♥♥♥
.. ..

Heeeeey,thiis woouuld be marii haacking ariies page(:weell waat caan isaay aboouu huurr??weell fuurr starters shes fuuking G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S(:mee&&huurr wiill bee taalkiing abouut kuutee azz boys all thee tiimee<3ihoopee thaat she moves to merced so me&&huurr caan haangouut erreydaay(:if ifind ouut thaat youu biitches are talking shiet aboutt huurr ima kick yeer azz!!iknooee she has uhh lot of haters buut thats coos theere jealous of huurr!!ARIEE WAZ HAACKEED BY--->MAARII<3 ON MONDAY6-28-10 AT 11;05(:iLOVEE YOUU BEEST'FRAAAAND<3(:
.. ..

elenaaaaaaa [; heeyyy(:,this would be elenaa hackinq into my new buddie myspace,well uhm what can i say we have to thank myspace cuz that how we meet && she really kelw to talk to her so get to know her well,she really prettyy hopefully one day ill get to met her in real life,tell me if any bitch/hoe/slut/mutherfuckkerr is talkinq shit bout you cuz gurrll i got your back no matter what okaii so yuh can count on me dont let any bitch brinq yuh down(ii lalalaloveee yuhh)---->hackkeddd byee->elennnaaa June15,2010 i♥youuu

justins suchaaa cuutiee [;

Justin hacked arieees myspace,shes my bestfriend and i lovee this chicka for the rest of timee. shes super cool and i trust her with my life. i love talking to her because shes mad funny. shes nice and single hit her uppppp, you won'tt regret itt Photobucket Well thiis is Allliee hacking into thiis most amazing beautifuull chiick evuuurr, she caann briighteen youur daay in whaatever, she caann go throuught ups-and-dowwns wiith youuh but your alwaays heer beestfraaand, she caann be a shouuldeer to leaan on whenn youh need to cryy(: she is suppeer dupeer beautifuuull<3 knowws how to havee fuuuuunnn..she cannn talk to youuh for houurs and she neveer gets annoyiing, and yeauh we shouuld teext todaay hoppefully my stuppiid phonnee gets connecteeed agaiinn hahaaha, But if youuh eveer braakke thiis chiick's heaart im gonna go all thaat waay to weree youuh stupiid fuckeers livee and throuugh someee freaakiinn mexicaann food at youuh guys..lol.<3 I absoluteelly feell in lovee wiith this guurl thee first tiime i addeed heerr i kneww we couuld somee daay bee bestfraaands riight?(: well i guues thaats it if youuh want to knoww moree just message, commennt heerr IM..do someethiing so youu cann get to talkk to this most amaziing personn evuur!(: Alliiee waas heereee♥; 062110 at 3:50pm Iloveeeyouuuh(:
.. ..
This is Allie Pappas hacking and i thought i should all tell you i fucking love arieee<3 noone of you will ever beat the hug i gave arie.[: your the most funnnniest person ive ever met and i can tell you anything<3 i love you, :) haha anyone who hates arie, fuckk off you jelous hoes and go fuck some more guys. i can't wait to hang out with you during summmer babe, were gunna have some killer memories(: BYE LOVEEE<3 >..

whuuuuzuuup!im ariee ortts;
eden;taaaken♥;younnng!(: ;SUMMER2010
i love my t.m.m forever(: bestfriiiiends♥ forever
sissssy;&tuuuttiiee; alexis madison cardarella(: bestttfriend-isabel rose grabenstatter♥ otherhalf!;brittany ann ketterer♥


^ ^
talk your shiiiiit (:
want a spanish lesson ? va saltar un puente perra <: -go jump off a bridge bitch <3

  1. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2010 8:01am UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2010 8:01am UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2010 7:59am UTC
    Your 8 Names ;
    Your Real Name:
    (uhhh, self-explanatory):
    Your "Gangsta" Name
    (first 4 letters of real name plus dizzle):
    Your Detective Name
    (favorite color & favorite animal):
    piiink pig
    Your Soap Opera Name
    (your middle name & street you live on):
    virginia depot
    Your Star Wars Name
    (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your middle name):
    Your Superhero Name
    (2nd favorite color & favorite drink):
    green sprite
    Your Witness Protection Name
    (one of your parent's middle name):
    Your Goth Name
    (black & the name of one of your pets):
    black treana

  4. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2010 7:58am UTC
    --> s h e ' s a <--
    <3 heart breaker <3
    f.r.i.e.n.d. .t.a.k.e.r
    d r a m a m a k e r
    ••• major ••• faker •••
    && everyone loves her.

  5. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2010 7:58am UTC
    See that girl over there?
    T h e o n e t h a t j u s t t r i p p e d u p t h e s t a i r s ?
    That's my best friend(:
    i ' m | s o | p r o u d

  6. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2010 7:54am UTC
    ___###____###____ ###____###

  7. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2010 7:53am UTC
    There's good friends
    & then
    There's best friends
    A good friend will call 911 when your house is on fire,
    but a best friend will be sitting outside toasting marshmellows
    A good friend will bail you out of jail saying, "it's okay you made a mistake"
    but a best friend will be sitting right next to you saying "dude that was awesome!"
    A good friend will be sitting with a box of tissues when your boy friend dumps you
    But a best friend will wreck his car and spray paint 'loser' all over it over it
    A good friend will buy you a pregneancy test and say "we'll figure it out it will be okay"
    But a best friend will be screaming "name it after me!"
    A good friend will say "don't listen to her" when you find out some brat spread rumors about you
    But a best friend will be calling that brat all night saying "seven days"
    A good friend will drink tea with you when you grow old
    But a best friend will be play tag with you in your motorized wheel chairs
    A good friend will be there for a while
    But a best friend will be there forever

  8. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2010 7:51am UTC
    silence is
    in the world

  9. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2010 7:51am UTC
    Nobodys really afraid of anything
    Nobodys afraid of the dark..but of whats in it.
    Nobodys afraid of strangers..but what there going to do
    Nobodys of afraid of heights..just the fact of falling
    Nobodys afraid of love..only of a broken heart.
    Only whats gonna happen

  10. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2010 7:50am UTC
    FILLEN (:
    yaaaah trickk (:

  11. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 8:21pm UTC
    Go Ahead ;*
    call yourself fat, ugly, and stupid.
    make yourself believe your worth ___
    [(nothing)] tell yourself your never
    good enough. Believe that (he) will
    never be //yours\\. So do that all *

  12. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 8:14pm UTC
    Brick wall, waterfall, gurl you think you got it all
    , yaa don't, I do. So boom with the attitude. Peace punch captain crunch I got something you cant touch, reces peices seven up you mess with me I'll mess you up. Elbow, Elbow, wrist, wrist. *smooch, smooch* kiss kiss. Oh, boy you just got dissed. Wait, come back. You need a tic-tac. Not one, not two, you need the whole pack. Talk to this (holds his hand up like a phone) Cause the face aint home. And leave a message after the tone. Beep. Cut off.

  13. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 8:12pm UTC
    The girl says..
    "This place looks like CRAP! C'mon! You & me need to clean up! All your stuff is lying on the floor & you'll have no clothes to wear if we don't do laundry right now!"
    The guy hears..
    "Blah, blah, blah, C'MON, blah, blah, blah, YOU & ME, blah, blah, blah, ON THE FLOOR blah, blah, blah, NO CLOTHES blah, blah, blah, RIGHT NOW!'
    Not mine, just thought it was funny! x]

  14. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 8:11pm UTC
    'm the type of girl who...
    can [never] make up her mind about anything
    trips over anything & everything
    could never go a day without laughing
    runs up the stairs at night because
    shes scared something might be ---> chasing her
    p r e t e n d s to text in those akward sitchuations
    saves those cute text messages <3
    could live off of arizona iced tea :)
    never leaves the house without her ipod
    who's the last to realize "flo rida" spells florida
    b u t t h a t s j u s t m e .

  15. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 8:10pm UTC
    kaaay listen uhp,
    this is too mi two gurlies that i tell everything too,you gurlies are amazing, you gurlies are mi life, you gurlies you gurlies help me get thru anythinmg,& everything.
    i lovelovelove them with all mi heart, and i know you gurlies know who you are, but im goin to tell everyone anyways, now give it uhp for brittany ann ketterer & alexis madison cardarella.
    they've been there for me & ive been there for them, no matter how many fights we have/had we will love each other forever !
    when me and britt are fighting lexy ALWAYS ends uhp in the middle. when lexy & britt fight i ALWAYSSS end uhp in the middle.When lexy and me fight britt ALWAYS ends uhp in the middle too !
    But we love that because somewhere in our hearts we always know we'll make it thru it all,. No matter how many timess we say we hate each other we all know we love eachother no matter what
    no matter how many times britt says she'll hate lexy forever she doesn't realize what shes doing and what shes missing between us. when we fight, it hurts the heart bad, & i will always love them forever sooo give it uhp for brittany ann ketterer & alexis madison cardarella againn (:

  16. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 8:10pm UTC
    If the electricity went out:
    I would be saving the food in the fridge
    would be scaring everyone
    BRITT would be running around screaming[&breaking things]
    LEXY would flip the light switch on to turn on the lights
    DANA would be calling 911[not realizing the powers out]
    _STEPH_____ would be arguing with me that lighting a candle is a GOOD idea
    __IZZY____would get mad at someone saying that this is all their fault[jokingly]
    ______CLAIRE_would be screaming trying to calm everyone down
    __ASHLEY_______ would start singing since the radio doesn't work
    __BRITT___would suggest to do something that invovles electricity
    ___LEXY____ would TRY start a fire
    __I____ would try to be sarcastic saying we'll die..and everyone would believe her
    It would be a living nightmare

  17. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 8:08pm UTC
    Your hair
    and your eyes
    they make me sm-iiii-ille
    and your laugh
    and your voice
    they make me listen to what
    you haaaave to say
    Everything I do
    reminds me of youuu
    ohh youuuu.
    I'm not obsessed
    I just love those blue eyes
    and that cute blonde hair
    then those bright white teeth
    OHH myyy GOSH!
    and you laugh gets stuck in my head
    and when I'm lying in my bed all
    I can think about id youuu
    ooooh you
    I'm not obsessed
    I just love those blue eyes
    and that cute blonde hair t
    hen those bright white teeth
    OHH myyy GOSH!
    and you laugh gets stuck in my head

  18. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 8:07pm UTC
    (inside jokes) and handshakes.
    screaming and fighting.
    from aim to myspace,
    best friends much?

  19. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 8:06pm UTC
    You know that I know that we love each other, but when it snows we'll fall for another, then again it will be our time to shine together, one more time. do u love her or do u love me? get it together, dont be a baby !

  20. peacelovearie54 peacelovearie54
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 7:57pm UTC
    'Cause (everything) you do and words
    you say You know that it all * takes *
    * my * * breath* * away * And now
    I'm left with nothing .
    credit it loveisthemovementx


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