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Member Since: 26 Oct 2009 08:50pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 92156

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hi, im Caroline.  Here is all you have to know about me:
right now my life is pretty confusing. i have a small group of great friends. i HATE gossiping, but sometimes i breakand do it myself. i can be stubborn and selfish. but atleast i can admit it. im a little immature at times, but i know when not to be. im sensitive yet loud and outgoing. i love my family. nothing could ever change that. i listen to all types of music and i love funny movies. in general im a very happy person and i love my life. but some things i just dont understand.So to you, this profile may just me venting, and maybe its a little annoying, but thinking things through is very important to me. And while i think, i write.

  1. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2010 11:34am UTC
    " There's alot that you dont notice, when you read between the lines. The futures out of focus, when your blinded by the light " - Dont Speak

  2. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2010 11:30am UTC
    i've realized that "best friends forever" pretty much means "best friends until i find someone better". i've been in fights and you have to. but what i dont understand is how years of friendship can just dissapear because of another friend. If your reading this you probably have no idea, but i miss you in my life. You've become so wrapped up in other people that i feel like theres no more room for me. I'd give it all for that to change.

  3. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2010 6:00pm UTC
    Hey, remeber me? oh yeah i was only your best freind. not that it matters or anything.. but i would least like a friendly hi.

  4. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2010 5:53pm UTC
    Hey, i know your gangster and all that but would you mind walking a little faster?

  5. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2009 7:57pm UTC
    can someone please explain to me why i have been walking around all day meowing christmas songs...?
    just sum randomness from today. i dont know why you would want to jock this but if u have no life and would want to randomly do that, then dont . :)

  6. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2009 8:36pm UTC
    You mean e v e r y t h I n g to me. You’re the reason I get up in the morning, I brush my teeth get ready, go to school. All just to see you smile. I love you.
    What else is there to say?

  7. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2009 8:35pm UTC
    Sometimes I find myself, staring at the ceiling,
    Just thinking of you. What we had, what we could have been.
    You were everything to me. But I’m nothing to you. I love every move you make. I think of you every minute.
    --~> But you’ve got a girlfriend now.

  8. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2009 8:31pm UTC
    A sweet guy and not a pervert?
    A guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot?
    Who cares about purity and love?
    Is honest to you and would never cheat?
    A lover and a dreamer?
    Who isn’t scared of dedication?
    How come guys these days don’t have to follow the code of chivalry?
    I want a real man, and these drama queen, middle school boys just don’t cut it.
    100% mine. dont jock. like.follow.comment

  9. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2009 7:37pm UTC
    as many times as i blink i'll think of you tonight <~♥--
    ** owl cityy

  10. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2009 7:34pm UTC
    i dont want another pretty face,
    i dont want just anyone to hold,
    i dont want my love to go to waste
    --~~> i want you and your beautiful soul.
    love this song :)

  11. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2009 7:11pm UTC
    me and my girls...
    lets just say were a little different.
    we walk into parked cars,
    make friends with complete strangers,
    talk to inanimite objects,
    reply to every thing with "your mom!"
    but thats just who we are.
    so stick that in ur juice box and suck it!
    haha im such a loser... lol, anyways *credit* this is mine :)

  12. onlymygirlswould3 onlymygirlswould3
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2009 6:57pm UTC
    Were not like all the other girls.
    The ones who try to fit in and avoid being noticed.
    We find it easier to just be us.
    We are just a group of freinds who don't care at all about what people think of us.
    Were the type of girls who have a full out jam session using hairbrushes and old Halloween costumes.
    We dress crazy in public and take the wierdest pictures, we make freinds with strangers and
    Who are we?
    b.e.s.t. f.r.i.e.n.d.s
    my own. its not too good but still NO JOCKING!! <<< ORIGINALLL!


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