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mrsharrypotter · 9 years ago on quote 6874755
It was incredible growing up with them. Most would agree we saw them change so much, yet Bella was just as useless and love obsessed as she was in the first book in the last book. It's not that she likes the twilight series that gets me, it's that she was so wrong on so many different levels. She didn't even know how many Harry Potter books there are. Any basic 15 second google search could have told her there were seven.
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mrsharrypotter · 9 years ago on quote 6874755
Here we go. 1.) It wasn't hard for Bella to find love. She was a new girl that moved and everyone loved her, even though she wasn't that great. Ron taught us to be brave, Hermione taught us to fight for equality and to be smart, Harry taught us to do what is right before what is easy, Remus and Sirius teach us that despite what you are (a werewolf and convict charged with murder) that you can be an amazing person and help in so many ways. Even Hagrid, a half-giant, defied the stereotypical "giants are evil and vicious" and became a father figure and friend to Harry.
2.) Snape is on Harry's side, he loved more and is more complicated than the entire twilight series, it is Voldemort they're after. Shows how much you know. Twilight was only four books, five movies. And yes, it was split into two. Harry Potter was 7 books and 8 movies, the last also split into two, by the way the lowest selling Harry Potter movie still made $90 million dollars more than the best selling twilight book. You actually have the character development reversed. There is absolutely no character development in Twilight, they are all just obsessed with twilight. In Harry Potter you see Neville finding inner strength, Luna teaching Harry to be more accepting and to not judge people, you see your opinion of Snape change completely in the seventh book, you see Hermione learn that knoWledge is important, but it's not the only thing, you I see Harry learning that not all good people are perfect and that others are just as important as he is, you see Fred and George start to take things seriously, I can go on forever. The fact that not every character is this gorgeous, flawless person makes these books incredible. Ron was a loyal, supportive, and helpful friend who did everything he could to help Harry. He is unattractive, but it makes the story relatable. I never found arguing and bickering over a girl sophisticated. So you're wrong. Her one is an incredibly loving kind powerful and intelligent young women. Look at her and Harry's relationship and what she does to protect her parents in the seventh book. As for reasons why Harry Potter is better, the titles are relevant, the villains are so much worse, and therefore, better villains, there are actual battles and adventures, Harry Potter created and entire world, Twilight occurred in a small town, the characters in Harry Potter all have different personalities, like pranksters, bullies, Nerds, Dorks/losers, looney Lovegood, poor people, rich people, it is so diverse and relatable. Twilight-everyone is the same. I can also go on forever about this but I don't even think you're smart enough to read this far. Stupid muggle 12 year old fan girl. Btw a troll is among the hundreds of different creatures in the magical world of Harry Potter. Get your facts straight stupid.
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Sherlocked · 9 years ago on quote 6874755
This is beautiful, and I think that the characters are so perfect because they were written to be so human. They all had flaws, and they learned to overcome those and develop as people. You are absolutely right, they had amazing character development.
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mrsharrypotter · 9 years ago on quote 6874755
It was incredible growing up with them. Most would agree we saw them change so much, yet Bella was just as useless and love obsessed as she was in the first book in the last book. It's not that she likes the twilight series that gets me, it's that she was so wrong on so many different levels. She didn't even know how many Harry Potter books there are. Any basic 15 second google search could have told her there were seven.
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