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Member Since: 21 Apr 2011 04:33pm

Last Seen: 12 May 2012 09:09pm

user id: 167240

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I am a 16 year old college student who is studying Health and Social care, however my passion lies within poetry and i find nothing more relaxing and enjoying than sitting down by myself writing a poem. I understand that they are not the best and sometimes lack in spelling however it is the way i have done it no ones help therefore it wont be perfect. I do hope people enjoy the ones i submit
  1. missing_key missing_key
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2011 3:38pm UTC
    How is it that even when your in a crowded room, you can feel so totally alone

  2. missing_key missing_key
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2011 12:10pm UTC
    I love you more today than yesterday but less than tomorrow

  3. missing_key missing_key
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 8:02pm UTC
    Ive been trying to move on since we split
    but i cant help but thinking is this it?
    are we over for good, is this the end
    have we gone to nothing but friends?
    i mean i need you, more than you'll no
    and im so stupid for letting you go
    i realise its my fault, but its to late
    and i dont expect for you to wait
    i messed it up, and you've moved on
    but why cant i find where i belong
    your happy, so why cant i accept
    that it was three months ago you left
    why cant i say yes when someone asks me out
    why do i make excuses even when your not around
    i no the answer but i wish i had no clue
    because the answer is im still so madly in love with you :(

  4. missing_key missing_key
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 11:18am UTC
    you place your hand upon my chest and i say i can feel it beating
    with the other to my mouth, soft and slow but you are breathing
    i reel my head backwards to where my pillow rests
    a thoughtful desire of when it will become less
    for when my heart will no longer latch on to the fuel of my exsitance
    and my shallow breathing will become less more resistant
    i can see what they call an emotion start to gather from your eyes
    while i have nothing but an epression from my stomach of butterflies
    you kneel beside me, to let me no you are not at all ready
    this is shown clearly by how your hands are no longer steady
    you have come to a conclusion of what i had many years ago
    from when i was told the news that someday soon id be let go
    to fall into the hands of what lays after life
    maybe as they presume fairytales, but i dont think its right
    i believe i will end up in a place where no one will no my name
    and in their dictonary a word is erased, that word being pain
    my eyes are getting heavy, i want to fall to sleep
    so before i do so, i say to my child, there is no need to weep
    i am going to a better place but will always be here with you
    now stop the tears, and go and live your life through....
    3 years ago i was sat in an office, the news of what they brought
    is what had given me and my child to be distraught
    as i was told i had an illness, and it was to late
    so when you see the numbers, 25/1/2011... you will no thats my date!

  5. missing_key missing_key
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2011 8:23pm UTC
    When I'm hurting.... I'm not happy baby <3

  6. missing_key missing_key
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2011 8:16pm UTC
    Once upon a time is not for me, but in childrens books
    For people who wish and pray when no one looks
    For those who desire something that they wish were true
    Like the knight in shining armour which would rescue you
    From the days of tearfull memories that you'd been put through
    Or the people who hurt you and dont have a clue
    Happily ever endings are nothing more than a myth
    Like the frog who turns into a prince after just one kiss
    True loves tail is a story given to those in need
    That base their lives on imagination to succeed
    I may be wrong and there might be such a thing
    It may be that i find it all so unbelievable and terrifying
    That one day my kiss could bring me a prince to call my own
    With happily ever after written above my thrown
    And my once upon a time is where i would say
    That i never thought that fairytales could be made
    And that its not only in childrens books but also in the heart
    As maybe everyone has a fairytale that will one day start <3

  7. missing_key missing_key
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2011 4:48pm UTC
    I hate having dreams about you
    especially when i wake up and think their true
    and get all excited, just to have to realise
    that the thoughts im having were all lies
    your no longer here holding me while i sleep
    your never coming back to hug or kiss me
    you will always be a distant memory
    this is a fact that isnt temporary
    its true that i sometimes lay awake and cry
    for the moment we shared back in time
    i see you and her smiling like how we once did
    the only difference is that im the only one to miss
    i still have your clothes nestled by the side of my bed
    mum says i should chuck them out, i hide them somewhere else instead
    because im to scared off letting every thing about you go
    so i hold on to at least one thing to let me no
    that once upon a time i was happy with my life
    that i wore a smile, and infront off someone my tears i didnt have to hide
    i felt free and so happy there was nothing i could wish for
    the time when my heart wasnt the only thing that was sore
    so would my stomach from the amount of laughing
    then i come to reality and anymore it doesnt happen
    so in the words of adele i'll find someone like you
    so all i can do is wish the best for the both of you two
    ............. sometimes it last in love, but sometimes it hurts instead <3


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