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Status: armin arlert. that is all.

Member Since: 6 Feb 2014 06:44pm

Last Seen: 18 Jul 2014 01:12am

Gender: F

user id: 378522

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I've got a thick skin and an elastic heart
I'm Catherine, no money no family, sixteen in the middle of Miami.

  1. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2014 1:26am UTC
    I can't think straight, I'm so gay Sometimes I cry a whole day
    I care a lot, use an analog clock
    And never know when to stop.
    And I'm passive, aggressive
    I'm scared of the dark and the dentist
    I love my butt and I won't shut up
    And I never really grew up.

  2. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2014 9:09pm UTC
    life's hard when you love asexual girls and homosexual boys wtf is my life jesus

  3. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2014 9:05pm UTC
    i'm so tired of thinking about you
    all you do is make me angry and confused and sad
    but i can't get you out of my head
    because i love you so fricking much.
    it's absolutely twisted.

  4. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2014 4:11pm UTC
    i like cats

  5. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2014 7:55pm UTC

  6. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2014 9:14pm UTC
    Format chickittylover
    yeah my boyfriend's pretty cool, but he's not as cool as me, cause i'm a brooklyn baby ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

  7. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2014 3:33pm UTC
    i miss seeing people liike blackbutterflies, jimmy365, butterbear, and chocotaco and like wayyy more ppl on here
    where did everyone go :(

  8. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2014 3:25pm UTC
    I've been up all night, trying to get that rich
    I've been work work work work workin' on my sh.iiiit

  9. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 11:51pm UTC
    sometimes i think of angels and stars and i remember you when i know i shouldn't. you're supposed to be long gone from my memory by now. but once you fall in love with the night sky i'm not sure there's any way to turn back. it's hard to forget when pieces of you are set in constellations that will never change.

  10. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2014 4:14pm UTC
    what do you do if you accidentally fall in love with the wrong person haha

  11. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2014 8:14pm UTC
    It's who you are when you're awake at 2am on a Saturday night, when your eyes are blurry for thinking for loo long. It's who you are when you get dressed in the morning, holding the pieces of extra body fat between your fingers. It's who you are when your best friend doesn't invite you to that thing this weekend. It's who you are when you accidentally tear your favorite drawing in half. It's who you are when you stain your favorite dress. It's who you are when everything seems to be collapsing. When you could so easily break down and be sad and focus on what you've lost., but you instead think about how fun Saturday morning was preparing pancakes with your mom. How happy you were when you ate that chocolate and watched television. How happy you were when your best friend invited only you to a special thing last weekend. How happy you were when you drew that picture. How happy you were when you picked out that dress. Sometimes, it's more important to apprechiate how good things can be rather than picking out all the flaws.

  12. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2014 7:19pm UTC
    my sweet summer is gone.

  13. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2014 7:11pm UTC
    I know
    'cause I've spent half this morning
    thinking about
    the t-shirt you sleep in.
    I should know
    'cause I've spent
    all the whole day listening to
    your message I’m keeping
    and never deleting.

  14. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2014 8:02pm UTC

  15. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2014 7:54pm UTC
    Like It'll last forever but now forever ain't as long, If it wasn't for you I Wouldn't be stuck singing this song

  16. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2014 2:13pm UTC
    this is all i can take
    this is how a heart breaks.
    © format credit: Amenah

  17. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2014 6:23pm UTC
    This format was fully constructed by 1986. Please leave (all) credit where it is due.
    ✿ ways to make school seem better✿
    take your favorite song and blast it during passing time. don't care how others react, and start dancing.
    tell someone you like their eyes, whether it's a friend, a crush, or a teacher.
    wear your favorite outfit. when the boys whistle as your cleavage is partially exposed from your tube top, completely ignore them.
    put on lots of makeup and do up your hair. smile when the boys and girls stare.
    walk with confidence down those halls. flip your hair when you see someone cute.
    be nice to your instructors. when a teacher needs to pick up copies of papers, offer to go down to the media center to get them.
    be nice to your peers. when you notice someone seems lonely, talk to them.
    be nice to yourself (pt 1). when you get a lower grade, remind yourself that you can and will do better. it will be okay.
    be nice to yourself (pt 2). when the mean girl comes to pick on you once again, tell her you like the way she's so dedicated to waste her time on you, flip your hair, and sashay away.
    be nice to yourself (pt 3). when your friends ignore you, walk away. don't ignore them back when they go to talk to you.
    always have a positive mindsight. it may be difficult since you are always surrounded by people who think differently than you, but it's much nicer to try to use what you've got. randomly start conversations to the person sitting next to you.
    don't roll your eyes and don't be sarcastic.
    ✿ live a little.✿

  18. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2014 1:45pm UTC
    Hope when you take that jump, you don't fear the fall. Hope when the water rises, you build a wall. Hope when the crowd screams out, they're screaming your name. Hope if everybody runs, you choose to stay. Hope that you fall in love and it hurts so bad. The only way you can know is give it all you have. And I hope that you don't suffer, but take the pain. Hope when the moment comes you'll say “I, I did it all. I, I did it all. I owned every second that this world could give, I saw so many places- the things that I did. Yeah, with every broken bone- I swear I lived.” ---- [[ I Lived- OneRepublic ]]

  19. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2014 6:56pm UTC
    This format was fully constructed by 1986. Please leave (all) credit where it is due.
    humans are funny. they have silly customs like closing their eyelids when the sky is dark and slamming the palms of their hands together when another human does something they enjoy. they not only use their voices to speak to other humans, but put background music behind their voices and then sell them so energetic girls and boys can move their hips to the rhythm. they use minerals to decorate their cheeks and define their eyes. they weave silk and cotton and so much more to cover their beautiful bodies with. they build things, like houses and friendships. they make an involuntary goal to impress others with their human abilities. what's the point of all of this? i don't think anyone knows, but it's sure entertaining watching all these humans doing all the cute things they do.

  20. misfits misfits
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2014 4:05pm UTC
    format by cloudlings credits please do not remove. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)
    “After a while, you learn
    the subtle difference
    between holding a
    hand and chaining a
    soul. You learn that
    love doesn't mean
    leaving and company
    doesn't mean security.
    You begin to learn
    that kisses aren't
    contracts and presents
    aren't promises. You
    begin to accept your
    defeats with your head
    up and your eyes open;
    with the grace of an
    adult, not the grief of
    a child. You learn to
    build all your roads
    on today because
    tomorrow's ground is
    too uncertain for plans.
    After a while, you
    learn that even
    sunshine burns if you
    get too much. So
    plant your own garden
    and decorate your
    own soul instead of
    waiting for someone to
    bring you flowers.
    You learn that you
    really can endure, that
    you really are strong,
    and that you really do
    have worth. You learn
    with every goodbye,
    there's a hello.”


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