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Member Since: 22 Mar 2004 05:07pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 4867

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heyy yall! I'm 14 and if u wanna talk IM me!!!! love always! hugs and kisses! !!!!ChEeRlEaDeR 4 EvEr!!!! I love ya rachie... your my whole world, my best friends n ma sista! **BF4L** ! I LOVE MA SAMMY... He's everyhting.**
  1. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2004 5:05pm UTC
    .:why do i love you?:.
    yOu MaDe Me CrY, yOu MaDe Me DiE iNsIdE...
    So why when i hear you name i roam with my eyes, trying to find you?
    Why when i think of my fondest memory i suddenly feel sick for u?
    I cant take this anymore... i hate you and what uve done...
    .:why do i love you?:.
    Why do i still love you?
    DoN't WoRrY, I'lL Be OvEr YoU SoOn... I AlWaYs Do.

  2. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2004 10:44pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2004 10:34pm UTC
    Why cant i breath whenever i think about u?
    why cant i speak whenever i talk about u
    Its inevanable its the fact were going to get down to this so tell me,
    why cant i breath whenever i think about u?
    high enough for u to make me wonder
    high enough for u to pull me under
    isnt this the best part of breaking up?
    finding somone else u cant get enough of?
    Someone who wants to be with u to?
    why cant i breath whenever i think about u?
    why cant i?

  4. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2004 10:29pm UTC
    The rain falls and pours and crys outside.
    I sit here listening to its sweet songs.
    and all i can do is think of you.
    You've taken me away, to somewere i never thought ud take me.
    I never thought id be u i picked, but here me and u are.
    And now uve taken my whole world by storm.
    I cant stop seeing ur face inside my head... god i must be going insain.
    I wish i could give u my whole heart.
    but someones already torn it apart.
    I still wanna be by yourside,
    Because u mean everything to me this time.

  5. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2004 9:24pm UTC
    Angels are everywere,
    the people you pass by in the street,
    the people that have a place in your heart.
    we all find one, we all find many.
    Some become our very best friends,
    some our sisters and brothers and moms and dads,
    some our dogs, our cats, or even our fish~
    They all take a part of your soul to watch over.
    But one... one angel is the one that holds the key to your heart.
    the one that one day you'll find and you'll finally be complete.
    Some day you'll find your angel, some day a person will be looking after your heart, and you're theres... i guess you could say, *[Soulmates}*
    Have you found your angel yet? Dont ever let them slip.

  6. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2004 9:15pm UTC
    I love you but your not the one,
    i miss you but your not the one,
    I keep crying because your not it
    you arnt the one that fate picks
    I keep checking for signs that'll say you are mine,
    but in the end your not the one.
    I hate the fack that im so alone
    i feel like i need to die to live
    i need someone to make me live... not to die.
    i wish that was you.
    i lvoe you but your not the one.

  7. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2004 12:38pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2004 12:24pm UTC
    lets go back,
    back to the bigging,
    back to when the sun, the stars, the moon all alined
    cuz perfect wasnt so perfect,
    tryin to fit a square into a circel wasnt right...
    im comin clean...

  9. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2004 12:22pm UTC
    sumbody said they saw you
    the person u were kissing wasnt me.
    and i woud never ask you
    i just kept it to my self
    oh baby i dont wanna know if ur playin me
    keep it on the low
    cuz my heart cant take it anymore
    and if ur playin me please dont let it show
    oh babii i dont wanna know
    if SHE kisses you better than me,
    if SHE makes you wanna fall asleep in her arms
    i dunt wanna kow
    if ur playin me keep in on the low
    cuz my heart cant take it anymore
    and if ur playin me
    i dunt wanna know
    ma heart cant take it anymore~
    I love that song but i tweeked it

  10. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2004 7:34pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2004 7:03pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2004 6:52pm UTC
    I cant fly without my wings and i seem to fall wihtout you.
    I keep hearing our whispering words when i try to sleep at night,
    And i cant help but stare at your picture all the time.
    You've got me hypnotized.
    i should stop thinking that we'll be together always.
    But you've got me under your spell
    And i just dont want to leave...
    Your love is toxic to my heart.
    i cant understand this love.
    I cant fly wihtout my wings,
    And i seem to fall without you.
    To fall asleep within your arms,
    And to hear your sweet voice
    I would wait a thousand years just to be with you.
    Lead me to danger and i will quickly follow.
    Show me your heart, i promise not to break it.
    One look at me with your gleaming eyes and i'm gone.
    You've got me hypnotized.
    I cant fly wihtout my wings...
    *~Emelie~* Dont take credit but use it!

  13. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2004 5:32pm UTC
    Its late at night,
    I should be sleeping but i lie awake in my bed
    I keep trying to push you out of my head but everytime I close my eyes i see your face.
    The tears keep falling down my warm cheek
    Why did our love have to end?
    Why did you not see the love? Why did you leave me?
    I keep trying to remember what i did wrong,
    What happened to make your love turn?
    was i not pretty enough for you?
    smart, funny, charming, i cant stop wishing on how i wish i was all those perfect things.
    I close my eyes and rememeber your soft light brown hair and how it would always blow perfectly in the wind,
    and those eyes, oh those beautiful deep blue eyes! I could fall inlove by just looking into your amazing eyes! they showed how strong and wonderful you are, how perfect you always are.
    I remember those painful words that you said about me. They keep repeating in my mind over and over again...
    A tear falls down my cheek and i turn to stare out at the starry night...
    I wasnt perfect enough for you but i guess my best friend was.
    You dont know the pain of loosing my love to my best friend...
    Use but dont take credit!!!! ~Emelie

  14. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2004 7:40pm UTC
    its so hard to be so far away from you.
    not to see your face except in my dreams
    not to hear your voice except in the phone
    its so hard not to cry because i miss u so much
    its so hard not smile when i dream of you
    your all i think about
    all about you
    the deep blu eyes that make me know that youll always be tru
    boy u know all i think about is u!
    its so hard becasue i miss you so very much
    i want to be wiht you forever
    i wont break ur heart... ever.
    DeDiCaTeD!!!! use but dont take credit!!!

  15. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2004 7:35pm UTC
    .:*.:*.:*its so hard to be a girl
    no one knows the pain that we go through
    you dont know the rejection, the insucurity, the voices inside ourselves telling us were not right
    you dont know why we wear make up, to show to the word we are perfect,
    to make beleive we are
    to foul to you that we have a great life
    every girl wants to wake up each morning and not want to cry,
    every girl wants to know that she doesnt have to die inside
    we smile because it fouls, to let the whole world not see what we have become to be.
    we smile because it makes people feel better to know we happy,
    but were dieing inside
    we cry our selves to sleep at night
    we starve ourselves to pain
    all to be so perfect in the eyes of everyone old and new.
    Every woman wants to walk down a dark empty street at night
    and not have to run and hide at every noise
    but becasue we are woman we hide
    becasue the streigth we have we just dont see inside
    becasue we are woman we should stand up tall
    be proud of our selves
    and not put shame on those who are...
    ... but its just so hard to be a girl. *:.*:.*:.
    Use it but peaz dont take credit!!! to all the gurlz out there u know u can stand strong, dont let anyone take u down.

  16. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2004 5:45pm UTC
    * -:¦:-.•:*¨°• everyone is on this earth for sum reason
    Έ.• . •΄")) ΧΊ to touch the heart of sumone specail
    ((ΈΈ.•΄..•΄ ")) -:¦: sum stay for a day, some for 100 years...
    -:¦:- ((ΈΈ.•΄ *-°~°-* your here for a reason,
    (¨`•.•΄¨) (¨`•.•΄¨) »¦« »¦« never let go...
    `•.Έ(¨`•.•΄¨)Έ.•΄ -<>- your worth more than you know....
    Χ Χ`•.Έ.•΄ * -:¦:-.•:*¨°•.Έ.• * -:¦:-

  17. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2004 5:39pm UTC
    *~*The cold rain falls and mixes with my warm tears as i stand there in the mud.
    My expensive heels sink into the earth and my mascara runs but who cares?
    no one is here to be with me anymore,
    to hold me when i cry,
    to laugh when i act my stupid self,
    to call me late at night because they know i'm awake...
    theres no one there now, i'm all alone.
    When i wished to god to bring me an angel i never thought that god would take him back once i'd found him... i guess thats how angels come, there here to show you that you can smile again and then they disapear... to make u cry again.
    You fought my battels when i couldnt stand
    you pulled me out of bed when i never wanted to see the sunlight
    you made me feel like i was the only one in the room... no, in the whole danm world,
    I stand here with my expensive heels sinking and my tears pouring on to the dirt, where you lay,
    where you sleep
    i wish i could hould you,
    i wish i could believe that my would should go on,
    it shouldnt,
    everyone has left, my parents are waiting for me in the car, to go to the final part of the funeral... were everyone comforts someone and remebers the good times,
    i look to the car... close my eyes, take out a kife that i had hid in my black dress, i take one quick, swift slash and lie on the ground by your side...
    You once asked me which was more important... u or my life and i said u, and i wasnt lieing...*~*
    By: Emmie
    HoPe YoU GuYs LiKe It! but please dont take credit!!!!!

  18. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2004 5:26pm UTC
    13 reasons for dating a ChEeRlEaDeR!!!:
    1.flexibility...(it speaks 4 its self!)
    2.endurance (we push ourselves)
    3.mount things all night long
    4. do it with a twist
    5.do it every night for 4 hours
    6. we can scream long and loud
    7.look good while doing it
    8.do it in skintight, short outfits
    9.don't mind being on our knees
    10.with a cheerleader, it's always harder, faster, and bouncier
    11.we'll do it infront of a crowd
    12. we NEVER fall off
    13. always want to try something wild n crazy
    *~*why wouldnt you wanna date a cheerleader?*~*

  19. luckylilducky47 luckylilducky47
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2004 5:23pm UTC
    I made it up on my own so please dont take credit... u can use it though! :>)


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