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  1. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 12:06am UTC
    that incredibly annoying sound when the water in your shower keeps hitting your shower curtain

  2. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 5:01pm UTC
    When your family adds that much more to the bad day you've already had.

  3. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 4:19pm UTC
    that terrible feeling
    when you realize you lost your best friend/sister

  4. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 4:03pm UTC
    i love you...so much.

  5. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 3:36pm UTC
    That terrible moment
    when you realize that your picture in the yearbook is right next to the tannest person in the grade and your like .__.

  6. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 9:09pm UTC
    your hot,
    don't be freaked out if you see me taking pictures of you, i'm not a stalker, just a single lady <3
    © ThatsSoMeee

  7. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 7:50pm UTC
    That mini heart attack when
    a black fuzz flies in front of your face
    and you think it's some crazy ninja spider
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  8. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 6:28pm UTC
    Is it just me or does anyone else
    Browse the new quotes and pick out the ones that will be on top quotes

  9. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 6:08pm UTC
    Reasons I hate going
    to the bathroom in school:,
    -people will hear me pee
    - im afraid to see a teacher in there
    -i will run into someone i dont wanna see
    -someone will walk in while im obbsessing about how bad my hair looks
    -pads make a loud rippy noise when you open them
    -the water to wash my hands freezes my hands
    only me?

  10. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 4:18pm UTC
    Laughing so hard that you
    -pee your pants
    -can't breathe
    -can't stand or walk in a straight line
    -your arms start spazzing out
    -your stomach and cheeks hurt
    -your laying on the ground
    -cant open your eyes cause your smile is so big
    -spit out whatever your drinking/eating
    -start slapping your thigh
    who else does all this?

  11. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 3:38pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 3:33pm UTC
    how awesome would it be if a quote that looked like this showed up in the top quotes

  13. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 6:28pm UTC
    I love you so much
    but you love her

  14. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 6:13pm UTC
    I hope they know that i go home
    and tune everything else out by
    blasting music in my ears
    because of t hem

  15. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 6:10pm UTC
    I wasn't talking about you.
    I have better things to talk about. not everything is about you.

  16. lovemeorhateme27 lovemeorhateme27
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 6:08pm UTC
    i hate going to a school where no one likes you just because your not popular so they decide to talk behind your back. its like uhh okay? and then they make other people not like you cause they make up lies that you said something bad about them its like uhh? i have better things to talk about. it makes me so mad. sorry. needed to vent


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