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  1. loveisthedance loveisthedance
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 8:32am UTC
    Sorry if I do things wrong – I’m only human
    Sorry if ii have spelling mistakes – I have dyslexia
    Sorry if I’m too shy to stand up in front of a class because I have no confidence what so ever – I get bullied every day of my life and that’s NOT a lie!
    Sorry if I say sorry a lot - I’m used to being told I do everything wrong

  2. loveisthedance loveisthedance
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 8:28am UTC
    That boy doesn’t notice you because he is too busy with his x-box or football, he is too busy with fake girls that only want him as a boyfriend to make her look good. He is too busy to stop and notice that he is throwing his life away…
    he doesn’t notice you, you’re probably the most perfect person he will ever meet, don’t be with him. If he’s to blind to see, don’t make an effort you will find the most perfect person in the world and you will be happy don’t let him or anyone for that matter ruin your life!

  3. loveisthedance loveisthedance
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 8:20am UTC
    You call me fat – I can losses weight
    You call me ugly because I have spots – they will disappear one day
    You bully me because of the way I have my hair – it was raining have you seen me on a good day?
    You say I’m weird – no it’s because you don’t know me
    You say I’m the evil one – I have never done anything to anyone deliberately I only use self-defence when you attack me!
    One day, I will have the perfect job, perfect friends, a perfect husband, perfect children, and you will think why did I bully her? She’s so perfect!

  4. loveisthedance loveisthedance
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 7:46am UTC
    When the person you can’t stop thinking about…
    …Turns up at your front door…
    …Pulls you close…
    …And kisses you…

  5. loveisthedance loveisthedance
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 7:45am UTC
    When everything in the world goes wrong…
    When you feel like your life is over…
    That you can’t do anything right…
    That no one loves you…
    Think of your family they love you care for you,
    Think of your friends that are truly there for you
    Think of me cuz’ I love you!
    No matter how much bad you have done
    No matter what you have been through
    Talk to me, I will not judge J
    There are some nice people in the world I am one of them,
    You just have to get to know me… that’s all
    < 3

  6. loveisthedance loveisthedance
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 7:32am UTC
    "I am a lover not a fighter but I will fight for what I love"

  7. loveisthedance loveisthedance
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 7:30am UTC
    There are thousands of people in the world
    and you are just a few of them,
    I have a cupple more years of school
    and will never have 2 see you again!
    I couldn't care less what you say about me
    and those of you that believe rumours are pathetic,
    I have some truly nice people in my life.
    This is me saying couldn't care less -
    love me or hate me but either way you'll still be thinking of me! Haha grow up! Get a life!! And get swift cover :)


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