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  1. BrennaHarmon0923 BrennaHarmon0923
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2011 11:48pm UTC
    STFU up about cheerleading, DAAMMM so annoying. Kay so i think we all understand that they lift people but cheerleaders always think there better then everyone else, yeahh enough about stupid cheerleading; In basketball we actually sweat and throw our bodys on the ground and not screaming a stupid chant. BASKETBALL is a REAL sport CHEERLEADING is just annoying.

  2. dogloverlem dogloverlem
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2011 12:59am UTC

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. dogloverlem dogloverlem
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2011 10:42pm UTC
    I make my weaknesses
    my strengths and my
    strengths stronger.

  6. dogloverlem dogloverlem
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2011 10:51pm UTC
    it's more than a sport, more like a passion,
    red dirt and bruises are in fashion, the wind up,
    the pitch, scrambling defense, this is what softball is all about,
    intense parents in the stands, anxious coaches waving their hands, the swing of the bat, the ball, the bases,
    the glove, this is softball, the game i love!
    it is my life<3<3

  7. LacrosseLover LacrosseLover
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2010 2:39pm UTC
    [ today on cleverbot ]
    me: hey
    cleverbot: hey what?
    me: hey is for horses!
    cleverbot: hi is for you

  8. livelaughlover livelaughlover
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2010 7:21pm UTC
    We are more then a bunch of girls playing on the field
    it's more then just playing a team and winning/losing
    it's more then just sitting in the dugout singing
    We tell each other everything not because we are friends, or we trust each other. But because we are a family of softball players. The only time we fight with our boyfriends is when they say softball is easy. We would rather practice then go to a formal dance. We drink Gatorade instead of water. We wear T-shirts instead or Hollister, Abrecrombie, American eagle shirts. We would rather fund raise together then go to a party. we would rather be with our family then anything else.
    bat girl/boy- pet
    pitcher and catcher- twins
    outfielders- sisters
    infielders- quadruplets
    captains- the oldest sisters
    coaches- parents
    fans- best friends

  9. Sweetassugarcanbe456 Sweetassugarcanbe456
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2010 6:49pm UTC
    Oh Boys. . .
    How we love you
    With your big strong hands
    And your sweet smiles
    With your delicious cologne
    And your irresistible words
    That you whisper at the best moments
    When we girls
    Really cant help
    But love you
    Oh Boys. . .
    How we love you
    With your lovely laughs
    And your sparkling eyes
    With your stupid guy friends
    And your stupid guy jokes
    That we girls
    Really cant help
    But giggle at.
    Oh Boys. . .
    Please remember
    We girls
    Don't forgive and forget
    So easily.
    So Boys. . .
    Spay on her favorite cologne
    And whisper those irresistible words
    To her
    And her only
    And smile
    She loves your smile

  10. jjaacckkiieex3 jjaacckkiieex3
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2010 6:36pm UTC
    hi my name is buddie the elf , whats your favorite color ♥

  11. lexiilovesyou14 lexiilovesyou14
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2010 6:41pm UTC
    We were watching the school game together with all of our friends. I was sitting next to you & I leaned my head on your shoulder and you simply didn't mind. That's when I realized, this is how it should be. ♥

  12. swimmergirlrox27 swimmergirlrox27
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2010 6:43pm UTC
    I hate it when you see your ex-boyfriend && find out that he's even hotter then when you went out with him. </3

  13. LacrosseLover LacrosseLover
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2010 5:57pm UTC
    She wants to go home
    but nobody's home</3

  14. LacrosseLover LacrosseLover
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2010 6:49pm UTC
    You're my nemo
    Out of the millions of fish in the sea
    i only want

  15. LacrosseLover LacrosseLover
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2010 3:03pm UTC
    So this is me swallowing my pride,
    Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
    And I'd go back to December all the time
    It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
    Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
    I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
    I go
    <-------- back to December
    all the time

  16. LacrosseLover LacrosseLover
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2010 1:38pm UTC
    radio guy: you should hear this video of lady gaga in college!
    radio guy #2: yeah i know, man. she's so different.
    hold up
    lady gaga
    went to college?


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