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  1. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2006 4:07pm UTC
    We used to attract like the charges in a lightning storm, with all its bright magnificance. Now we repell eachother like magnets of the same poles. Tell me: When did it all go wrong?

  2. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2006 4:06pm UTC
    Friendships, relationships, falling tears
    New teachers, lockers, report card fears
    Here's to the wild crzy times
    That play like photos in our minds
    Here's to the scrapbooks made with care
    By best friends who were always there
    Through tragedy, heartbreak, and teenage angst
    Here's to preps, goths, punks, and gangs
    That make the class of 2010

  3. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2006 4:04pm UTC
    A friend walks in the room, sees you smile and thinks you're okay. A best friend walks in the room, sees you smile and asks what's wrong and hugs you when the tears break through
    <marquee>I love my friends</marquee>

  4. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2006 2:39pm UTC
    Hello lady luck, can you give me my life back?

  5. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2006 2:38pm UTC
    I don't believe in luck, good or bad. I don't believe you make your own luck, or that things don't go your way because of some black cat or a lost pendant. I believe you make your own opportunity. I believe that bad things happen to you when you see an opportunity but you don't reach out to take it.

  6. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2006 2:36pm UTC
    When one door closes, another one opens, but we often look upon the closed door with such longing we don't notice the second door that's opened up for us
    -Alexander Graham Bell

  7. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2006 2:34pm UTC
    My eyes are red from crying ever since I walked away. I couldn't say I love you. I couldn't make you stay. I don't mean to make this rhyme, but the words just flow to paper. I can't say goodbye in person, so I'm sending you this letter. In this letter I can't hand you while looking eye to eye, I'm saying I will miss you, and all the secrets I've inside. If you choose to stay, you know where I'll always be. And I know you'll be in my heart, my precious melody.

  8. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2006 2:31pm UTC
    I see our future
    Far away
    That suddenly seems near
    I guess our sad departing day
    Is already almost here
    The cloud so dark
    Looms over us
    As we try to make this last
    The happiness we felt at first
    Is slowly fading to the past
    For with this new horizon
    Comes new and different friends
    And as for our close friendship
    Is it farewell, is this the end?
    For I don't want to say good bye
    Neither do you I'm sure
    For if we part our seperate ways
    Our paths will one day cross

  9. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2006 2:29pm UTC
    I have skittles in my mouth
    Wanna taste the rainbow?

  10. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2006 2:27pm UTC
    There are many forms of the 2 groups of people.
    *There are the people who laugh and the people who cry
    *There are those who give up and those who still try
    *There are those with friends and those who pretend
    *There are those who believe this is the start and those who say it's the end
    *There are those who keep walking and those that fall
    *There are those who still wander and those whose worlds are still small
    *There are people with dreams and people who've decided dreams are for losers
    *There are people who wonder and those who take everything for granted
    *There are those who live for today and those who wish for the past
    *There are those who finish first and those who finish last
    *And still, there are those who put people into two groups, and those who take people as they already are

  11. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2006 2:07pm UTC
    im rad, ur rad, but i dont like u so GO AWAY

  12. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2006 2:05pm UTC
    1 martini, 2 martinis, 3 martinis, FLOOR!!!

  13. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2006 2:05pm UTC
    They say we make our own destiny. I don't believe that, because if I had a choice, I wouldn't have chosen to fall in love with my best friend

  14. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2006 2:02pm UTC
    We were talking on the phone for an hour. You said bye and I said bye and you hung up. Then I whispered 'I love you.' and hung up the phone and cried

  15. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2006 2:00pm UTC
    This is the difference between ballet and football.
    Football: requires only brute strength
    The team doesn't think, the coach does
    They stink
    You throw the ball, they catch the ball. I can see how that's tough
    requires strength, focus, agility, grace, determination, will power, an eye detail, a sense of rythm
    I can do it, you can't

  16. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2006 1:57pm UTC
    If ballet were easy, they'd call it football

  17. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2006 1:57pm UTC
    I woke up and my first thought was, "I can't wait to see my friends today." And I put my homework in my bag just so we would have something to do together on the bus ride there

  18. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2006 1:56pm UTC
    You tore out my heart. I thought we were best friends. It took me until this moment to realize, that wasn't the end

  19. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2006 1:55pm UTC
    They ask me what I see in him and I look at my feet and whisper "Everything you don't."

  20. lil_bunni_foo_foo lil_bunni_foo_foo
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2006 1:55pm UTC
    They all say to move on, that it'll be okay. But moving on from love is like trying to get an 8-wheeler off you. It just ain't gonna happen.


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