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Member Since: 19 Feb 2011 10:56pm

Last Seen: 14 Nov 2011 03:39am

user id: 154003

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heeyy its lexx(:

i love my best friends, and my boyfriend <3

music is my liife. <3


theres a few special people id like to mention,,,even if they never see this in their entiire liife

first of all lauren <3
 shes the one who showed me this site, and shes been here for me with everythiing, sometimes i f e e l like im not thaa greatest friiend to her, but no matter what  i will always love her , stepthirdcousinstwiceremoved <3 bitcchees ferr liife <3

nextt theres marlowee ( aka marvinn<3 )
 okay shes one of the sweetest girls your evar gunna meet , she means a lot to me , and even tho we havent known eachother that long, i feel like ive known her forever , shes suuchha funny chiickaa(: shes my black && yellow panda bear, and thats never gunna change <3 ily marvv (;

zachary <3
this boy is my world <3 he means so much to me and he always will <3 i care about him so much and hav suuch strong feelings for him, i never knew id feel like this about him.  but hes amazing <3 and honestly i love him . <3 hes my boo bear <3 forever <3

alex <3
my bestiie <3 love her so muchh . shes great and i trust her with everything <3

then theres...everyone else...
yaah i havva lotta close friends
but close friends turn their back on you someitmes
you realize their not b e s t friends when you thought they were
but whatever, i deffinitely dont need them .
i got people who love && care about me...

anyways... a lill about me, id like to call thiiss..

20 random facts about me !! <3

uno: im a loving person , but i can get mad v e r y easy

dos: i like every kinndah music, but my fave song at thaa moment, is..
lack & yellow   by wiz khalifa<3

tres: i can not save money fer anythinng, i always spend it RIGHT away. lol

cuatro: i haattee waking up early, im deff not a morning person

cinco: my socks NEVER match..no matter what.

seiis: when ii typpe, ii usually put double ii's lol

siete: im a crazzy girrl who loves to partty

ocho: i enjoy tryiing to speaak spaniish (;

nueve: im veryy b l o n d e(: && i alwayys wiill be(: im nevaar dyiin my haiir<3 i luuuv it

dies: i bite my fingernaiils when i get nervous

once: my phone is never off, need anythiing juss call cas im here

doce: i luuv pillows<3 and thiings thaat are s p a r k l y <3

trece: my favorie animals are panda bears<3

catorce: i supposedly giive really good advice && i loove giiviing it(:

quince: i liike bagels && souup <3

diesiseis: i have an obession with sunglasses <3

diesisiete: && converse<3 TAYLOR GANG OR DIE<3

diesiocho: i believe in love at firsst siight <3

diesinueve: volleyball && rollerblading...are my things <3

viente: yuu miight thiink i seem shy..but once yuu get to know me, yuhhr gunna channge yuhhr miind (:

lol well..thats pretty muuch me, got any questions or if yuu evaar need anythiing, juss askk me. <3


its gotta be the crunkest, gotta be the loudest, gotta be the b e s t love song shes ever heard in her life <3

so what we go out, thats how its supposed to be , liviin young, & wild & free <3

youve got that smile, that only heaven can make...your the only thing that i got right now, some day when the sky is fallin, ill be standing right next to you <3 nothin will ever come between us , cas ill be standin rite next to you <3


l . e . x . i <3

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  1. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 6:09pm UTC
    dream big, wish big, live big

  2. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 6:08pm UTC
    good things fall apart so better things can come together juss live your life and dont give into other ppls crap

  3. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 6:07pm UTC
    Never give up your hopes cause life aint over until you take that last breath

  4. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 6:06pm UTC
    you have to get thru hell to get to heaven fight off evrry obsticle in your way cause whut dosent kill you makes you stronger

  5. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 6:05pm UTC
    lifes hard, but stick thru it..the good things in life are worth waiting for

  6. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 6:03pm UTC
    if you aint livin, then whuuts the poiint in liife ?

  7. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 5:59pm UTC
    you never know whos watchiin...
    it miite juss be the one youv been looken for...
    <3 <3 <3

  8. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2011 8:25pm UTC
    sometiimes i wonder if he feels the same...
    then i remember what he saiid to me that niighht...
    and i realiize...
    i mean as much to hiim..as he means to me <3

  9. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2011 8:23pm UTC
    ...yuuhhr juss jeallous cas i can makka platypus sound... (;

  10. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2011 10:52pm UTC
    yes, im hot && dangerous
    but your not one of us, so dont roll with us
    cas no offence dude..but yuhr kindah creepiin me out...

  11. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2011 10:48pm UTC
    finally...she gets to be with the one she loves <3
    shes waited so long
    shes soo excitedd :D
    now she juss hopes...he feels the same way <3

  12. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2011 10:51pm UTC
    8 billion people in the world ;
    && hes the only one i want

  13. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2011 10:48pm UTC
    im a lover, not a fighter,
    but ill fight, fer whut i love<3

  14. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2011 4:46pm UTC
    while yuuhr busy tryyina fit in,
    imma stand out (:

  15. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2011 4:44pm UTC
    happy girls, are the prettiest<3
    ~ audrey hepburn

  16. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2011 4:39pm UTC
    Imperfection is beauty,
    madness is genius,
    and it'd better to be absolutely ridiculous,
    than utterly boring.

  17. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2011 4:35pm UTC
    if the music is too loud
    your too old

  18. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2011 11:01pm UTC
    the crush survey
    1. do you like a guy? : yees.
    2. what color is his hair? : blackkiissh
    3. what style is it? : the cute one
    4. cute smile? : mhm(: dimpllesss <3
    5. braces? : naah.
    6. glasses? mhmm
    7. abs? : hellyess!!
    8. height? : like 5'5
    9. what grade is he in? : sammee asss mmeee
    10. how did you meet him?: thruu my friiend
    11. how long have you known him? : mhhh,,more thann a monthh
    12. would you consider him a friend? : hellyeaah bestfriend <3
    13. would he consider you a friend? : hellyeaah bestfriend <3
    14. when you ask him for a hug does he give it to you? : he betterr !
    15. does he play sports? : yesh
    16. can he play the guitar? : i dont thiink so
    17. what about other instruments? : i dont thiink so
    18. what's the last thing he said to you? : go lay dowwn er sumthinn (;
    19. do you guys ever text? : yeah all thaa timme
    20. last time you were on his facebook wall? : a liil whiile ago
    21. have you liked his facebook picture? : mhm(:
    22. has he ever commented on one of your pics? : yaah(:
    23. has he ever written on your wall? : yes.(:
    24. describe something he'd wear on a typical day? : jeans sweatshiirt
    25. what's your fav thing to see him wear? : jeans sweatshiirt
    26. has he ever let you wear his hoodie/jacket? : no/:
    27. do you know when his birthday is? may...18 i thiink
    28. has he ever given you anything? : nii
    29. do you think he likes you back? :yees.
    30. do any of your friends know you like him? : yeeah
    31. do your teachers know you like him? : noep
    32. do you think they would like you dating him? : naah.
    33.what would you do if he read this? : lmfao he wont
    34. why do you like him? :he treats me like a princess nd knows how to treat a giirl (:

  19. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2011 2:00am UTC
    *for girls eyes ONLY*
    Girls only.......................................................................................
    Did you know kissing ishealthy
    It's good to cry
    Chicken soup actually makes you feel better
    94% of boys would love it if you sent them flowers
    Lying is actually unhealthy
    Onlyapplymascara to your top lashes
    It's actually true, boys DO insult you when they like you!
    89% of guys want YOU to make the 1st move
    Ya but 99.99% of girls want guys to make the first move
    Chocolate will make you feel better!
    Most boys think it's cute when you say the wrong thing.
    A good friend never judges.
    A good foundation will hide hickeys!..not that you have any
    Boys aren't worth your tears
    We ALL love surprises!!
    Now.... make a wish!
    Wish REALLLLLLY hard!!!
    Your wish has just been received
    repost this with the title *for girls eyes ONLY* in the next 15mins and...Your wish WILL BE GRANTED

  20. lexiexoxo37 lexiexoxo37
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2011 1:28am UTC
    Someone needs to take a
    >>shopping trip to
    dicks sporting goods,
    because your in desperate need of some
    ballsand a
    real stick.


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