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Member Since: 9 Aug 2008 08:21am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 53387

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heyy everyone.uhh my names liz, if it isn't obvious already. just a little about me: im 13, go to FMS and i play soccer ,lacrosse and basketball. I'm not very good at this quote making stuff, I just like looking at them, and knowing I'm not the only one whos had relationship problems. comment please[:
  1. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2009 8:50pm UTC
    Keep readi​ng or somet​hing bad will happe​n.
    >She calls​ you by your full name not just a nick name
    > She hits you softl​y on the arm and laugh​s when you say somet​hing funny​.
    > She flips​ her hair when she'​​s talki​ng to you.
    > She touch​es your arm when she talks​ to you.
    > She says,​​ "No, I'm not telli​ng you who I like!​​"​​ with a big smile​ on her face.
    > She asks you who you like or who you would​ go out with seemi​ngly intre​sted
    > When you go to the movie​s with a bunch​ of your frien​ds and she is almos​t alway​s next to you.
    > She criti​cizes​ you on a girl you like.
    > You catch​ her stari​ng at you.
    >She plays​ with your hair or tries​ to put make up on you
    > Her frien​ds outsi​de of schoo​l and in schoo​l know about​ you, and says she talks​ about​ you a lot.
    > She knows​ your phone​ numbe​r and addre​ss.
    >She will try & talk and spend​ time with you as much as possi​ble
    > He stare​s at you a lot
    > He hits you a lot(​​playf​ully)​​
    >He uses the first​ thing​ that pops into his head to start​ a conve​rstai​on with you
    >He yelle​d,​​ "​​Hi!​​"​​,​​ to your mom that day she picke​d you up from schoo​l
    >He blew off his buds to go see "​​Brown​ Sugar​"​​ with you cuz you could​n'​​t get anoth​er girl pal to go and didn'​​t want to go alone​
    > He tries​ to make you laugh​ anywa​y even if he gets hurt in the proce​ss
    > His voice​ gets softe​r when ever you two talk
    > You hung up on him.
    He calle​d you back
    > You where​ invit​ed by him to a group​ outin​
    >He calle​d you to talk about​ nothi​ng at all.
    > He imita​tes your laugh​.​​ Which​ makes​ you laugh​ even harde​r.​​.​​.
    > He remem​bers littl​e thing​s you menti​on in casua​l conve​rsati​on
    > He somet​imes stare​s strai​ght into your eyes.
    >He uses every​ possi​ble way to touch​ you (​​your hair,​​ face,​​ thigh​s,​​ etc.
    Now make a wish.​​.​​.
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> >​​>​​>​​>​​>​​>​​>​​
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> >​​>​​>​​>​​>​​>​​>​​
    > >>
    > >>
    Ok stop!​​ Your wish will come true if you repos​t this
    If you don'​​t repos​t this then you will never​ get asked​ out or you will lose the one you love!​​!​​.
    Repos​t this in 15 min and your wish will come true in 5 days.
    Repos​t this in 10 min and your wish will come true in 3 days.
    Repos​t this in 5 min and your wish will come true in 1 day
    Girls​:​​ repos​t this as: "How Guys Flirt​"​​
    Guys:​​ repos​t this as: "How Girls​ Flirt"

  2. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2009 4:26pm UTC
    Greene Turtle Lacrosse Club
    Bel Air, Maryland
    Class of 2013
    ^^thats mehh teamm!!

  3. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2008 8:06pm UTC
    I don't want this moment to ever end
    Where everythings [nothing] without you
    I'll wait here forever just to, to see you smile
    'Cause it's true, I am [nothing] without you
    could someone make it pretty??

  4. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2008 8:00pm UTC
    Pretty pathetic, right?
    how i wait here, staring at your screen name,
    hoping you will sign on
    just so i sit here and think of what to say to you
    but in the end, i do absolutely nothing.

  5. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2008 7:53pm UTC
    "Take care of my heart- -l
    l- - ->> I gave it to you"
    -Edward Cullen <33

  6. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2008 7:03pm UTC

  7. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2008 6:50pm UTC
    (#>----------------------lacrosse.sure its girls running aroundin mini skirts and pre-wraptrying to get a little rubber ball into the goal.but its practicing every daywhether its snowing, or 100 degrees outit's doing a million sprints in practice, just to stay in shapeit's playing your heart out to show everyone what your made ofit's not a sport- it's a passion----------------------<#)

  8. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2008 1:55pm UTC
    You see her sitting across the roomits possible she likes you toothere is only one way to ask herdon't say a single wordnot a wordjust kiss the girl^^to all of the guys that don't have a cluenot my credit

  9. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2008 9:26pm UTC
    I want somebody to cuddle up with during a movie on the couch. Stay up all night talking about nothing. Get lost in the woods together. Challenge me, challenge him. Talk about dreams, make dreams. Have fight, the kind that only really matter just as long as you're having them. Someone I can wrestle with, you know, play hard sometimes and not worry about breaking a nail or an arm. A guy who will bring me flowers once in awhile, maybe a rock too or a shell of some sort. Something he saw that made him think of me, made him think "this might make my girl smile: as he smiles to himself. A guy who wants me, maybe even needs me, just a little, enough to hold onto me with everything he's got. not mine i just changed the colorscredit to coolnessiscooler

  10. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2008 7:10pm UTC
    Patrick: bye Mr.Crabs, bye Squidward.Spongebob: bye Squidward,bye Mr.Crabs, bye Squidward.Patrick: uhmm Spongebob you said bye to Squidward twice.Spongebob: I like Squidward.-Spongebob (:

  11. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2008 7:34am UTC
    Thats what you getwhen you let your h e a r t w i n-thats what you get by paramore

  12. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2008 10:21am UTC
    Because days come on goBut my feelings for you are Fore v e r-Forever by Papa Roach

  13. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2008 10:15am UTC
    Whos to know if your soul will fade at all the one you sold to fool the world you lost your self esteem along the way-fake it by seether

  14. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2008 3:21pm UTC
    lets start a R I O T -Riot by three days grace

  15. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2008 1:03pm UTC
    Cause I'm looking at you t h r o u g h a g l a s s-through glass by stone sour

  16. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2008 12:51pm UTC
    I'm not alright, I'm Barely Holding On

  17. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 7:18pm UTC
    thats pretty funny 'cause.....l love you too

  18. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 11:19am UTC
    spongebob: F is for friends who do stuff together U is for you and me N is for anywhere anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea!plankton: F is for fire that burns down the whole town U is for uranium bombs N is for no survivors!- SpongeBob Squarepants

  19. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 11:04am UTC
    i try so hardi get so farbut in the endit doesnt even matter- in the end by linkin park

  20. lala_its_lizzay lala_its_lizzay
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 10:44am UTC
    Maybe I spend extra time in front of the mirror for himMaybe I walk faster just to be next to himAnd maybe just maybe I love him


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