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Member Since: 30 Jul 2011 03:44am

Last Seen: 24 Apr 2012 11:07pm

user id: 201373

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Hello! I'm Brooke, and I'm 15 years old. I love to sing, act, dance, write, laugh, and just be happy. Basically, I'm just your average teenage girl trying to find her place in this big, beautiful, messed up world.♥
I'm taken, now and forever. Probably the most cliche thing I could say, but I love Aaron Tyler with all my heart, and I don't think I've ever cared about someone more.♥
Mall tomorrow with besties, then dance competition. Wish me luck !♥
  1. keep_dreaming keep_dreaming
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2011 5:25am UTC
    Forever & Always
    chapter 1
    Did the test really say it? Had I read it right? I already knew the answer to that one. Of course I had. I’d read the box over a million times. 2 dark lines meant positive.
    My hand immediately flew to my stomach. There was a living, growing little life inside of me. I couldn’t help the little smile that spread across my face.
    It disappeared the moment I heard banging on the bathroom door. “Christina? Everything all right, you’ve been in their a while!” called my mother’s voice, and I scrambled to wash away all evidence of what had just happened. God, how was I going to tell her? I wasn’t sure if I could.
    “Uh-yeah Mom. I’m fine.” I said back to her, realizing I was still staring at the pregnancy test. I gave it one last look, and wrapped it up in tissues and through it in the trash. I would make a point of taking it to the curb myself at the end of the week.
    “Well Dalton is here to see you. He’s in the living room.” Mom said, and I heard her walk away. I froze. Dalton. Oh god, how would I ever tell Dalton?
    What would he think of me? How was he going to react?
    Well, I guess there was only one way to find out. I took one last look in the mirror, and quickly ran a brush through my golden blonde hair. It was in terrible knots, probably because when I’m nervous, I tend to tug at my hair. And when I’d missed my period, well, I- I can’t even put into words how I felt.
    I opened the bathroom door, and walked down the hallway and into the living room, where my boyfriend sat on the couch, and greeted me with a smile. “Hey babe.” He said, and kissed my cheek.
    “Hey…” I said back, trying my best not to sound stressed- and failing miserably.
    “What’s wrong?” He asked, and pushed a stray strand of hair that was in my face, behind my ear. I forced a smile, and realized I couldn’t put this off. I had to get it over with.
    “We need to talk.” I said, biting my lower lip. He gave me a weird look, and I took his hand and lead him into my backyard, away from my Mother’s curious ears.
    I gently shut the sliding screen door behind me, took a deep breath, and turned around.
    “Um, okay so remember that night, at the party, when we…you know?” I managed to get out, and Dalton smiled, and pulled me into his arms. “I do. Is that what this is about? Are you asking for more?” He said, and I spat out a bitter laugh before I could stop myself.
    “Not exactly.” I said, and did my best to look everywhere but into his eyes. Those gorgeous, dark brown eyes. Dalton gave me a slightly hurt, slightly confused look. “Then what is it?”
    “I- um- I’m late.” I said, completely unable to actually say the words, “I think I’m pregnant.” I’m late seemed like a pretty okay substitute though. A confused expression came across his face for a moment, then realization flooded into his eyes.
    “Are- are you sure? How can you be sure? Don’t you have to take a test-“
    “Already did.” I cut him off. I realized I was clutching my stomach, and quickly through my hands to my sides. I didn’t need my Mom realizing what we were talking about, if she was watching from some window nearby.
    “And?” He said. I couldn’t help but notice the look of anger on his face. Angry? What did he have to be angry about? It’s not like it was completely my fault. We both had a pretty big part in this.
    “It’s positive. I’m pregnant Dalton.” I said, and the look of anger on his face become more intense. “Well, then let’s go.” He said, and started to walk away. “Go where?” I called at him, not moving from my place on the porch.
    “To the abortion clinic.”
    if you like, comment. not sure if i should keep going with it, might not. but if you really want me to, comment, please!♥

  2. keep_dreaming keep_dreaming
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2011 4:16am UTC
    Tonight. I opened my bag to find a
    post-it note. it said:
    Brooke, you are the most gorgeous thing I have ever laid my eyes on. Your perfect in every way imaginable, and I've didn't think it was possible to fall in love with a girls eyes, oh but I have. I love you baby girl, always and forever.♥
    Thank you Alex, for showing me not all guys are complete jerks.♥♥♥


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