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  1. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2011 5:36pm UTC
    That awkward moment
    when you fall in love
    With your
    best guy friend♥

  2. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2011 6:12pm UTC
    Our lo ve is like a song
    you cant forget it <3

  3. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2011 4:51pm UTC
    type here
    type here
    type here
    type here
    type here
    type here
    Those texts
    that make you smile bigger, and biggere here
    every time you read it <3
    type here
    type here
    type here
    type here
    type here

  4. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 5:50pm UTC
    I want to say so many
    things to you
    But i cant cause mommy told me if i dont have anything nice to say,
    Dont say it at all.
    Format by sandrasaurus_

  5. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 5:39pm UTC
    Oh, thats cool how you
    >>choose her over me.<<
    and say me and you can go out when you and her are done...
    bad news bro;
    im not waiting
    [♥] [♥] [♥]

  6. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 5:35pm UTC
    Dear girl,
    I think its time to forget about him.
    He has hurt you and me way to much.
    Just let the memories fade♥
    Its time for you to let him behind
    I know it will be hard but its for the best,trust me.
    Remember, always follow me and everything will be fine.
    Your heart <3
    -not my format.♥

  7. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 5:25pm UTC
    Format by Sandrasaurus
    I want to say
    i deserve better then you
    and mean it.
    i want to say
    i give up and beleive it
    And i want to say
    im moving on and do it
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  8. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 5:17pm UTC
    Im fighting to get you
    Out of my head
    But holding onto
    every word that you ever said


  9. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 5:12pm UTC
    ♥ Im not going to stress over you anymore
    its just not worth it.
    I tried to work something out but you just ignored it.
    Im not trying to say i dont want you,
    because i definitely do.
    All im saying is im done
    Chasing after you

  10. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2011 6:11pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2011 6:00pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2011 5:52pm UTC
    When you tell your business
    everybody listens
    When you tell your problems
    everybody is missing

  13. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 9:17pm UTC
    30 day challenge
    Day 2- the initials of the person you liked/loved/had a crush on for the longest.
    o goddd. umm n.o....and this is gonna be awk if he goes on my witty, even though he knows. lmaoo !
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry d\
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend

  14. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 1:35pm UTC
    30 day challenge
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    1. I have a dog named smuckers 2. im obsessed with justin bieber
    3. my mom just had a baby (: 4. my foots alseep rightnow.lmao!
    5. i really wanna go to a chris brown concert 6. i love the beach
    7. i had/have like the biggest crush on one of my close guy friends for a while 8.I love my middle name, michele 9. i tan all the time and i barely get tan 10. im afraid of frogs 11. i find feet gross
    12. im scared to text him first but i do anyway 13. i tell everyone everything and i hate itt 14. i think about him NON STOP 15. im scared for tomorrows challenge vvvvv
    Day 2- the initials of the person you liked/loved/had a crush on for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry d\
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend

  15. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 11:40am UTC
    I Felt so special when
    You said all of that "your beautiful" stuff to me♥
    But then i talked to other girls
    and they told me that you said the same
    things to them...
    now instead of feeling special, i feel like a

  16. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 10:45am UTC
    Im just saying...
    you can do better

  17. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 11:50pm UTC
    and it kills me
    When i see you flirting with

  18. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 4:27pm UTC
    The awkward moment
    when your crush talks to you about how much they like someone else and your just like
    Trying not to care <3

  19. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2011 6:51pm UTC
    yeah, you caught
    me looking at you...
    But i caught you looking back at me ;)

  20. kayleighxo6 kayleighxo6
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2011 11:10am UTC
    Dont say 'i love you'
    unless you mean it
    Because i might do something crazy like
    Believe it


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