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Member Since: 4 Sep 2010 02:04am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 123794

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No, im not new to this site.I just wanted a site for my 30 days 30 letters.Due to the fact that my ex-bestfriend((also my new enemy))knows my other one, and always looks at it.(:.
AIM: imatt3r

eMail: idbehme@aol.com

my other, and real account is ily123ily
so if you want to, you may look at my quotes.


(:.Oh.and i love comments, ALOT.

  1. ilyxx123xx ilyxx123xx
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2010 9:51pm UTC
    30 Days;;30 Letters
    Day 6;;A Stranger
    Dear Stranger;;
    If your a girl thats heartbroken,i know exactly how you feel.
    If your a boy thats a cheater, fu-uck you!(:
    If your an old pervert, leave me the hell alone.

  2. ilyxx123xx ilyxx123xx
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2010 10:14pm UTC
    30 days, 30 letters
    Day 5;;your dreams
    Dear dreams,
    i don't have any.except to find an amazing boy that doesn't care about me wearing makeup, he'll find me beautiful in the best or worst moods.<.3.almost like a prince charrming.
    But god knows fairytales dont exist

  3. ilyxx123xx ilyxx123xx
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2010 3:51pm UTC
    30 days;30 letters.
    Day 4.
    (my brothers in afghanistan, and we're major close)
    I miss you, more then anything on earth.
    Come home soon, please?I need you.You dont even know.Please, hurry, dont get hurt.
    Shoot them, and let god sort them out later.
    Dont worry about anyone else, just worry about yours...and the other Josh's safety.Thats the only 2 people you nneed to worry about.
    I love you,

  4. ilyxx123xx ilyxx123xx
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2010 10:46pm UTC
    30 Days, 30 Letters
    Day 3;;your parents
    Dear parents,
    i love you.alot...and theres so much i want to tell you, but you'll yell at me for.
    Mom, i realize i told you guys i didn't like him that much, so you 2 don't think its too much of a deal as i make it to be, but honestly, i liked him, ALOT.and i only broke up with him because i was scared to ruin my rep
    Dad, i know i'm your little girl/princess or whatever,
    but truthfully, ive fallen in love before.with a boy neither you or mom knew about.
    im sorry
    maybe some day, ill tell you guys, but for now, its just
    my secret

  5. ilyxx123xx ilyxx123xx
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2010 10:25pm UTC
    30 days;;30 letters
    Day 2;;your crush
    Dear crush,
    i haven't known you long. so it won't be too hard for you to figure out who'm you are.
    its just a small crush, not very big. but your absolutely adorable.
    you've been a great friend in the passed few days, and seem very sweet.
    the last few days have been amazing

  6. ilyxx123xx ilyxx123xx
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2010 2:31am UTC
    30 days.30 letters.
    Day one;;bestfriend.
    Dear bestfriend,
    you've been there since 6th grade.we've known eachother since 5th, and now, that we're going into highschool alone, without eachother, in different schools, i'm terrified that i wont have you to see by my side.we've had so many times that i've had you to hold my hand, and help guide me through things((no, not literally))...but you know what i mean.you know more about me, then my own mother does.you know about the boy drama, and youve never been judgemental about it.which i have to love about you.
    you have definiatly made a huge impact on my life.
    {ps, sure, Zacks cute(:}


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