Witty Profiles

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  1. ellieo_x ellieo_x
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2010 3:51pm UTC
    We kissed,
    and i smiled.
    how embarassing.
    but you thought i was good and you were crap
    but baby i was the one smiling
    And tbh...
    You were Amazing♥

  2. mrsbloomrox mrsbloomrox
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2010 3:50pm UTC
    i think about you every day.
    part of me is scared that there will come a time when you don't
    feel the same way, that you'll somehow forget what we shared.
    - dear john, by nicholas sparks

  3. wisco123 wisco123
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2010 10:11pm UTC
    never fall
    because the one who's
    w o r t h I t
    will climb up there...
    and jump
    w i t h y o u
    tis mine<3

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. ishpygirl22 ishpygirl22
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2010 2:01pm UTC
    Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you.”

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. brittanysayshi brittanysayshi
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2010 8:04pm UTC
    i have baseball practice, i'll text you later.
    (seasons over)
    i have to study, i'll text you later.
    (you wouldn't dare to open a book)
    i'm afraid to get caught, i'll text you later.
    (teachers don't care)
    my phones about to die, i'll text you later.
    (you have a charger)
    so when did you plan on texting me?

  8. littlemrsunperfect littlemrsunperfect
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2010 5:23pm UTC
    i was righting a story...tell me what you think please!should i continue?it gets better trust me!
    life as a teenage mom..
    chp.1 pregnant?
    My name is Vanessa.I am 17 and about 8 months pregnant.you are probably thinking i am so young and it was with some random guy i met at a party...but no i am going to have Izzabella with my boyfriend Tyler.The story goes like this...
    My boyfriend and i have been together for 3 years.We are perfect for each other.and no he isnt a bad guy who i am in love with he truley is my perfect guy.We met in the most wonderful way possible....
    It was at a carnival my boyfirend had just dumped mr.I sat alone on a bench while life went on without me..A tear was strolling down my cheek.He slowly sat next to me and placed his hand on top of mine.i slowy turned my face to face his,the first thing that caught my eye was his ocean blue ayes.they were the perfect shade not to dark or light,just the perfect tone.
    He looked at me and said "I would never do this to you."
    I didntknow him but i felt a feeling I had never felt before not even with mom....I felt love
    We kissed and the whole world froze..just for me and him
    My mom dosnt care ,she has a new sugar daddy everyother week because of her way she looks.she dosnt care about me or even shows affection towrds me.i dont even think she knows i exist.She makes my life a living hell always reminding me how i was an accident and how life would be better with out me and i always get in the way of things ecpesially men because nobody wants a oman with a daughter.
    i am going to put chp.2 next...its called.The seperation and Reunited!

  9. LoveIsInTheHeartx3 LoveIsInTheHeartx3
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2010 6:26pm UTC
    Why do we sleep in church,
    but when the ceremony is over we suddenly wake up?
    Why is it so hard to talk about God,
    but so easy to gossip?
    Why are we so bored when we look at a Christian magazine,
    but find it easy to read Playboy?
    Why is it so easy to ignore a Godly myspace message,
    Yet we repost the nasty ones?
    Why are churches getting smaller,
    but bars and clubs are growing?
    Why is it so hard to fight for what you belive in,
    when its so easy to get in a fist fight?
    Think about it, are you going to repost this?
    Are you going to ignore it, cause you think you'll get laughed at?
    Just remember God is always watching you.
    The Lord said: "If you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of my father."
    90% of you won't repost this
    Do it if you believe in God. (:
    At least thats one guy who loves me<3

  10. LoveIsInTheHeartx3 LoveIsInTheHeartx3
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2010 9:57pm UTC
    What Is Love?
    Part 8
    **Sorry, the one beefore this was supposed to be Part 7, but I wrote Part 9 for some reason ahah sorry! And now this one is part 8. Get it? have questions.. just comment asking the question! kthanksbaiii(: ***
    I just continued to stare into his eyes.
    "do you feel the same way?" He looked very nervous.
    I then started to tear. He got his thumb and swiped the tears away. I closed my eyes.
    "Whats wrong?"
    "Its complicated."
    "we have time."
    "Ever since 6th grade, I wanted to fall in love but I never did. And then you came along and I dont know what love is since I never fell in love before. Ayden tried explaining it... He said that when you get butterflies and you say things that you wouldn't normally say, and you blush a lot..." I paused and took a deep breath.
    "From that description of love... then I think that I am in love with you." I finalized my explanation.
    :D Good cliffhanger?
    Nahh, its just that I have to go to bed ! xD Spanish teestttt !!!
    Comment, heart <3, Profile Commentt
    I love. you. all.
    GOt it?
    Hi. I really need to stop wasting your time reading this lol.
    HI> Yesireee IM boredddddddddddddddddd
    Facebook mee! search :: Karly Cassidy I have the same profile pic!!
    Formspringggg mee!!! put it formspring.me/karlyk
    :D I LOVE YOU ALL!! <3
    Karly Cassidy A.K.A
    LoveIsInTheHeartx3 <3

  11. LoveIsInTheHeartx3 LoveIsInTheHeartx3
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2010 7:08pm UTC
    What is Love?
    Part 9
    Ayden came over with his possy. They are my friends. Jack, Stu, and Howie. I just couldn't stand to look at Ayden.
    "Heyyy babe!" Ayden said while pulling a chair over and putting his hand aroound my arm.
    I shrugged it off "babe? Really?" I laughed hard.
    He got red "Well yeah!"
    I wanted to embarrass him in front of his friend oh so badly!
    "I don't quite remembering us going out. Remeber? You were the one who decided not to talk to me. Dont remember? OH, well i bet you remember this! Telling, poor, Jeffrey to sit at THIS table" I emphasized on the THIS. "and told him that I usually sit here, WHICH I DONT! How could you be so mean to him?"
    His face made me laugh. It looked like i painted his face red!!
    I then saw Howie nudge Ayden in the shoulder "C'mon dude. I mean THIS table. That was low."
    Then the others chimed in as well.
    "Well, I think its your cue to leave now." I said while grinning.
    He slowly got up, probably shocked from my response and scolding. Before he completely left, I said "Oh, and If you call me 'babe' one more time, I think I we will have some consequences."
    I swiveled my body towards the table and the girls clapped.
    "Wow, I had no idea that you had so much anger in ya!" Mikayla said.
    "Ahah, I hate when he gets on my nerves."
    "well you sould him!" Jasmine said. We all laughed.
    The Lunch period ended and Jeffrey and I headed off to 5th period.
    We both sat next to each other and we passed notes.
    'heyy(: sorry for that.. commotion .. in lunch :\ ' I wrote
    'Oh thats fine. i thought you did very well! '
    ' thankss! You were actually very quiet tho...'
    ' i have stuff on my mind..'
    'tell me?'
    'after class (; '
    I smiled and we stopped passing notes, afraid that the teacher may catch us.
    After staring into space for the next 20 minutes, the bell rang.
    I quickly gathered my books and Jeffrey took my hand.
    He hand was so soft. My fingers traced the patterns of his skin. He then lead me to the empty hallway. The shadows on the wall were darkened and the lighting was dimmer. He then opened his mouth to say something and I smiled, preparing myself for what he will say.
    "Angelica...I think im falling for you."
    I froze. Was I even breathing?

  12. luckygf333 luckygf333
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2010 10:07pm UTC
    It's Called Love #23
    The next day I went back to the beach. I love the beach. :P Both Alex and Justin came. Oh, fun fun. We got there and I took off my shirt (Yes, I'm wearing my bikini underneath. lol). I went by the water and looked over my shoulder to see if they were coming. "You guys comin or not???" I yelled over my shoulder. Alex was doin somethin that I have no clue. And Justin was staring at me, most likely my butt. -_- "Uh, yeah, sorry!!!" Yelled Justin after a few seconds. He came running down the beach. He picked me up, swung me around and we kissed. Then he pretended to throw me into the deeper water. We were in the shallow water right now. "AHH!!!! NO!!! DONT!!!" I screamed playfully. We kept playing around like that until it got dark. Then I looked over at Alex. "AWWWW!!!!!" I yelled. I ran over to him. It was sooo romantic. He had a yellow and blue blanket (our fave colors<3) to sit on, a fire, marshmallows, graham crackers, Hershey's chocolate, and sticks. SMORES. :D "Oh my god, thanks sooo much!!!" I said. I kissed him and then we roasted marshmallows. It felt so good to be with him again. I missed doing things like this. <3

  13. luckygf333 luckygf333
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2010 9:37pm UTC
    It's Called Love #22
    I knew how I was gonna choose. I would break up with Justin. Then, I would see who would be the sweetest and do the most things do get my heart back... It was fair enough, right? I liked them both the same amount and the same way... I had figured this whole thing out on the car-ride back home in Alex's car. Once we got to my house, before Alex unlocked the car door, he said "You know me and Haley never did date... right? Frikin Josh took her phone and told you that." I thanked him, hugged him, and ran inside. I went to my room. There was Justin. And he was comforting Haley who was crying her eyes out. "Oh Haley..." I said and I ran over and hugged her. I couldn't stay mad at her for long. She was too adorable! Justin just sat there in awe then squeezed me. He kissed me so many times. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! Oh god I love you... Please never do that again..." he said. "I promise.... but I have something to tell you." I said. I sighed. "I like you and Alex the same way. I'm gonna break up with you... and whoever is the sweetest after 2 weeks wins, got it? Sorry..." I said. "Oh, that's fine.... I know I'll win though. :)" he said. He gave me a passionate kiss. Then he laid me on top of him on the bed. "I love you." he said and kept kissing me. "I love you too..." I said. I got off him and laid my head on his chest. He held me tightly in his arms and I fell asleep within minutes.

  14. luckygf333 luckygf333
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2010 9:14pm UTC
    It's Called Love #21
    I ran up to the road by the beach. I looked around frantically. I saw a high rock. Perfect! I went to climb the rock. Once I got up to the top, I looked out at the view. "Oh my god..." I whispered to myself. It was SO pretty! The horizon was calm. The sky was blue, purple, pink, green, and a little yellow. There was a little boat on the horizon. I looked the other way, toward the road. All of a sudden I felt really bad. I had seen a car driving. It was Alex's. Ugh. Then everything went black.
    I woke up in Alex's arms. "Mmm... My head hurts." "Hey! I noticed you standing on the cliff.... then you passed out... you're really dehydrated baby..." he said and kissed my forehead. Crap. I missed that kiss. I missed his soft lips. And I think I'm falling for him again... NO! I CAN'T! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?! I don't know who to choose...

  15. LoveIsInTheHeartx3 LoveIsInTheHeartx3
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2010 9:08pm UTC
    What is Love?
    Part 6
    We entered the Gym locker rooms and separated.
    Once Gym was over, I usually expected him to wait for me afterwards but instead I saw him walking along without me.
    I ran up to him and grabbed his arm.
    "What the heck is wrong with you?"
    "Why don't you tell me?"
    "what?? Just because i don't like you like that, you END the friendship.!? HMM? Well that is just... wrong. Okay? I need you sometimes to be my FRIEND! Just blowing off the friendship because of me not knowing if I like you hurts me."
    I stopped talking and waited for him to respond. He just stayed their shocked
    I threw my hands up in the hair and screamed "OH, im sorry. I think you just did blow off the friendship. And yes, you did hurt me and now..I walk away. This wasn't mine decision, this was yours!" I turned and walked. He didn't try to stop me, yet he just stood there.
    Lunch came around and I was excited to introduce Jeffrey to the rest of the gang.
    I walked into the lunchroom with a smile on my face and saw everyone sitting at the table.
    I apprached the table and said "Hey, guys!!" I went around hugging them all.
    I sat down right in between Jasmine and Elissa. My two best friends. I took out my lunch and looked around the cafeteria, hoping to find Jeffrey somewhere. I then spot him. Sitting at the empty table in the corner, eating his lunch. I immediately gathered my lunch and walked over. I sat down and said "Hey! Why are you sitting here alone?" I took a bite of my sandwhich.
    "Oh.. well i didn't see you at first so I asked your friend uhm.. Ayden, right? Yes. Ayden and he said that he never saw you and he told me to sit at this table right here. He said that this is where you sit."
    I was furious. AYDEN! The table that we were sitting at was known as the Humiliation Table. Otherwise known as "HT!" The fact that Ayden told him to sit there, bursted my bubble. I just couldn't tell Jeffrey what this table really stood for so I shook it off.
    "Awh, how sweet. But yeah, we aren't talking anymore. had a little fight."
    "Oh." He looked down.
    Then i felt a tap on my shoulder.
    It was Jasmine. "Hey? What are you two doing here?"
    "Uhm, this is where i Sit!" I winked.
    "OH! Right, well let me grab a chair and I'll be right over!" She smiled and vanished.
    "Well," I said facing him "How is your first day going?"
    "Good good...I'm glad that I met some new friends. Especially you" He then looked down..again
    I blushed and it burnt my cheeks. "Awh! Thanks, I feel special now!"
    "Aha, you should! Well, your cheetos look good!" He said pointing to the ziploc bag of orange puff sticks.
    "Why, take them!" I then pushed them towards the other side of the table. But before he could push them back or say anything, everyone at the table I used to sit at, came here.
    "hey guys!"
    "Hey!" they all said
    "Sorry we couldn't come any faster!" Channy said.
    "Awh, its alright, we were just trading some snacks. Anyone up for some Apple slices?"
    The rest of the lunch continued with food, laughter, and smiling. Until...they showed up.

  16. LoveIsInTheHeartx3 LoveIsInTheHeartx3
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2010 6:21pm UTC
    Experiencing Love In Poverty- part 10
    "Your wish is my command, gorgeous" He then leaned in and I put my hands around his neck.
    The kiss was great, I was never kissed before and even if i got kissed again, noting would top this one. It was magical. I felt sparks exploding over our heads like it was a calm night on the fourth of july. His lips were very moist and soft. My lips, of course, were a bit dry and chapped because i didn't get my daily serving of water every day. Surprisingly, the chapped lips didn't bother him. Usually if someone was kissing chapped lips, they would make it a quick kiss. But, David, made it long and memorable. And yes, it was a memorable kiss i would never forget.
    After 20 minutes of making out, I started to get nervous. I felt eyes on me. It was probably my mother's. I pulled away slowly and smiled.
    "I got to go" I smiled back and quickly got out of the car. I waved and he returned a wide, breath-taking smile. My heart melted like butter and i skipped inside as his car zoomed away.
    I opened the door as if nothing had happened and of course, she approached me. She smacked me across the face.
    "MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, holding my cheek.
    "HOW DARE YOU!!!"
    "Mom. I love him. What more do you want from me?"
    "whatever. Im leaving."
    "w-where are you going?"
    I walked outside, still with my books in my hand, and i started to walk. I knew where i was going. I wanted to go to the David's house. His family was very accepting of me, even though they knew that i was poor. As I was walking, i started to get a bit parch. I licked my lips a lot because my saliva wasn't doing the trick to keeping my lips moisturized.
    After 10 more minutes of walking, i saw his mansion in the distance. I started to sprint over to his lawn. I walked up to his huge, maroon, door.
    I knocked...."Hello! It's so nice to see you, darling!" Mrs. Kienowski answered the door.
    "Hi, Mrs. Kienowski, how are you?" I walked into their foyer.
    "good good, and yourself?"
    I rolled my eyes, "My mother. She isn't a very accepting person."
    Mrs. Kienowski nodded her head as if she knew what I was talking about.
    "Well, David is upstairs, blasting music. You can go right up! Dinner will be ready soon!"
    "thanks, I know that it would be great as always!"
    "oh, you flatter me, Sherine!" She giggled and walked into the kitchen.
    I ran up the steps, excited to surprising David. I opened his door slowly. I saw him on his bed...but not blasting music. Maybe he stopped. He was staring at his ceiling.
    I quickly got on the floor and started to crawl over to his bed. I was on the floor, ready to pounce on his bed.
    I quickly jumped up and said "heyyy"
    He looked at me, wide-eyed and hugged me "heyyy !!!!"
    "i thought i can surprise you today"
    "Oh really? Well you surprised me!!!" He kissed my forehead and allowed me to cuddle next to him.
    "That was part of the plan. My mom hasn't been accepting lately...of you." I looked down and continued "so i decided to leave her. I had no where to go.. so i was thinking... here?" I looked up at him.
    "OF COURSE! You can stay here whenever you like. I sure you can sleep over." He winked
    "Thats what i was hoping!" I giggled and put my head on his chest, just like the day we were lying on the grass on the side of the road. Happy moment.
    We were then interrupted by a "DINNNERS READY" He Picked me up, threw my over his shoulder and yelled back "COMING!!" I giggled and he carried my downstairs. HOW EMBARASSING!

  17. LoveIsInTheHeartx3 LoveIsInTheHeartx3
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2010 8:33pm UTC
    Experiencing Love In Poverty- part 11
    Sorry for this being really short- but i have a great cliffhanger in mind!! :D
    Mr. Kienowski looked up from his newspaper and smiled "Look at you two lovebirds"
    I playfully hit david's back and screamed "put me down!!!"
    Mrs. Kienowski entered the Grand Dining Room with a big glass plate of Pot Roast. YUM! "Dinner is Served!" She cheered happily
    "Great, Im Starved" David Said
    "well... me too! But i can't seem to eat with my head dangling off your shoulder!"
    "That is a problem that cannot be solved!"
    "oh, so you're saying that i will never get dowN?" I playfully joked
    "Yes." He smiled and turned towards his mom.
    "Mom, is that okay if Sherine sleeps over?"
    "anyday!!!" Mrs. Kienowski answered with a bright smile.
    "But there is one problem..." David said with a hint of concern in his voice"..i can't find Sherine"
    I played a long. "OH My, where am i?"
    "I have no clue!"
    Just then The Kienowski's dog, Percy, came in barking and jumping about the Grand Dining Room. Percy seemed to be enjoying the fact that i was hanging over David's shoulder and started to scratch and bite David's leg. I think Percy wanted to go on too.
    "PERCY, OWW!!" David must've been bit really hard and used one of his hands to touch the bite. Just then his balance was unstable and next thing i knew, i was falling in mid air...where was i heading? THE GROUND.

  18. LoveIsInTheHeartx3 LoveIsInTheHeartx3
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2010 8:50pm UTC
    Experiencing Love In Poverty- Part 12
    My head collided with the hard-wood floor. I heard some cracks and then everything turned black.
    Even though i couldn't see, i could still hear everything.
    I heard David cry "Oh..my...god...SHERINE!" He managed to say that in between sobs.
    "Oh, david, its going to be okay, the paramedics are on their way!!" Mrs. Kienowski said.
    I don't David believed that. I don't think he knew that everything was going to be okay. I mean that was a 5'9 foot drop!
    I don't think everything if going to be okay...
    I heard faint 'beeep........beep...............beep" I knew i was in the hospital. That was my heart-rate monitor. I heard the doctor come in and confront david and the kienowskis.
    "Are you guys the.......kienowskis?"
    "Yes" David was the first to answer
    "well, Im sorry to saw but she is in a coma."
    David started to cry and mentally...me too ):
    Day by day passed and for some reason, i couldn't wake up. I wanted to, OH SO BAD! Every day i would hear david say something to me that I knew came from the heart. But on an October Friday,(i know from the nurses who come in and mumble to themselves 'ughh, friday! T.G.I.F!' ), David said something to me that effected me very emotionally and mentally...and physically.

  19. LoveIsInTheHeartx3 LoveIsInTheHeartx3
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2010 9:00pm UTC
    Experiencing Love In Poverty- Part 13
    "Ever since i met you, I knew you were the right one for me. You came into my life and I have never felt any better. I think I love you more than i love my own parents" He stopped and giggled softly. "I wish you were up right now so that i can see your lovely eyes and smile. You know what I can't believe? That i haven't noticed you before. I have changed, Sherine. I know that i hang out with the boys that call you names and stuff, but honestly, im not like that. I know that you know that already but i just want to make that clear. The day that you made me pull over and drop you off, made my heart break. I hate to see you angry and sad. I know what your dad has done to your family and I know that your mom is still very sensitive about your dad leaving and she still doesn't trust me. I just want you to know that i would NEVER EVER do that to you." I could feel his hands clinch into a fist. "Sherine, If i ever do that to you, I swear I would kill myself. Because i can't imagine living without you...-"
    Then someone stepped in.

  20. LoveIsInTheHeartx3 LoveIsInTheHeartx3
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2010 10:01pm UTC
    Experiencing Love In Poverty- part 14
    "Hi,David" Kayla answered
    "Uhm.. what are you doing here?"
    "I am, of course, here to see my bestie!"
    "Uh.. I never knew that you guys were besties..."
    "Oh trust me..we are."
    "Why did you just wink?"
    Next thing i knew, 2 seconds past of silence. WHAT WAS GOING ON?"
    "U-u-uhmm. BYE!" I then heard her storm off
    "Sorry, babe. That kayla is no good. She just tried to kiss me. Don't worry, i pushed her off immediately. I know that you are the only one for me..." He stopped hoping that i would wake up but what he didnt know that i was trying my hardest to just hoping my eyes at least an inch.
    "ANYWAYS. As i was saying. Without you, i would basically never live. Your wavy hair is so silky and amazing and your eyes blind me. The only question that i still ask myself is ..How did i get so lucky?"
    He then placed his angel-soft hand on my mind and thats when i tried my hardest to wake up.
    I think it was working!! My eyes started to twitch and twitch. Next thing i knew, my eyelids were opening. I was in the hospital, of course! No one was in the room. Just as i was getting comfortable, I saw David coming with his hands full with food. He had 2 bags of chips, 2 CulturePop Soda, MM MY FAVORITE, and a lot of napkins held under his chin. He head was down while entering the room so he didn't notice the fact that I was up.
    Once he put the the chips he sat down and pulled the chair over to me. He first placed his hands on mine and finally looked up as if he was praying for my eyes to be open.
    "hi.." I said
    "OMG, SHERINE!! YOU ARE UP!! The doctors said that you can be in coma for at least a year!! Omg, i love you baby!"
    "I love you too" I weakly pulled his hands up and kissed them because i had no strength to lean in to kiss him which i have been wanting to for a long time.
    "Baby, i love you! I am soo sorry. Please forgive me. My stupid PERCY!"
    "he is just a dog, its okay. its actually quite nice to get out of that neighborhood for a while" I giggled weakly.
    "Aww, baby, you get some rest."
    I Put my finger up to stop him. "first i want some chips and CulturePop soda please!"
    "Haha, of course, anything for you!!" We took sips of our soda and ate.
    "Mmmmmmm" He released a moan
    "Oh nothing, its just that i haven't eaten in days!
    "WHAT!?" i almost spit out my food
    "yea, i couldn't eat without me knowing that you were up and healthy. Obviously, you weren't healthy and you weren't up so i refused to eat. 4 days.
    "OMG, HAVE MY CHIPS!" I shoved my chips to him so he can eat.
    He simply put his hand up. "No need. Im perfectly fine with you here" He smiled and we continued to eat and drink in pure happiness and love.


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