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  1. maddysbaby4lyfe maddysbaby4lyfe
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2010 3:30pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. Everlong Everlong
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2010 1:23pm UTC
    click to see this quote

    posted a quote
    February 14, 2010 12:20pm UTC
    you are the girl that everyone
    refers to when they say
    "Thats what she said"

  4. nessa1243 nessa1243
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2010 11:30pm UTC
    i'll be your tinkerbell;
    and you can be my peterpan;

  5. kathycakessx3 kathycakessx3
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2010 11:58am UTC
    I wanna be the girl he's scared to lose
    the one where he can't walk away from knowing shes [mad] at him
    the one who can't fall asleep without her voice being the very last one he hears
    the one he can't live without

  6. taylorswiftfanxx16 taylorswiftfanxx16
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2010 5:37pm UTC
    today, i realized something:;
    as i was dancing outside in the pouring rain
    i let my hair go completely natural
    i didn't care about getting wet
    and i just let go
    then i came inside, and blasted my favorite song
    and danced around like a maniac
    singing at the top of my lungs
    not even caring who passed to see me
    through the window
    &i realized, that lifes good
    and i want to live every moment
    just letting go, and having the time of my life<3

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. dreamforeverrx3 dreamforeverrx3
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2010 8:23pm UTC
    She came in with a full heart
    & he left with half of it//♥

  9. ImNotGonnaWriteYouALoveSong ImNotGonnaWriteYouALoveSong
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2010 6:19pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. kitkat167130 kitkat167130
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2010 9:48pm UTC
    start at zero
    at count by two's
    when you hit
    ( ( f i v e ) )
    is when i'll stop
    loving you

  11. BballNCheerChick BballNCheerChick
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2010 12:50am UTC
    Kisses blown
    are kisses wasted
    kisses aren't kisses
    unless they are tasted
    kisses spread germs
    and germs are hated
    but you can kiss me baby
    i'm vaccinated ;)
    Not sure if its on here-If not-MINE!;)

  12. supashleyyyx3 supashleyyyx3
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2010 6:38pm UTC
    +& It’s hard,
    to tell your mind to stop loving someone,
    when your heart still does.

  13. supashleyyyx3 supashleyyyx3
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2010 6:46pm UTC
    and everyone says
    "you can do so much better"
    but the problem is..
    i dont care, i want you.

  14. xotalxo xotalxo
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2010 2:45pm UTC
    ► Plαy. - Thє Bєst Mєmoriєs
    ▌▌ Pαusє. - Thє liєs
    ■ Stop. - Thє Hєαrt Brєαks
    ◄◄ Rєwiind. - Thє Good Tiimєs

  15. jOnAsBrOtHeRs333 jOnAsBrOtHeRs333
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2010 8:44pm UTC
    Yes I am,
    not the best looking,
    and lazy.
    But even with all these
    [he] still loves me<3

  16. miadora2015 miadora2015
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2010 3:32pm UTC
    cross your heart & hope to die
    clothes 'n make up boys 'n lies
    always together until the end
    that's the definition of true
    B E S T F R I E N D S ©

  17. brunnettebabe797 brunnettebabe797
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2010 6:21pm UTC
    When I think about...HIM;
    I think about frienship.
    And when I think about friendship;
    I think about best friends.
    When I think about best friends;
    I think about falling for them.
    And when I think about falling for them.
    I think about l o v e ;
    When I think about l o v e;
    I think about heartbreakk.
    When I think about heartbreakk;
    I think about pain.
    When I think about pain;
    Alllll I think about is HIM</3

  18. TL_Baby TL_Baby
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2010 4:36pm UTC
    Fine, I'll admit it;
    I think of you every second of every day.
    You're my favorite subject to talk about.
    When i hug you, i wish i could never let go.
    Mostly all of my dreams have you in them.
    I always get excited when i see you again.
    ♥ ♥ & i'm completely in love with you.

  19. live_laugh_love_xo live_laugh_love_xo
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2010 6:13pm UTC
    {[Best Friends]}
    **are the people in life that make you laugh a little louder, **
    smile a little brighter &
    live a little better ♥
    not mine; thought it was cute :) click the {[♥]}

  20. omgizzleitsmaddie omgizzleitsmaddie
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2010 1:22pm UTC
    dear new girl,
    i know he acts all tough and mean, but he's actually very sensitive. he's usually outgoing but when it comes to his girlfriend,
    he's extremely shy, and he will be for the next few months, until he's comfortable around you. if you're sad, he'll try his hardest
    to make you feel better. if he's being mean to you, it's usually because he's fighting with his dad, so just give him time to get
    over it and don't take it personally. if he stops texting you, it's not because he doesn't wanna talk to you, it's usually because he's
    busy. he loves his mom, so don't ever talk bad about her. he's very close with his family, so if you go to his house, expect to go
    to his grandma's house too. don't make fun of him about anything because even if he acts like it doesn't hurt him, it does, and he
    will remember it the next time he's mad at you. if he's sad, he won't tell you why until he's comfortable with you, so just try to make
    him feel better. he'll say he loves you the first day you start going out, but he doesn't really mean it until a few months later. you
    have s o m e o n e s p e c i a l , and you're very lucky. i would kill to be in your spot right now. just don't mess it up like i did.
    love, the old girl


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