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Member Since: 28 Mar 2005 02:24pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 22534

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(( * . : . rIdInG mY dIrTbIkE . : . * )) (( * . : . ShOpPiNg . : . * )) (( * . : . LiStEnInG tO mUsIc . : . * )) (( * . : . PaRtIeS . : . * )) (( * . : . gOiN tO tHe MoViEs BuT hAvInG nO cLuE wHaT hApPeNeD . : . * )) (( * . : . hAnGiN wIt My BiG bRoThErS . : . * )) (( * . : . sWiMmInG . : . * )) (( * . : . sLeEp OvErS . : . * )) (( * . : . rAiNbOw ShErBeT . : . * )) (( * . : . bUbBlE bAtHs WiTh MuSiC . : . * )) (( * . : . gOiN iN sPaS . : . * )) (( * . : . dAnCiN . : . * )) (( * . : . cHeEr . : . * )) (( * . : . sTaYiN iN hOtElS . : . * )) (( * . : . eIgHt PaCkS . : . * )) (( * . : . gOiN tO tHe DiRtBiKe RaCeS . : . * )) (( * . : . mAkIn EyE cOnTaCt WiTh SuM oNe SpEcIaL tHe 1St TiMe . : . * )) (( * . : . GoOd MeMoRiEs . : . * )) (( * . : . pReFoRmInG fOr DaNcE oR cHeEr . : . * )) (( * . : . cOmPeTeTiNg FoR cHeEr Or DaNcE . : . * )) (( * . : . qUoTeS . : . * )) (( * . : . sEeIn OlD FrIeNdS . : . * )) (( * . : . tExT mEsSaGiNg In ClAsS . : . * )) (( * . : . vOiCeMaIlS . : . * )) (( * . : . rEaDiN uR bEsT fRiEnDs MiNd . : . * )) (( * . : . InSiDe JoKeS . : . * )) (( * . : . zOuRs . : . * )) (( * . : . GeTtIn PrEsEnTs . : . * )) (( * . : . GiViN pReSeNtS 2 pPl . : . * )) (( * . : . PoOl PaRtIeS . : . * )) (( * . : . tAkIn HoUrS tO gEt ReAdY . : . * )) (( * . : . gEtTiN rEaDy FoR tHaT sPeCiAl PeRsOn . : . * )) (( * . : . AiM . : . * )) (( * . : . fLiRtInG . : . * )) (( * . : . jEwErLy . : . * )) (( * . : . rInGs . : . * )) (( * . : . CuTe JeAnS, sHoEs AnD sHiRtS . : . * )) (( * . : . hAtS aNd PuRsEs . : . * )) (( * . : . StAyIn Up LaTe At NiTe . : . * )) (( * . : . TaLkIn On ThE fOnE wItH tHaT sPeCiAl OnE aBoUt EvErYtHiNg BuT nUtHiN aT tHe SaMe TiMe . : . * )) (( * . : . CeLl FoNeS . : . * )) (( * . : . sUpRiSiN pEoPlE . : . * )) (( * . : . gEtTiN sUpRiSeD . : . * )) (( * . : . bIrThDaYs . : . * )) (( * . : . WaTcHiN tV iN tHe MiDdLe Of ThE nItE . : . * )) (( * . : . mY pUpPiEs LaYlA aNd MaRlEy . : . * )) (( * . : . pIcTuReS . : . * )) (( * . : . sUmMeRtImE . : . * )) (( * . : . gOiN tO tHe PaRk In ThE mIdDlE oF tHe NiTe . : . * )) (( * . : . GoIn To DaNcEs . : . * )) (( * . : . tAnNiNg . : . * )) (( * . : . gOiN oUtSiDe AnD lOoKiNg At My VeIw At NiTe . : . * )) (( * . : . gEtTiN eMaIlS . : . * )) (( * . : . pErFuMe . : . * )) eMaIl Me At: InFaTuAtEdBaBiE01@yahoo.com
  1. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2005 4:17pm UTC
    the dusk has come, another painful day has come to an end. the half-moon rises as if to mock their pain and remind them that they are incomplete. the street lamps flicker on, casting circular beams on the asphalt, breaking the new darkness. the gray sky fades into a pale blue to a vibrant yellow and into a deep orange. both of them in their seperate houses stare at the moon, painstakeingly wondering what the other is doing or thinking about. she sits on the fence post desperately praying that each car that passes will be him, rescuing her and taking her to their world of ecstacy so often visited. he lays on the grass jumping with each ring of the phone. in deep desperation, he stares at the caller-id wishing it will be her, but to no avail. lovers walking down the street mock them. people in love point and laugh at them. they both cry out in frustration for each other. as they rush toward each other to feel the protection and warmth in each others arms, everything stops. they become cold and open their eyes to realize . . . it was nothing but a dream.

  2. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2005 4:08pm UTC
    she sits in the cold darkness, huddled around this tiny flame for warmth. and as she does, she comes to the realization that the flame is her only hope. the blue base represents the lack of oxygen she experiences everyday, yet it grows to a small, brite yellos tip, which is the starting point of new growth. she watches it steadily progress in strength and melt the wax underneath it. she relates it to him, as she does with so many other things. the blue base is the forced end, the ending which wont last long, but is the most painful ailment they have ever experienced. it starts with a tiny yellow flame-tip. the minutes are like years, waiting until they can be together again. the tip steadily becomes a flame that dances poetically in the darkness, breaking its bindings. and this new flame is all she has. it grows rapidly now, melting the wax and burning the wick until it is a full fire. it represents the desire they have for each other. the love that they share that will NEVER burn out.
    100% me.
    dont take credit.

  3. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2005 8:37pm UTC
    and sometimes it seems as tho im losing who i really am to the point or no recognition </3
    100% me, dont front about it

  4. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2005 8:36pm UTC
    so as i sit here in this dreaded silence
    i realize that i have reached my breaking point
    my suffocation has finally taken over
    and everything seems to be slowly fading away
    all me . . . dont claim it to be ur own
    haters not welcomed

  5. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2005 5:21pm UTC
    my boyfriend said that to me . . .

  6. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2005 11:16am UTC
    `°¤.¸.C|aS$ øf 20ø8´¯`°¤.¸

  7. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2005 11:15am UTC
    ¤:¦:* Ðâñ¢eR *:¦:¤
    *¤.Xo.oX.¤* DaNcEr *¤.Xo.oX.¤*
    «…¤¨ SeXy MaMa GoNnA Do ThaT DaNCe ¨¤…»
    -»¦«- cHeErLeAdEr -»¦«-
    (¨`·.¸¸¤» lIvE tO cHeEr «¤¸¸.· ´¨)
    (( * mAnDy * ))

  8. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2005 11:12am UTC
    yOu GiVe LoVe A bAd NaMe . . . By BoN jOvI
    (( * mAnDy * ))

  9. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2005 11:11am UTC
    * xx ---»* hErE i Go
    * xx ---»* ScReAm My LuNgS oUt
    * xx ---»* AnD tRy To GeT tO yOu

  10. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2005 11:09am UTC
    ·×·°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°·×·°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°·×· ·×·°
    *aNd Ur ThE oNli OnE*
    *wHo CaN mAkE mY hEaRt BeAt FaStEr*
    *AnD sLoWeR*
    *aT tHe SaMe TiMe*
    ·×·°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°·×· ·×·°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°·×·°

  11. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2005 11:00am UTC
    thOs3 ((CRAZII)) n!t3s
    ! dO rEmEmb3r !n mY *yOuTh*
    ! dO rEcAlL
    thOs3 wEr3 th3 -b-3-s-T- t!m3s . . .
    mOst Of AlL
    thOs3 [sUmM3r N!T3S] Ar3 cAll!n
    <3 stOn3 !n lOv3 <3
    cAnt hElp mYs3lf !m fAll!n . . .
    <3 stOn3 !n lOv3 <3
    stOn3 !n lOv3 bY jOurn3y . . .
    sUmM3Rs AlmOst heR3!!!
    (( * mAnDy * ))

  12. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2005 10:54am UTC
    hErE wE sTaNd
    WoRlDs ApArT hEaRtS bRoKeN iN tWo
    SlEePlEsS nItEs
    LoSiNg GrOuNd In ReAcHiN fOr YoU
    fEeLiN tHaT iTs GoNe
    CaN cHaNgE yOuR mInD
    iF wE cAn Go On
    SuRvIvE tHe TiMe
    LoVe DiViDeS
    sOmEdAy LoVe WiLl FiNd U
    BrEak ThOsE cHaInS tHaT bInD u
    OnE nItE wIlL rEmInD u
    HoW wE tOucHeD aNd WeNt OuR sEpErAtE wAyS
    tRoUbLeD tImEs CaUgHt bEtWeEn CoNfUsIoN aNd PaIn
    DiStAnT eYeS
    pRoMiSeS wE mAdE wErE iN vAiN
    iF yOu MuSt Go
    I wIsH yOu LoVe
    U'Ll NeVeR wAlK aLoNe
    WiSh YoU lOvE
    mIsS yOu LoVe
    sEpErAtE wAyS . . . bY jOuRnEy
    (( * mAnDy * ))

  13. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2005 3:22pm UTC
    -:|:- * L I V E [(fOr)] L.O.V.E * -:|:-

  14. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2005 3:13pm UTC
    <<-- loOk!ng bAck At m3 -->>
    ! se3 thAt ! [Nev3r] r3AlLy gOt !t |r|!|t|3|
    cOlD bY cRoSsFaDe!!!
    (( * mAnDy * ))

  15. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2005 3:09pm UTC
    th3Re`Z Be3n A << f3w >> t!m3Z
    wHer3 ! wAnt3d tO - d!3 -
    bUt yOu ((cAn`t)) g ! v 3 u P
    ev3N !f *A*l*l* yOu cAn dO !s {{cRy}}
    !f »Th3y« s3e Th3y g.O.t yOu,
    Th3y [ th!nK ] ThEy gOt yOu b-3-A-t
    - SwAllOw yOuR t3ArZ -
    *StAnD uP* On yOuR OwN twO f E 3 t
    ShOw Th3m u ((wOn`t)) g!v3 Up
    <- - - - nO mAtt3r whAt - - - ->
    nEvEr GiVe Up GuYs, No MaTtEr WuT, iT cAnT rAiN fOrEvEr, I pRoMiSe, AnD tHe HaRdEr It RaInS tHe MoRe BeAuTiFuL uR rAiNbOw WiLl Be . . .

  16. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2005 3:08pm UTC
    OnE tRuE .-L o V e-.
    OnE fiRsT .*KiSs*.
    [:: oNe CrAzY .-niGhT-. ::]
    oNe uNfOrGeTaBLe .*MoMeNT*.
    «--» OnE bRoKeN .-hEaRt-.«--»
    ¤...oNe BeSt FriEnD ...¤
    -oNe FaKe FriEnD-
    OnE wOrSt .-EnEmY-.
    OnE .*iNsPiRaTiOn*.
    oNe .-C h A n C e-.
    oNe .*LoVe*.
    OnE .-L..i..F..e-.

  17. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2005 3:08pm UTC
    peOplE sAy bE 4 yOu diE yOur whOle liFe fLashes bE 4 yOur eYeS. . .
    xO.Ox * mAkE * yOurS * wOrTh * wAtcHinG * xO.Ox

  18. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2005 3:07pm UTC
    : . * . :f!nd A guY whO cAll§ you
    *[ × [ B e A u T i F u L ] ×]*
    !n§teAd Of hOt, whO cAlls yOu bAck wh3n yoO hAnG up On h!m, whO w!ll stAy AwAk3 jUsS tO wAtCh yoO sleEp : . * . :
    : . * . : WA!t fOr th3 bOy whO k!s§es yOur fO®3heAd, whO wAnt§ tO shOw yoO oFf tO th3 wOrlD wh3n yoO Ar3 !n yOur sw3At§, whO hOldS yOur hAnd !n frOnt Of h!s f®!3nd§, whO th!nk§ yOur jUsT a§ pr3tty w!thOut mAkeUp On : . * . :
    WA!t fOr th3 On3 whO !s cOn§tAnt£y ®3m!nd!ng yoO Of hOw muCh h3 cAr3s AbOut yoO And hOw luCky h3 !s tO hAv3 yoO : . * . :
    wA!t fOr th3 On3 whO tu®ns tO h!s fri!3nd§ And sAy§, " . . . thAt'§ h3r . . . " : . * . :

  19. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2005 3:07pm UTC
    [x*. nEvEr MiSs SuMoNe FrOm Ur PaSt .*x]
    ×(º·.¸(¨*·. ¸tHeReS a ReAsOn ThEy DiDnT mAkE iT tO yOuR¸.·*¨)¸.·º)×
    *x.° [F][u][T][u][R][e] °.x*

  20. iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01 iNfAtUaTeDbAbIe01
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2005 2:57pm UTC
    yOu GoTTa TaKe SuM [|CHANCES|]
    yOu GoTtA rIsK iT <<aLl>>
    yOu GoTtA (( cLoSe )) yOuR eYeS
    aNd [J][U][M][P]
    cUz It *MiTe* Be WoRtH tHe F.A.L.L


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