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Member Since: 24 Jun 2011 11:45am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 186740

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Before I start I must say this:

weisheforever has the best storys ever!! follow her.
SO, the names Millie.
This is my STORY account only.
You can find my personal account at; milliebugiee
Im SO in to writing right now :)
I currently have two storys on the go.
These are my first storys, and no where NEAR the quality of some of the other storys on here. (SAVANNA; im talking about you.)
So yeah, please comment on my storys, I'd love to know how to improve them. No hate, just construsctive critersism.
Yeah, i'll get annoyed if you dont tell me how to improve.
Check my main account., :) We could be bestfriends.

thankyou SOSOSOSO much for some of your feedback :) Im taking in all your bad points trying to make storys better for you guys! Im currently giving ''8 letters'' a break. & Im starting a newone. :)

  1. helloimakestorys helloimakestorys
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2011 1:20pm UTC
    8 letters change everything♥
    Chapter three.
    Jaydens mums POV.
    Where is this girl!? Dinner will be done in 15 minutes. ‘Blood is thicker than water.’ Hm. Yeah right. I & Jayden aren’t even as thick as water. We lack in communication. We can barely have a conversation without biting each other’s head off. I kind of miss the days when she couldn’t talk. AH, the good old days. I bet she’s with Mason. Not at the gym at all. Why couldn’t she have just told me? It’s all so secret squirrel with that girl. ‘’Willow! Come and lay the table sweet.’’ I yelled up the stairs. ‘’Coming mum. Let me just put my dolls away.’’ Willow said, barely loud enough for me to hear, the powers of being a mum improve your hearing though. I’m sure of it. Think of the devil. The devil appears.
    authors notes:
    i know this is really short. But it needed to be there, for the following chapters! Keep reading.

  2. helloimakestorys helloimakestorys
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2011 1:15pm UTC
    8 letters change everything♥
    Chapter two (continued)
    Jaydens POV.
    Meet me at the Gym. I need to talk to you. :) xx
    Phone in hand, I dropped my gym bag & hit the send button. I knew who’d cheer me up. Mason. My boyfriend, for just under a year now.
    On my way :) x
    Was given as a reply, I slipped my phone back into the pocket of my skinny leg jeans and sat down on the wall. The story of me and Mason was quite simple; sort of like a film I suppose. Brianna, my best friend liked him... & he liked me. Whilst HIS best friend, Alec, my cousin, liked Brianna, but the feeling wasn’t mutual, because Brianna hated Alec. But, in the end, it turned out well, Alec & Brianna got to know each other and decided they BOTH hated each other, and, evidently, me & Mason are together. 5 minutes later, Mason was by my side & I was telling him everything. ‘’I just don’t care anymore.’’ I said, sucking in the tears making my nose tingle. ‘’Well come and live with me.’’ Mason said. Face serious. We’ve always joked about this. But this time, he was serious. Even though Mason is only two years older than me, he was chucked out when he was 18. His father sends him some money, monthly, to pay bills. & that’s it. ‘’I can’t leave Mum! Or Willow! She’s my little sister for heaven’s sake! I have to be there for her!’’ I managed to say, shocked by the thought of leaving home. ‘’That’s evidence in the bottle- Jayden.’’ When ever Mason said my name, when giving advice. It was his way of saying ‘’you know I’m right.’’ Evidence that you do care.’’ His smile crooked; Like I upset him, for not jumping at the conclusion of moving in with him. My eyes could only hold a certain amount of tears- before just like a gutter, when it down pours heavily; it gets clogged up with water- before I leak. The first tear rolled down my check, the warm salty feeling, comforting me, second... third... fourth. ‘’YOU’RE TWISTING THINGS! I don’t care, but I can’t leave they’re two completely different things.’’ I managed to say between sobs.
    I used to be a cry baby. I never was able to fake a smile. If I was upset, or in a bad mood, I’d make it quite apparent; and frankly; everybody knew about it. That all changed when I was 14, Nan died. & it made me stronger in so many ways- I was forced to fake a smile. Act okay, 3 months later, when really, I wanted nothing more than to join her, where ever she was. I’d changed, into the ‘’Unbreakable girl’’, the girl that didn’t get bothered easily, the girl who didn’t care, the girl who was always happy, nobody could see through that mask, nobody could see really; I was dying too. Nothing about being able to act like that was all good. You got the ‘’I’d love to be strong like you’’ comments and the ‘’why can’t you show any emotion comments?’’ Truth is, I didn’t know how to share this sort of hurt, horrible, twisted feeling. It felt like a whole was going straight through my heart. A whole, that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t cover it up, duct tape didn’t work. Corks didn’t work. Glue didn’t work, at the end of the day, the whole was still there. So now you wonder, why did her Nan dying make her stronger? Well, I’ll tell you why. My Nan was the sort of person who’d of told me, if it was Granddad who had died, to ‘’PULL MYSELF TOGETHER.’’ She would tell me ‘’life goes on.’’ & that’s the approach I took towards things, for her. It’s like, the day she died, her mottos died, her jolly spirit died, but she managed to plant it in me. & start a new blossom tree inside her Granddaughter. & that’s the approach I take on life.
    ‘’Okay. Well, if ever. I’ll give you a set of keys’’ he said. We sat in silence for what seemed like forever, with the occasional sniff on my behalf. Half an hour had past us, whilst we were discussing Music and various other subjects, before I decided I should go to gym. I love spending time at the gym, whilst Brianna takes showers to think, I go to the gym to think. I just stand on the treadmill,, turn on my IPod & away with my thoughts.
    I know this is long. What do you think? good, or not?

  3. helloimakestorys helloimakestorys
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2011 1:01pm UTC
    8 letters change everything♥
    Chapter two.
    Jaydens mums POV.
    What’s wrong with her! I never know what she’s going on about... why can’t she just see I want the best for her?! I don’t hate her; she just needs a taste of her own medicine.
    authors notes:
    i know this is really short. But it needed to be there, for the following chapters! Keep reading.

  4. helloimakestorys helloimakestorys
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2011 12:09pm UTC
    8 letters change everything♥
    Chapter one.
    Jaydens POV.
    That’s it. She’d done it this time. ‘’I hate you!’’ I screamed, my voice going higher than I knew humanly possible. Before the second syllable was said, I knew I would regret this for a long time coming. ‘’Fine Jayden, fine. Whatever. Just remember who carried you for 9 months, looked after you for 17 years; all on her own. I could have done just as your father had said, put you up for adoption. But no. I wanted to look after you... Even when he said, it was you or him. And now, this is my thanks? Some people, in less fortunate countries have nothing.’’ Mum’s little ‘meaningful lecture’... knew it had to come at some point. ‘’We’ll ship you out there then....’’ Every word, more bitter than the last, but less bitter than the next. I didn’t care. In less than a year (if all went well that is...) I’d have A *’s. My A levels were my ticket, up, up & out of this town. Into the big world. To dance. What I did best. Failing just wasn’t an option. I HAD to get away from this place. ‘’You know what Jayden. Sometimes I hate you too.’’ Ouch. That hurt. I grabbed by gym bag & walked down the stairs. ‘’Where are you going?’’ Mum questioned ‘’Gym, you can’t just eat all you want and be able to dance. There is a price to pay. Remember? That’s where you went wrong...’’ I could tell mum was going to come back with some sort of witty remark, but before she could even draw breath I’d slammed the front door behind me & was half way down the path.
    notmyformat, but im not writting this on everystory. :)


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