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Last Seen: 19 Oct 2017 10:50pm

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Never love anybody who treats you like you’re
Thanks for reading For Love.
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  1. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2011 2:30pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 10:03pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    Chapter 7 PART TWO.
    I turned around to see Braidon’s adorable blue eyes looking at me, smiling.
    “Let’s go swimming.”
    “Oh I don’t really feel like swimming….”
    “Yes you do.” He said winking at me. “Come on.”
    He grabbed my hand and started running down the sand towards the water.
    “Whoa slow down there, hot shot. I’m not that fast!” I said ripping my hand away.
    “Oh, sorry” He said as he put his hands on my waist and grabbed me closer. “Let’s just do this.” He grabbed my legs and threw me over his shoulder.
    “Braidon! Put me down!”
    “Don’t be a baby!” He said as he started running down the sand again.
    When we got down to the water, Braidon threw me in.
    “Thanks a lot, you jerk!” I said splashing him.
    “How else was I supposed to get you in the water?”
    “You weren’t! I didn’t want to swim!”
    “Okay I’m sorry it won’t happen again”
    I splashed him again. “I hate you!”
    “No you don’t” he said flashing that adorable smirk. He started to make his way toward me with his arms reaching out. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We stayed in that position for a minute. I felt the butterflies in my stomach going wild. I jumped up and pushed his head under water. I started laughing hysterically.
    “GOTCHA!” I yelled while laughing. I waited for him to come back up. About 30 seconds went by and he still wasn’t coming back up. I started to get nervous and I looked into the water to try to find him. “Oh, crap.”
    Just then I felt someone grab my legs and flip me forward, going under the water.
    “GOTCHA RIGHT BACK!” I heard him yell from above.
    I came up from under the water, and flipped my hair back to get it out of my face. “Nice work.”
    “I know, you probably shouldn’t mess with me, I’m pretty boss when it comes to pranks, but you already know…” he said with a wink.
    “Oh, do i?” I said with a smile.
    “Yes, you do.” He said smiling. He started to slowly walk toward me again, with his hands going toward my hips. He grabbed on to me, looked me in the eyes, and I looked into his. He did that cute little smirk and I smiled back. Then he moved his hands up to my neck, and I watched him move his eyes from my eyes, to my lips. Oh my god, this is it. My first kiss, it’s right here. YES! Okay, be calm, be calm. Act like you’ve done this before, don’t let him know it’s you’re first kiss he”ll think your weird! Breathe, Melanie, breathe. He slowly moved his head in closer, and closer. I closed my eyes, and followed his lead. I could feel his nose touch up against mine, and I felt his lips getting closer.
    -sorry it took me so long to write again, im gonna try to write more often. let me know what you think and thanks for reading!<3

  3. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2010 5:57pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    Chapter 7.
    After I showered and got myself ready for the beach, I left my mom a note on the kitchen counter saying where I was. When I got down to the beach, all the boys were getting ice cream. I walked over to the ice cream stand and sat next to Landon.
    “Sup, Melanie?”
    “Oh you know, just chillin’ at the ice cream stand…” We both laughed.
    “So I heard about you and Braidon.”
    “What did you hear?”
    “What happened on your porch the other night.”
    He laughed. “Yeah, but since were friends, I’m gonna tell you that you should probably watch your back now.”
    “Sydney still really likes my boy Braidon. And she will do anything to get him back.”
    “What ever happened with them?”
    “7th grade, Sydney transferred from Rayland Middle School, to Bellwood, which was our middle school.”
    “Yeah.” I said so he knew I understood.
    “Well I remember the first day she came, Braidon told us that he was gonna get her. He liked her a lot, and I mean A LOT. They ended up being together for a year and a half. And at the end of 8th grade, they won cutest couple in mock elections for the yearbook. “
    “Ok, then what?”
    “Over the summer, Braidon goes to Massachusetts to stay with his grandma for 2 weeks. And this past summer, his grandma died of cancer. So after the funeral and everything, Braidon came home a week early. All day every day in the summer, Sydney’s at the beach. So Braidon wanted to surprise her and spend the day with her. When he got there, Sydney was swimming with Tyler Rzewski, and when they got out of the water, they were making out on the sand.”
    “Oh, wow”
    “Yeah… Braidon was pretty much miserable the rest of the summer. “
    “That blows…”
    “Sure does. Don’t hurt him like she did, Mel. We need him to be at the top of his game for lacrosse this year.”
    “I’m sure you have nothing to worry about Landon. “
    “No no no, there’s something between you guys, everyone sees it. And you proved it the other night on your front porch.” He said with a wink
    “Oh, shut up!” I said pushing his shoulder.
    We stood up from the stools and turned to walk out, following the rest of the guys. As I started walking I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind.
    “Well hello there, gorgeous.” Someone said into my ear.
    -feedback? keep going? getting better or worse?

  4. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2010 6:55pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    Chapter 6 PART TWO
    I turned around to see him getting closer to me with his arms out. I realized what he was doing and leaned in to hug him. My arms were around his neck and his arms were wrapped all the way around my waist. His grip around me made me feel like nothing could bring me down, and my stomach started to get those butterflies. When we released, he leaned in again, but not for a hug. I froze, not knowing what he was doing. His lips pressed lightly against my cheek.
    “See you tomorrow, Melanie.” He said with that adorable smirk, and walked off my porch.
    I walked into my house and shut the front door, with the biggest smile on my face. I held onto the door knob for a minute, just trying to grasp what had just happened. He was drawing me in faster than any boy I’ve ever liked. I turned around to see my mom standing in front of me, staring. I just looked at her. She looked like she was examining me.
    “You just got kissed.”
    “No I didn’t?” I wasn’t really lying, it was just a kiss on the cheek!
    “You so did!” She said smiling
    “Mom, no I didn’t!”
    “Sweetie it’s your first kiss! Tell me who it was!”
    “Mom it was no my first kiss, real first kisses are on the lips!” Oh Crap.
    “So you got kissed on the cheek! I need to go call grandma!”
    “Sorry sweetie, this is exciting for a mom!”
    “Okay, but can you wait to call grandma until I have my real first kiss?”
    “I guess so.” She said laughing.
    I walked down the hall into my room, thinking. I know, I know, I’m a freshman in high school and haven’t had my first kiss yet. Lame, I’m a loser. I’ve had boyfriends before, we just havent kissed. It just never felt right, boys tried many times, I just turned away because I wasn’t ready. And no, I am not prude. I just want it to be right. I’ve always had a fantasy about my first kiss being in the pouring rain. Not that I won’t kiss the right person if it’s not in the rain, it’s just something I hope can happen to me. I fell asleep that night thinking about Braidon, and only Braidon. The next morning, there was no school due to an electrical problem. I stayed in bed until 11:30. When I finally got out of bed, I walked out into the kitchen to get some cereal. While pouring my cereal, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see Sean and Jesse standing on my porch.
    “What’s up Melanie?” Sean asked
    “Guys I’m still in my pajamas and I look gross what are you doing here?!”
    “We just wanted to see if you wanted to come out to the beach with us again…” Jesse said.
    “You’ll have to give me a little bit…” I said looking down at my pajamas.
    “Okay, cool! So we’ll see you down there!”
    “Alright…” I said starting to shut the door.
    “Wait, Mel” Jesse said
    “You don’t look gross…” He said looking down
    “Thanks for trying to boost my self esteem, but I really do.”
    He just looked at me, then walked off the porch.
    -feedback? getting better or worse?

  5. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2010 6:26pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it!)
    Chapter 6 PART ONE
    When I got down to the beach Braidon was already on the sand volleyball court playing with all the guys.
    “There she is!” Jason yelled from the court. Braidon ran over to me the second he saw me.
    “Took you long enough.” He said sarcastically.
    “It took me like 5 minutes! Shut up!”
    He laughed. “Ok let’s get this game going, I gotta be home for dinner.”
    The game went good, I was on a team with Jesse, Dylan, Sean, Joey, and Aaron. Braidon’s team was Jake, Noah, Landon, Jason, and Ryan. My team killed. By the end of the game, the sun was setting.
    “Who’s up for round two?” Braidon asked.
    “Not me.” I answered
    “Why not?”
    “Because its gonna be late soon and you even said yourself you had to be home for dinner…”
    “ I missed dinner about a half hour ago, come on one more game!”
    “No! Face it! YOU LOST!” I said with a big smile on my face
    “Ok, I gotta go home though. Bye guys!” I said as I started to walk up the beach towards my house.
    “Wait! I’ll walk you home. “ Braidon said as he ran up behind me.
    “You don’t have to.. my house is right there…”
    “But I want to.”
    “So you gonna try out for volleyball?”
    “Probably not.”
    “Melanie! You should! You were great out there today!”
    “Thanks, but I just don’t want to.”
    “Okay, whatever you say…”
    “Why do you want me to so bad?”
    “I don’t know, you just seem so lonely at school with all of us guys. You need some girls for friends too, ya know.”
    “Yeah, I know. But the girls here aren’t very friendly, and im perfectly fine with having a bunch of guy friends!”
    “But you can’t have slumber parties with us guys.”
    “That’s okay, that’s why I have my best friend in New Jersey.”
    “Oh, really? Her name?”
    “Brea. She’s been my best friend since forever.”
    “Oh, she coming to see you soon?”
    “Im not sure, I haven’t talked to her.”
    “Ahh, I see.”
    By this time we were standing on my front porch.
    “Well thanks for walking me home.” I said with a smile.
    “No Problem.” He said smiling back.
    “Okay… Well, bye.” I said starting to turn around to open the door.
    “Wait.” He said as he grabbed my hand.
    -feedback? keep going? getting better or worse?

  6. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2010 8:36pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^(long but worth it)
    Chapter 5. PART THREE
    Again, all 6th hour I couldn’t get Braidon out of my head. How could this happen so fast? It’s only my second day at Glen View and I already have a huge crush on the most popular guy in school. I want to stop myself, but I cant help but get butterflies when he does that adorable smile. Okay, Melanie you need to get a hold of yourself, he might not like you! Just because he wants to play volleyball with you doesn’t mean he likes you! The bell rang. Why does it always ring when I’m have an intense conversation with myself in my head? I sat with Jesse on the bus again, and he walked me home too. I was walking up my driveway when I heard Braidon yell something to me.
    “You ready for this?”
    “Yeah! Ill be down there in like 20 minutes!”
    “Hurry up, loser!” He yelled.
    I ran inside, dropped my bag in front of the door, ran into my room; put my bathing suit on, my yellow tank top and black soffe shorts. I ran down the hall and out the back door on my way down to the beach.
    “Good to see you too sweetie!” My mom yelled down the beach.
    “Be home later, mom!” I said still running and not looking back.
    -sorry about this part being so short, witty made me split it up. feedback? keep going?:)

  7. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2010 8:34pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    Chapter 5. PART TWO
    “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!” I said dropping down to pick them up. I looked up to see who it was, and there he was. Braidon. Helping me pick up my books.
    “Way to go, clutz” he said laughing
    “Hey, you ran into me too!” I said laughing back.
    “If you wouldn’t have been flirting with my boy Jason maybe you would’ve seen me!”
    “Shut up, we weren’t flirting!” I said blushing.
    “Yeah, I’m sure.” He said sarcastically. “Where you headed?”
    “I’m going that way to Social Studies, I’ll walk you there.” He said handing me my books.
    “Yep. So why’d you move to Florida?”
    “My parents split up”
    “Oh, sorry. I didn’t even think before asking that, my bad.”
    “No no no, you’re fine. It’s okay.”
    “Oh, okay. You play an sports?”
    “Yeah, I’m a gymnast.”
    “Really? You trying out for cheer?”
    “No, that’s not my thing. I don’t like to look like a hoe wearing my mini skirt to school.”
    He laughed. “Ah, nice. You do anything else?”
    “I used to play volleyball.”
    “Were you any good?”
    “I wasn’t bad.”
    “We got a pretty good volleyball program here at Glen View. You should try out.”
    “Nah, I haven’t played in almost a year.”
    “So? Let’s meet at the beach tonight and I’ll play you.”
    “Oh, I don’t know…”
    “Come on, you scared?”
    “Then come on!”
    He laughed. “Good! You’re going down little girl!” He said with that cute smirk again.
    “You just watch, old man!” I said with a big smile painted across my face and I walked into my class.
    -feedback? keep writing?:)

  8. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2010 8:29pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2010 6:07pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    Chapter 4. PART THREE
    “Hey Melanie.”
    “Hi Braidon”
    “Sorry about not really introducing myself yesterday on the bus.”
    “Oh that’s okay.”
    “I hope you didn’t think I didn’t like you, cause I think you’re really nice.”
    “Oh thanks, you too” I could feel my cheeks turning pink.
    “So, you good at math?”
    “I’m decent, it’s not my best.”
    “I’m absolutely terrible. You think maybe you could help me out this year?”
    “Yeah, of course.”
    Just then, Mrs.Kooper walked in and started class.
    Lunch came after 4th hour. I sat with the bus stop boys.
    “Braidon, over here!” Sydney called from the table behind ours. Braidon kept his head down.
    “Watch this, its classic.” Jesse whispered in my ear.
    “Bray!” She called again. And still, Braidon ignored her. She got up and walked over to him. “You ignoring me?”
    “No, I’m trying to eat.” Braidon said sarcastically.
    “Well I want you to sit with me and some of the girls.”
    “That stinks, I’m sitting with my friends.”
    “Um, she’s your friend?” she said looking at me. I looked down.
    “Yeah, she is actually, is there a problem?” he said looking at me. My face was getting redder and redder.
    “Uh, a little bit. You sit with us every year and now since a new girls here your gonna ditch us and sit with this slu—“
    “Sweetie, is this your table?” the lunch lady said with her hand on Sydney’s shoulder.
    “No, but—“
    “Then go back to your table and eat your lunch.” The lady said interrupting her. Sydney rolled her eyes, looked at me and walked away.
    -feedback? keep going?

  10. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2010 6:04pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    Chapter 4. PART TWO
    “Hey Melanie” Jesse said when he saw me walking towards them
    “Hey Jesse”
    “So I didn’t get a chance to introduce you to the rest of the guys. This is Dylan, Sean, Joey, Aaron, Ryan, Jake, Noah, Landon, and you already know Braidon. “ As he listed the boys’ name’s, they each waved one by one.
    “Hi guys.” I said with a wave back
    “How did you like Glen view yesterday?” Joey asked.
    “It’s okay, I hated it too. I’m gonna be suspended for punching Mrs.Kooper in the face before the year’s over with.” Sean said angrily.
    We all laughed. “Where are the 2 girls?” I asked looking around.
    “Oh Sydney and Jessica?” Dylan asked.
    “If that’s their names…” I answered.
    “They like to be fashionably late for the bus. But really they just look like idiots.” Landon said. All the guys laughed.
    “Very funny Landon!” A girl’s voice yelled form behind us. We all turned around to see who it was.
    “Well sorry, just speaking the truth!”
    It was the girl who asked me about cheer tryouts yesterday. So, Sydney I think her name was? The other girl walked through all the boy and made her way to Aaron. When she reached him they wrapped their arms around each other.
    “GET SOME!” Ryan yelled.
    We all laughed and Jessica turned around and gave us all a dirty look.
    “How hard did ya blow yesterday Jess?” Jake asked sarcastically. Again, we laughed.
    “Shut up man!” Aaron answered angrily.
    “Dude he’s kidding, chill your balls.” Noah said back.
    “Alright, quit it guys, like you’ve never had a girlfriend?” Braidon added.
    Everyone shut up after that, like Braidon was the head of the pack. I looked around at all the guys’ faces and they just looked down. When the bus pulled up I sat down next to Jesse.
    “What was that about?” I asked the second I sat down.
    “Braidon’s the star lacrosse player in our grade. He’s the man. When he says to shut up, you shut up. That’s just kinda how things work around here.”
    “I don’t know, really. I think it’s just because he’s the star and every girl wants him.”
    “Oh, I see…”
    “Yeah, he’s cool though. He would never do anything to any of us and we know it, but when he says something, we know we’ve gone too far.”
    “Oh, okay.”
    We pulled up to the school and all went our separate ways to our first hour classes. Third hour came fast, and I walked in my class to see name tags written on each desk. I found mine, and it was right next to Braidon.
    -feedback? keep going?:)

  11. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2010 4:42pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    Chapter 4. PART ONE
    I finished my ice cream and walked up the beach back to my house. I walked in to find my dad sitting on the couch watching football on TV.
    “Dad!” I said running up to him.
    “Well hey beautiful!” he said picking me up and twirling me around.
    My dad and I have always had a close relationship. He’s the type of guy that will never let you down. He supports me in everything I do and everything I’ve ever done in my life.
    “What are you doing here? I thought you were staying at a hotel?”
    “Well, looks like im gonna be headin’ home early…”
    “What? Why? We haven’t even unpacked everything yet!”
    “Well most of its set, and my boss needs me back at work, but I’ll come back to see your pretty face soon, sound good?”
    “Dad, please don’t leave yet…”
    “Mel, I have to. My job needs me.”
    I wrapped my arms around him and cried with my head against his chest.
    “Come on, don’t cry. You can call me anytime you want. You can even text me during school. I’ll make sure not to tell your mother.”
    I hate how he refers to my mom as ‘mother’ they make it so obvious that they aren’t fond of eachother. It makes everything so much worse. But I still laughed just because my mom always told me if she finds out I text in class I’ll get my phone taken away until I’m old enough to buy my own.
    “I love you daddy.”
    “I love you too, now you better promise me that you won’t give your mother a hard time about this. She knows you don’t like it here, just take some weight off of her shoulders, got it?”
    “I got it.”
    “I’ll call you when I get back to Plattsville, I’m sure Brea will be over wanting to call you up.”
    I laughed and hugged him one last time.
    “See you soon Mel!” he said walking out the front door.
    “Bye dad”
    I walked into my room crying, and started unpacking my clothes and putting them in my closet. By the time I finished with all my clothes, it was 9 o’clock. I showered and put my pajamas on. I sat on my bed and turned on the TV. Drake and Josh was on. It’s been my favorite show since it first came on. I’ve always had a fantasy that I would marry Drake Bell. I fell asleep to Josh watching Oprah. The next morning I got dressed, and right as I started to walk out of my room I got a quick glance of a picture of me and Brea hanging on my mirror. I remembered the charm bracelet and how I forgot to wear it yesterday. I grabbed the box and slipped the bracelet on my wrist. Walking out into the kitchen I grabbed my lunch off the counter island, a granola bar out of an unpacked box on the floor, threw my tote bag over my shoulder and walked to the bus stop.
    -feedback?write more?:)

  12. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2010 3:01pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^(long but worth it)
    Chapter 3. PART THREE
    I went into my room and put my bathing suit on, then put my spaghetti strap lime green tank over that, and my favorite jean shorts. I walked down to the beach and bought an ice cream at the ice cream stand. I sat at a table, by myself and watched the waves carry the surfer boys across the water.
    I looked up to see a tall (shirtless) boy standing on the other side of the table.
    “I’m Jason, and you are?” he said holding out his hand.
    “You’re the new girl from Glen View, right?”
    “That’s what I thought, I go there too. I’m in your 5th hour, I saw you come in late today. And don’t worry about it, there’s been way more embarrassing things that can happen.”
    I laughed a little. “Well thank you, I guess.”
    “No problem. You board?”
    “Do I what?”
    “Board. You know, surf the waves?”
    “Oh, no. Definitely not my thing. I have a fear of sharks.”
    He laughed at me. “I get it. Well maybe one day you’ll find the courage to get out there with me and some of the guys.”
    “I doubt it, but thanks anyway.”
    “Haha man, you really know how to shut a guy down.” He said with a sigh.
    “Wait, I didn’t mean to! I just, I’m not a surfer I’m sorry!”
    “I’m just kidding, I totally understand. Well, im gonna go get back out there, ill see you tomorrow Melanie!”
    “Okay, bye…uh…”
    “See ya.”
    Jason grabbed his surf board off the side of the stand and ran down the sand and into the water. Boy was he cute. He was nice, and funny too. Maybe I WILL get the courage to get out on a board with him soon…
    -feedback? keep going?:)

  13. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2010 2:58pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    Chapter 3. PART TWO
    Jesse turned out to be in 3 of my classes. 2nd,4th, and 6th hours. 3rd, and 5th, I sat by myself with everyone staring at me. There was one person in 3rd hour that I kinda knew, and it was Braidon. The one I sat by on the bus. He seemed like Mr. Popularity too. All the girls were all over him. He was built like an athlete, broad shoulders, muscle arms, short spiked brown hair. He was very cute, but he seemed like one of those guys who date one girl one week, and a new girl the next. I spent the bus ride home listening to Jesse make Yo Mamma jokes to all the other boys on the bus. I got off the bus and started to walk home when the blonde cheerleader came up to me.
    “I’m Sydney. Sydney Furrman.”
    “I’m Melanie Brooks.”
    “Oh, I know. You were the talk of the school this morning.”
    “Was I?”
    “Yep. Good talk from the boys, bad talk from the girls.”
    Why am I not surprised?
    “Well, that’s fun.”
    “Sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable, just letting you know that the cheer tryouts are Thursday and Friday after school, you seem like the kind of girl who likes cheerleading, right?”
    “Not really…”
    “Oh, okay then. Well nice meeting you Melanie. I hope you liked Glen View!” Sydney said as she turned around and ran up to the other girl from the bus.
    Oh yeah, I absolutely loved Glen View. Every girl talking about me and staring me down as I walked past. When I walked in the house my mom was sitting on the couch watching Oprah.
    “How was it?”
    “The perfect first day of High School. I have a boyfriend and I just had my first kiss on the front porch. Oh and every girl at school absolutely loves me and I’m captain of the cheer team.”
    “No Mom!”
    “Not a good day?”
    “I’ve had better.”
    “Come tell me.”
    I walked over and sat on the couch which was turned to make a 90 degree angle with the other couch and facing the window where I could see the beach.
    “I have one friend, all the girls hate me. My locker jammed after 4th hour, making me late for 5th hour and walking in with everyone staring me. Oh and at lunch, my orange squirted juice out into my eye when I tried to peal it. And then Jesse laughed at me.”
    “Yes, the one friend I have.”
    “Sweetie it was only one day! It will get better! People are just warming up to you!”
    “Oh yeah, that’s it. I think I’m gonna go down to the beach.”
    “Okay have fun. Make friends!”
    “Thanks, mom...I'll be sure to do that”
    -feedback? keep going?:)

  14. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2010 1:54pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2010 12:40am UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    Chapter 2. PART THREE
    “So, you know anyone else from here?”Jesse said when he came up from behind me.
    “Nope. Not one person.”
    “Well, we had an orientation a few days ago, maybe I can show you around.”
    “Thanks, but I don’t have a schedule yet.”
    “Here, I’ll take you to the guidance counselors’ room.”
    I followed him through the halls as we found our way to the office.
    “Well, you must be Ms. Melanie Brooks!”
    “That’s me.”
    “Sir, you can go to class now, don’t wanna be late on the first day!” the counselor said to Jesse.
    “No, Ma’am!” Jesse said as he turned and walked away.
    I laughed a little bit then turned towards the counselor. I could grow to be friends with that Jesse kid.
    “Let me just print out your schedule and I’ll show you around!”
    She showed me around the school, and took me to my locker. Once I had everything situated, she told me where to go for my second hour class, because the tour took about an hour. The hallways are long, and the walls are painted white with a blue stripe horizontally going through the middle. It had windows everywhere and had posters everywhere advertising upcoming events. The bell rang letting out first hour. Kids piled out into the halls. With all the confusion, i heard my name being called.
    It’s Jesse, I just met the kid and I already know his voice in a crowd of people.
    “Hey, Jesse!”
    “What class it off my schedule.
    “With who?”do you have next?”
    “Umm, Biology.” I said as I read it off my schedule.
    'With who?"
    “Uhh, Doberman.”
    “No Way! Me too! We can walk together!”
    We walked through the crowded hallways, squeezing through people. Looked like Jesse was Mr. Social butterfly. Everyone was coming up to him and doing the guy thing when they grab hands and pull each other forward to hit chests and pat each other on the back with their other hand. And all the girls were all ‘Jesse! I missed you best friend!’ and running up and hugging him. While I just stood there, awkwardly.
    -feedback? write more? let me know:)

  16. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2010 12:15am UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2010 11:35pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2010 11:01pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    Chapter 1. PART THREE
    “Hey, twerp, you ready?” My dad asked. He was gonna be driving the moving truck down to Florida and stay with us to help us get settled in.
    “I guess…”
    “Alright well say your goodbye’s, your mother wants to leave.”
    “Okay, make sure you don’t replace me, because if I see on Facebook that you found a new best friend, I will track you down and strangle you.” Brea said as she placed the box in the trunk of my mom’s car.”
    “Brea, trust me you have nothing to worry about. Florida’s gonna be torture.”
    “Alright, I love you best friend, and were skyping every Friday night, got it?” She said as she wrapped her arms around me. I could hear it in her voice, the waterworks were coming…
    “I love you too, and that sounds perfect. Text me every day after school, okay? I wanna hear all about Jefferson high School.(the town high school)”
    ‘I promise”
    By this point, both of our faces were drowned with tears. I hugged the rest of the Goven family and got into the front seat of my mom’s Ford Explorer. I didn’t even look at her, I couldn’t. I just stared out the window and waved as we pulled out of the driveway. As we drove down the street, I stared at my now old house and watched it get smaller and smaller the farther we got. I put my headphones in my ears and fell asleep crying.
    -feedback? keep writing? let me know!:)

  19. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2010 10:58pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^ (long but worth it)
    “Knock, knock!”
    I turned around to see my best friend, Brianne Goven, standing in the doorway. She’s been my best friend since, ever. She lives next door and our parents are really close, like family. Her mom was my mom’s best friend in high school, and a bridesmaid in her wedding. We planned on making our life just like that, until my mom decided to move us away.
    “Hey, Brea.”
    “Hey, you need some help?”
    “No, I’m done anyway… “
    “Well, in that case, here.”
    She handed me a small box wrapped in rainbow wrapping paper.
    “What’s this?”
    “It’s a friendship charm bracelet. Mine says Best, and yours says Friends. And every time you come to visit me or I come to visit you, we get each other a new charm. Sound good?”
    “Ugh, I can’t believe she’s doing this.”
    “Well who knows, maybe when you get there she will change her mind and move back? But you didn’t answer my question, stupid.”
    “Haha, yeah sounds cool.”
    “Ok, you’re making feel like a loser.”
    “Sorry Brea, I really like it and thank you so much, but I just can’t believe I’m actually leaving today. “
    “Yeah, me either but we can’t sit around and be depressed, people will think we’re emo.”
    “Mel, bring your boxes out to the truck so we can get going. It’s a long drive to Florida!” My mom yelled from the kitchen.
    “Here, ill help.”
    We both grabbed a box and carried them out to the truck. When we got out there, my mom and dad were standing and talking to Brea’s parents. Her 3 little sisters Katie, Jackie, and Emily were playing barbies in their front yard and her older brother Dustin was sitting on the porch with his iPod blasting. I stood there and watched, thinking about how much I was gonna miss this place. Ugh, Screw you, mom!
    im so sorry, witty keeps making me split it up.
    - feedback? i need it! keep writing?:)
    if you read this all, i love you<3

  20. forxlove forxlove
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2010 10:51pm UTC
    FOR LOVE.^(long but worth it)
    Chapter 1. PART ONE
    “You almost finished gathering your things?”
    I didn’t answer. I couldn’t even look at my mom without wanting to slam the door in her face.
    “Oh, giving me the cold shoulder, eh? Okay, I understand, but you and I both know this is for the best.”
    All my life I’ve lived in Plattsville, New Jersey. It’s a small town, you know, one of those towns where everyone knows everyone, and the newspaper is still delivered at 4 o’clock in the morning by the paperboy on his bike. I’ve always imagined myself living here for the rest of my life. You know, the fairy-tale. Marrying my high school sweetheart, buying a house close to mom and dad’s, and start the perfect family. Yeah well, I guess things don’t always go the way you planned. My mom was born in Florida. When she was 14, her parents moved to New Jersey when my grandpa got promoted and the job required him to move. They were only supposed to stay there for 4 years. But, of course, my mom met my dad and fell madly in love (as she says) and when she was 18 and it was time to move back to Florida, she followed her heart and stayed with my dad to get married. Everyone in this whole darn town knows about my parents. They were “the perfect couple.” Ha, not so perfect anymore. I don’t know what happened and where it all started, but my parents somehow fell out of love. And on July 19th, they were no longer married. Since my mom wants to be back home with her family, and she has custody of me, I’m forced to move with her.
    There's more to this chapter on a different quote, witty wouldnt let me do the whole thing.
    - feedback? theres a lot more to come! tell me if i should keep writing?:)


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