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Member Since: 5 Oct 2009 06:24pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 90591

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  1. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2010 9:41pm UTC

  2. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2010 9:37pm UTC
    I loved him
    I still do
    I don't think i could ever stop
    He doesnt understand
    He doesnt know when to stop
    He hurts me so much
    Not physically but mentally
    He has fogged my mind
    Broke my heart
    Crushed my hopes
    and broke my spirit as well
    I will always love him
    But he will never tell

  3. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2010 9:32pm UTC
    When you fall and hit rock bottom, you know it was never good enough to be, but if your falling through the clouds and find your angel on the way to the ground, let him spread his wings and rescue you from all the harm the devils can do ♥

  4. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2009 6:53pm UTC
    today was a ordinary day; i got up for him, got ready for him, ate breakfast (for my stomach) and went to school for him :)

  5. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2009 6:49pm UTC
    Boy; srokes her hand after she walks away mad
    Girl: "what are you doing"
    Boy: stroking your hand"
    Girl: "why???"
    Boy: "cuz i thought you were mad at me"
    Girl: "I was"
    Boy: "I'll stop if you want me to"
    Girl: "no its ok"
    Boy: laughs and says " you really want me that bad"
    Girl: "i love you, i need you and your hand is warm"
    All mine and true convo :))))

  6. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2009 6:37pm UTC
    Love isn't what destroyed me
    its the fact that my love was denied. . .</3

  7. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2009 8:10pm UTC
    on a gloomy tuesday morning
    i slide into line for the long bus ride
    i sit two pale blue seats away from you
    a friend tells me to switch so i could be next to you
    but i dont budge just smile and say i'm happy with my seat
    because people have been saying that you have been saying
    things about me i dont wanna get hurt even though im already half way down that road
    i dont wanna get way to involved and scare you
    i just wanna chill and let things be the way they should
    so obviously sooner or later we will be together
    because were meant for each other and no one else <3

  8. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2009 8:21pm UTC
    So close
    So near
    I've waited so long for your touch my dear
    and now its all coming together
    your skin as soft as a child's
    tenderly holding me i your arms
    and the moonlight surrounding us
    in a serene state that only
    the real essence of beauty
    could capture
    forever is the song
    that dances in the night all around us

  9. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2009 8:18pm UTC
    And i've never waited so long in my life
    even though it was only a few days
    it felt like a million years
    and all of it will disapear
    as i glide into a bus seat next you
    smiling so everyone can see
    and you will lean over
    tell me you want to be with me
    i'll hear the angels sing
    i'll tell you we should be together
    and then all at once
    everything will click
    and we will be happily
    dancing away on friday
    only to find each others faces
    so close on saturday
    that i will just lean in a little
    more and like that
    we will KISS

  10. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2009 5:48pm UTC
    Even if the sky is falling D

  11. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2009 5:43pm UTC
    I'm waist deep in this situation
    my heart seems to call love
    with every thought my brain simulates
    I'm an inch deeper than i was before
    if i keep on like this i'll be in over my head
    in an hour, because I'm constantly thinking of you ♥

  12. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2009 4:41pm UTC
    have you ever waited so long
    that your just about to give up
    when you see that glimpse
    of silver armor in the mirror
    and next thing you know
    hes standing right next you
    breathing heavily sword in hand
    baring his heart
    and all of your feelings just flow out of you
    like a crystal stream
    and all your seeing is his smile
    and all your smelling is the pine forest
    he came rushing out of
    and all your feeling is LOVE . . .

  13. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2009 10:35pm UTC
    the sound of a wish bone breaking
    the hurt of love aching
    the longing of all the missed connections
    now i see the meaning of our love
    the truth behind all of the hidden doors
    the curtains waiting to be swept open
    and the light flooding in all at once
    overwhelming the scenery
    and in all seriousness
    the point of all these dramatic actions
    is to say i LOVE you. . .

  14. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2009 8:52pm UTC
    LOVE? can i even try to explain. . .

  15. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2009 8:49pm UTC
    have you ever heard the ring of silence in your ear
    the truth splaying out over the surface of lies
    and it lays there like an un-remove-able stain
    soaking into the carpet leaving its mark there forever
    once i say i love you i am never going to take it back
    and i won't be able to because just like that stain
    it will stay in existence forever . . . . . .♥

  16. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2009 8:33pm UTC
    can i call you by your name
    and not miss your voice
    can i tell you that i love you
    and mean it a million times more
    can i ask you to go out with me
    nope im just gonna wait till you do it :)))

  17. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2009 6:47pm UTC
    have you wondered where love came from
    or why it was invented
    well the truth is there is no real reason or inventor
    it just happened so
    that one day a guy
    and a girl
    felt a strange feeling
    and they called it love
    and you know what
    im glad it happened that way
    because without love
    i wouldn't be the person i am today
    cuz the only thing i need is love and him
    and if they didn't feel it
    i know i would have
    cuz its way to strong to ignore

  18. foreverxalwaysxcs foreverxalwaysxcs
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2009 6:33pm UTC
    if you're wondering why i'm so concerned with your relationship with my friend its because if i cant be with you and if i never get a chance i'm not gonna let you screw it up with my best friend and im not just gonna sit back and be all emotional im gonna help you so i get the joy of spending time with you and knowing that my freind is getting the best which is what she deserves and just know even if i love you and always will she is yours for your realtionship but if you hurt her i will have to kill you


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