Witty Profiles

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  1. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 3:00pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 13
    Before I could call out his name Jake pulled me back into the cave. I spun around angry, "Why did you do that?!" Jake grabbed both of my arms and shook me trying to get my attention, "It's to risky!" "Jake I kn-." "Ellie! Listen to me! It's not worth the chance! You have no idea who could have been following him! I won't let you go out there. I wont let a chance go by where I could loose you. Your to important to me." I looked back at him stunned. I thought to my self, "does Jake have feelings for me? I've never thought of him this way before. Well he is cute... No Ellie, no! Keep him out of your mind. Anyway the love of your life is above you searching for you. Now go talk to him!" I snapped back to reality, "No Jake. I am going to get him. We can trust me." Then I turned around and started climbing my way out of the cave.
    Sorry it's short.Please follow and fav! Feedback is apriciated!

  2. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 10:37am UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 12
    I heard someone calling my name. I looked around at everybody confused. Jake looked me straight in the eyes and said, "No, Ellie. It has got to be a trap." I said, "But, how do they know my name?!" The whole group was stumped. Again I heard my name called. "Ellie?! Where are you? Are you safe?" I just had to know who it was i thought to myself. I turned to the group, "I'm going to investigate." Jake turned to me with sadend eyes, "Ellie no. It's to much of a risk. Please don't." I shook off request and went to the opposite corner to peek out. The voice kept calling my name. I listend to see if I recongnized the voice. Mckenna was begging me to not. Everyone was scared we were going to be found. I knew I would be fine. I had heard the voice before. I knew we were safe. I peeked my eyes out knowing I wouldn't be seen, and thats when I saw...
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  3. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 11:00pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 11
    We quickly foud a way to drive the 4-wheelers in the cave, well more of a hole really. Now this was not just a normal hole in the ground. This was ginourmous! We unloaded everything into the cave and found a way to cover the opening so no one could tell there was anyone down there. I thought this was perfect! Jake, Justin, Dakotah, Allison, Mckenna, and I all looked at eachother and we broke down. It had been a rough two days. We all were huddled together crying and just letting everything out. We all had been really great friends before this whole thing happend so this had made us even closer. When we all had pulled ourselves together Allison said she heard something. We all held our breaths and listend. Sure enough we heard what sounded like a 4-wheeler. We all huddled in the corner of the cave and kept very quite just as....
    Feedback is apriciated!

  4. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 10:53pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 10
    We had Dakotah and Mckenna on the lead 4-wheeler, Jake and I following, then Allison and Justin on the rear. Dakotah told us that we had to take the forest trail way to the cave to be safe. What ever we did we had to stay away from the people who tookover. We only had about 2 hours of daylight left and we had to get to the cave soon. It was hard tho. We all stopped every 15 minutes to make sure we were safe. All of us had a knife with us and guns in out packs on the 4-wheeler. Mckenna informed us that we were going to be at the cave in about 15 more minutes. Thats when I took out my binoculers and searched the are to make sure we wernt being followed. That's when I spotted dangerous looking men...
    they looked far away but I warned the others and we sped off into the forest. About 5 minutes later after we think that we lost the soliders we arrived at the cave.
    Feedback is apriciated!

  5. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 10:37pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 9
    We had to make a plan on where we were going. So we all brainstormed ideas. Then Justin brought up the idea of driving up to the old cave. The old cave is more of an under ground hide out. Its a big hole in the ground that people can hide out in, and you won’t be seen. No one really knows how it got there, it’s just there. Not may people know about it. I’ve heard stories about it before, but Mckenna and Dakota did know where it was at.
    So we decided our hide out was going to be the old cave, it was only about 60 miles away. So Mckenna, Allison, Jake, Justin, Dakota, and I packed everything up on the 4-wheelers then fueled up. We headed towards the old cave, not knowing what lay on the road ahead of us.
    I am thinking about ending the story... Should I continue?

  6. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 10:32pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 8
    Jake and I filled every one else in quickly about the others and about what we found in Carroll. We came to a conclusion that someone had must of taken over. We didn’t know who or why, we just knew it must have happened. First we decided we had to get away from the camp. We had to find a safe spot. Second we needed supplies. I sent Jake and Justin to look in the main house, that surprisingly survived the explosions, to find either a backpack or something that we could carry things in, and I wanted them to find food too. Mostly canned and boxed anything that we can take with us. Then I sent Dakota and Allison to try to find the other two 4-wheeler and some weapons. I had a feeling there had to be more somewhere. The six of us couldn’t fit onto one 4-wheeler. Mckenna and I decide to go find utensils, more weapons, and any else we found that could be useful. Justin decided we should meet back at the big tree in 15 minutes. Mckenna and I found some pans, utensils, and 2 rifles, 3 hunting knifes, and a big camping back pack to put our stuff in. When Mckenna and I went back to the tree Jake and Justin was already there, and then 2 minutes later Dakota and Allison joined us. We put all of our findings in the middle. Jake and Justin found a lot of food, thank goodness. We were going to need food. He also grabbed a can opener, and 4 water bottles. Dakota and Allison found 2 more knifes and one more gun. He also informed us that he found two more 4-wheelers in the back. We put all the weapons in one small bag. Each of us carried a hunting knife with us to be safe.
    Please follow, fav & comment giving me feedback!

  7. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 10:26pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 7
    I walked over to Mckenna, lifted the extra wood off our her arm. Mckenna and I both knew it was broken. Other then that she was ok. We both walked over to Allison who was slowly getting up. We all gave each other hugs and gave each of us a second to calm down. We were so happy to see each other. I was so happy they were alive. After that we walked to where Jake was. I saw that Jake had found Dakota and Justin. I ran and gave both a hug, so glad that they made it. Justin told us that they were down stairs in the freezer room trying to find food for every one to eat. When they heard the first explosion they closed the door, and did their best to survive through the 2 other explosions. They survived alright. Dakota only had a couple bad bruises and Justin had one bad bruise and only had one big cut, but it wasn’t very deep. They both would be fine. First I told them we had to get everyone stitched up and ok. What was surprising is that the nurses station made it trough the explosions. Mckenna had to get her arm in a sling. The bone was sticking out or any thing, thank God, that would have been bad. Well made the situation worse then it already was. I found a splint, and then Justin and Jake fixed her arm up. Then Jake and I found some suture glue and glued up every ones cuts. None of us knew how to stitch a cut up, so that was our best bet. Now that everyone was ok we could make a plan.
    Please comment giving me feedback!

  8. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 10:24pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 6
    Jake and I both knew we had to figure out what was happening. We both knew something was very, very wrong. I looked in the direction of camp, wondering if we should go back to check on everyone. Then Jake turned around just in time to see, the most horrible thing we’ve seen. We heard it first, but then saw the flames of the explosion after. We ran to the 4-wheeler. I told Jake to get in back, ‘cause I was driving. We had to get there, and I knew a faster way. We headed down the camp road and all I saw was smoke. Flames and smoke. It was horrific. We shut the 4-wheeler off and slowly checked that whoever blew up the place was gone. We didn’t see anybody and quickly but quietly made our way to the chapel. Well what used to be the chapel anyway. We had to find out if there were any survivors. We waited about an hour for the flames to go down. We both went to it’s ruins and started digging. It was a horrific event to witness. I was just praying that at least somebody made it. I found Allison and Mckenna. Mckenna had her arm pinned under the some layers of wood and Allison was lying under the piano. I made sure Mckenna was ok and was conscious. Then I ran to make sure Allison was ok. She had a lot of bruises and a couple cuts, one cut was pretty big but it wasn’t that deep. What worried me is that she didn’t look like she was breathing when I got over to her. I quickly pulled the remains of the piano off of her. I sat there and did CPR on her, I didn’t know how long she’d been not breathing so I didn’t know if it would work or not. After 10 minutes I was slowly loosing hope, until I heard the most amazing sound, Allison gasping for air. She was alive!
    Please comment and tell me what you think!

  9. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 10:19pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 5
    Then the group went our separate ways. Before we left, I made it clear, that we all had to stay in contact. I made sure everyone had their walki-talkies on and with them. They had to let everyone else know what was going on in there part. I made sure everyone had a knife or gun of some sort for protection. Now we’re off. Jake was driving, and I was passenger, It was maybe about a 35 minute drive to Carroll usually. Only this wasn’t usual. On our way there we noticed, it was unusually quiet. I noticed that the livestock looked terribly sick. Not normal at all. I warned Jake to be careful and keep his eyes and ears open.
    When we were about 2 miles out of town, Jake decided to take the back way that many people don’t know about to be safer. We left the 4-wheeler behind some trees, because we decided the safer way was to walk the rest of the way. First, I suggested to radio the others to make sure everyone was ok. First Trisha & Jonathan, I radio’d them & asked, “Guys, whats going on? Where is your position? Are you both ok?” I got no response. I looked at Jake worried I faintly said, “Oh no.” He told me to try the others. I got the same result each time. Now I was pretty freaked out. I could tell Jake was too, even if he wouldn’t admit it. We slowly walked closer to town. I had my knife drawn & Jake had the hand gun from camp. What we saw next was unreal. The town was not its normal chipper self. The town looked sad, & depressed. If a town can look like that, it did. Jake and I looked at each other horrified. I heard Jake gasp and I looked where he was looking as I saw Jonathan, Adam, Nathaniel, Trisha, Hannah, and Esther all chained together by the hands and ankles being led into a large building. A second later I realized this building was Walmart. I turned to Jake, I said, “Walmart must be there base.” He asked me, “Who”? I told him who ever is causing all of this.
    Please comment and tell me what you think!

  10. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 10:13pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 4
    To be safe, we decided to have 2 people on each 4-wheeler. We sent Trisha & Jonathan on the first one to go check out Gliden and her house. Then Adam & Hannah went about 18 miles to go check on his family & his neighbors. Nathaniel & Esther went to go check in the town Scranton. Jake and I decided to go check out Carroll, the closest, biggest town. Now that we had our 4-wheeler group set up Jan, the manager of the camp, also Jonathan & Nathaniel's dad, made us take walkie-talkies & protection. We had no idea what was going to be out there. Before we headed out on the 4-wheelers. We had to make a plan about what to do with the rest of the staff & campers. Jonathan & a couple others in our 4- wheeler group made a plan. The others would quickly go to there cabin & grab a mattress, only 1 blanket and pillow, a small bag with cloths in it, and stuff for hygiene. Then they would all move there stuff to the chapel. Every one would sleep upstairs in the chapel area and if needed in the attic space. If need we could move around for more space. We all mutually agreed our main spot would be in the chapel building. They had to pack light & move quickly. We had no idea what was happening and we had to be prepared.
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  11. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 10:09pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 3
    McKenna, Diana & I walked up to our room to pack. After we were all done packing, we were all saying our goodbyes and everyone was getting ready to leave. I was waiting to be picked up, my parents were late as usually and I realized none of my friends parents were at camp either. No ones parents were here. Its been almost 2 hours now and we were confused. Every one just sat with every one else waiting for our parents to arrive, even our friends who drove their own car to camp. Then my friend Justin decided to go and start his car and it didn’t work. Then Nate’s car didn’t start. Then we had Diana try her car, and it didn’t start... We called every body and told them to go and start there car. They all came back with the same result. We were all freaking out a little bit.
    Finally, we realized that the 4-wheelers work. At least some sort of vehicle worked. We all finally sat down in a giant circle trying to figure out what happened. Why our parents weren’t here. Why the cars wouldn't start. First we had to figure out if our parents were ok. We decided to send our 4, 4-wheelers out. We planed on checking on the houses closest to the camp, the surrounding towns, & also some houses where the campers lived close by.
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  12. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 10:02pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 2
    After the camp fire my friends and I are still utterly confused as we walk back to our cabins to go to sleep. Mckenna, Diana, and I are in the same cabin and we talked about what happened on our way back. None of us could come up with a logical reason. It was unbearably hot as usual when we got there. We turned on all our fans and tried to sleep. I woke up covered in sweat around 7 am. I realized that the power was out. So the fans stopped working and it was even more hot. I asked my counselor Dawn if there was a storm last night she told me their wasn’t. My friends and I were really confused. How did the electricity go out? But we just got up and went to get ready. We all walked down to play carpet ball around 8 am and when we started talking to the boys we realized that the electricity was out all over camp. We went over many ideas of what might of happened. None of us came up with a logical reason. We all just went to eat breakfast and had dried cereal since the milk was warm and no one wanted to drink it.
    boring chapter, i know the next one will be more exciting i promise.

  13. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 9:58pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    Chapter 1
    My name is Ellie, I'm 14 & this is the story of my adventure at sumer camp. It’s the middle of Summer, middle of July. It’s the high school week at summer camp. Its the last night of camp, and the night we have a bonfire, Friday. There are about 100 campers and 20 staff members. That night was just a normal night, as always. Well we were all pretty pumped for the campfire. We were all headed down to the bon fire. My group of friends McKenna, Diana, Allison, India, Nate, Dakota, Justin, Jake and I walked with the rest of the campers and staff across the bridge to the campfire.We all sit down and I notice that something seems off. I keep it to my self tho. It was hard to explain, it just felt odd. My friends and I look up and see massive streaks of lighting. It all freaks us out a little but we continue the campfire. Then we felt light vibration, the ground started shaking & we couldn't hear anything, there was this loud obnoxious noise spreading all over camp, we had no idea what it was. Then as soon as it started it stopped. Every one just looked at each other making sure every ones ok. The staff tried to calm every one down, but it didn’t really work. Shaken up a little bit we continue the campfire as usual. All still confused of what just happened a second earlier.
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  14. ellabelle2015 ellabelle2015
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 9:48pm UTC
    What really happend
    that summer?
    So I'm starting a new story. I dont think it will be that long but i dont know for sure.
    I will just have to wait and see. I hope you like it!


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