Witty Profiles

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  1. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 11:04pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 9:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 12:57pm UTC
    Sorry to be so brutally honest, but seriously people? You REALLY follow the Witty Guys just because they're guys? MyNamesDillon pointed this out, and my jaw literally dropped when I read about it. It's ridiculous and sexist. You people need to grow up.
    I just wanted to point out the comments left on his quote, just because they really do tell the truth.
    THANK YOU! for saying something about this. It's ridiculous! I ignore any of the "I'm ugly" quotes that have comments saying "No, you're beautiful!!" When people claim to be "ugly" that is there God-honest opinion about themselves. Don't try to change someone's mind. It's stupid and worthless!
    Hate to be a hater, but you say that every single girl on here is beautiful, and you've been on here for less than a week. You have well over 600+ followers and you follow one person. And I hate to disagree with you, but some people on here are not gorgeous, they hate on the website and the other people on it...cyberbullying. And I'm pretty sure those people are not gorgeous, they may have a pretty face but their personality is about as cheery as crap. But some of the people on witty I've met are the best people I know, and I'm sorta disappointed that witty girls have followed someone because they're a boy, who says they're beautiful without meeting them or even knowing what they look like with hair tied, no makeup, and sweats. Yes, some people ask for compliments, and sometimes they really need them....But witty should be better than that. I'm sorry for the hate I just can't believe witty has come to this.

  4. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 12:13pm UTC
    That's the most EVER!

  5. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 10:31pm UTC
    You know, STEVE made a SPELL CHECK button for a reason. There wouldn't be ANY spelling mistakes if people would take the time to CHECK IT WITH THE BUTTON. And just incase you didn't know what it looks like, it says ABC and then a little check under the letters. Trust me, it's not that hard to find....

  6. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 10:25pm UTC
    Me on my period.
    me: Mom, just as a warning, I'm on my period, so don't flip on me if I have an attitude for the next five to seven days.
    Mom: Okay, whatever.
    *answers phone* Oh hey! No, I can't go swimming, well, maybe....(continues with conversation, uses tampon, goes swimming.)
    *five days later* Huh, I guess I'm done.
    I don't see what every girl complains about. Having my period is just like every other day. I don't want to kill everyone and everything I see. I don't eat food anymore than I do normally. And I never have cramps. I don't see what's so bad about getting my period. (And yes, I do realize that some people really do crave food, and want to kill people, and have cramps, but I just don't like that some people assume that all girls do the same...)

  7. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 10:59am UTC
    My sister lost her first tooth.
    Wow, I feel old....

  8. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 1:40am UTC
    *hangs head*
    I had more fun talking to my exboyfriend then I do sometimes talking to my current boyfriend.

  9. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 1:28am UTC
    There are some things you may like to know about me:
    *I am an advocate for abolishing LGBT bullying.
    *I give up my voice for a day every year in favor of those who will never have one.
    (For babies who were killed through abortions.)
    *I have a gay cousin (who is engaged!) and a bisexual boyfriend.
    *Speaking up for what I believe in is something I do every day.
    *I am highly respected by my teachers and my principal because I am so anti-bullying centered.
    But do you even care? Just because I've got this out, doesn't mean that I'll be respected any more than I am on this website. So to those of you who DO care, Thanks! And if you are part of the LGBT spectrum, I'm here if you need someone to talk to.
    ~Follow for a follow~

  10. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 11:15pm UTC
    Scrolling through my Facebook page
    and it hit me.
    All of my thoughts, emotions, feelings kept inside that cage,
    burst out free.
    You make me feel forgotten,
    Like I'm a worthless piece of sh**.
    But what do you care? You don't know...
    Wait. I promised I wouldn't throw a fit.
    I don't need you
    I don't need that family.
    All you do is make me feel blue.
    I'll live with Shane, happily.
    So f*** you, Cave Troll.
    My life can be great, minus one d!ck.
    So f*** you, "extra family."
    My life can be great, minus one tick.
    If you still want me,
    (I promised I wouldn't pout...)
    Then set me free!
    Free from all this pain, this hurt, this doubt.
    This was intended for my "father" (Cave Troll) and his family. My grandmother's cover photo on her timeline is a picture of her, my aunt, and my cousin. Every time I think of it, I'm reminded that I'm the forgotten grandchild living 130+ miles away, away from my childhood, where I grew up (every once in a while...), where I have so many memories. And no, I don't need someone to talk to. I've got my mom, and my best friend (more like my sister...). They get me through so much, and I'm grateful to them. My boyfriend is a great help, too. BTW, sorry for all of the swearing. Please don't report it...

  11. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 10:42pm UTC
    Dear Wittians,
    i have an idea.
    i think WE all should take a pen and a paper
    and write our Witty Username name down and take a picture of it so that we know who is real and who is taking pictures off from sombody else and using it as a pose. Because the matter of fact, some people may use the picture from their friends profile and using it as a pose so its doesnt look fake. what if their is a pedophile who goes on facebook and find a good attracive person on facebook and use it for their profile picture and start flirting with other people.
    I wonder how many people would do this just to say that they are real on WittyProfiles.
    because in the reality. im scare that i might talk to some Pedophiles.
    What do you think Wittians?
    nmq. Quote credit to USMarineCorps2013 for thinking up the idea, and ApplePieFlutterDashRariSparkle for reposting the quote so that I could see it. Such a good idea, by the way.

  12. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 10:25pm UTC
    Today I found out that
    No. Before I begin, you need to know this:
    I am an advocate for abolishing LGBT bullying.
    (LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people.)
    Okay, I'll continue now.
    Today I found out that my boyfriend is bisexual. I'm dead serious. I surprised him by saying (and I quote directly...) "Okay. I don't see a issue with this."
    I love my boyfriend, because he's not afraid to be himself. I love him for who he is, for what makes him, HIM.

  13. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 10:09pm UTC
    My sister just threw our cat out of her room saying, "You need to get out. I am trying to work. This is a working room. Go away." (She was cleaning her room.) My cat then turned around, looked right at her, and meowed.
    I almost died laughing.

  14. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2012 8:01am UTC
    I don't want to grow up.
    My life was great when I was six. I didn't hate my dad, my grandpa was still alive, my mom wasn't married to my stepdad. Why do we have to f***ing grow up?! Yeah, sure, I want to have a family, but I miss my old life with my father's side of the family. That part of my life was just fine. So screw you, destiny! You've f***ed up my life. How are you going to make it better? And the answer had better not be Shane (my amazing boyfriend). Hey, God? Aren't you supposed to help me with life? Then help me already! WTF???

  15. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 12:02am UTC
    Hey, you!
    Yeah, you!
    Are you a cutter?
    No? Keep scrolling.
    Yes? Read below.
    Life never gets that bad.
    Don't mark up your skin just because you're in a moment of doubt or depression. I realize that cutting relieves some of the pain and pressure that's building up inside of you. I've gone through my boyfriend telling me things like this. So here's an idea:
    If you're ready to cut, put the blade down and do this:
    Think of ten things that make you happy.
    Then think of twenty.
    Then thirty.
    And lastly, fifty.
    Did you do it?
    Okay, next step.
    Think of ten things that are important to you. (This could be people, pets, random objects, anything)
    Then think of twenty.
    Then thirty.
    And lastly, fifty.
    Did you do it?
    Step number three.
    This should have taken you longer than a few minutes. I want you to think back to before you started this. Do you still feel the same as before? Yes? Then start over! Keep doing this until you can look at that blade and your scars and feel like you shouldn't be doing this. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. SOMEONE IS GOING TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU. DON'T RUIN YOUR BODY! Just to make things clear:
    I know that sometimes, that's all that someone needs to hear. Well, there you go. Now, calm down, smile, and continue with your life.

  16. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 11:51pm UTC
    I'm a hundred plus miles away from my boyfriend right now, and I miss him so much.
    I love you, Bear!

  17. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 2:56pm UTC
    Shout out to
    for their amazing stories.
    You both have me hooked!

  18. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 11:09am UTC
    Cross Off the Things You Have Done
    Graduated high school
    Kissed Someone
    Smoked a cigarette
    Got so drunk you passed out
    Rode in a police car for something you didn't do
    Rode every ride at an amusement park
    Collected something really stupid
    Gone to a rock concert
    Help someone
    Gone fishing
    Watched four movies in one night
    Gone long periods of time without sleep
    Lied to someone
    Snorted cocaine
    Failed a class
    Dealt drugs
    Been in a car accident
    Been in a tornado
    Done hard drugs
    Watched someone die
    Been at a funeral
    Burned yourself (on accident)
    Ran a marathon
    Cried yourself to sleep
    Spent over $200 in one day
    Flown on a plane
    Sat first class (1st seat ) on a plane
    Cheated on someone
    Been cheated on
    Written a 10 page letter
    Gone skiing
    Been sailing
    Cut yourself on accident
    Had a best friend
    Lost someone you loved
    Shoplifted something
    Been to jail
    Dangerously close to being in jail
    Skipped school
    Skipped class
    Had detention
    Got in trouble for something you didn't do
    Stolen books from the library
    Gone to a different country
    Dropped out of school
    Been in a mental hospital
    Been treated in a mental hospital
    Watched the “Harry Potter” movies
    Had an online diary
    Fired a gun
    Had a yard sale
    Had a lemonade stand
    Actually made money at the lemonade stand
    Been in a school play
    Been fired from a job
    Taken a lie detector test
    Swam with dolphins
    Gone to sea world
    Voted for someone on a reality TV show
    Written poetry
    Read more than 20 books a year
    Written over a 30 page essay
    Gone to Europe
    Loved someone you shouldn't have
    Befriended someone you shouldn't have
    Used a coloring book over age 12
    Had surgery
    Had stitches
    Taken a taxi
    Seen the Washington Monument
    Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once
    Had a drug or alcohol problem
    Relative to someone with a serious alcohol/drug problem
    Been in a fist fight
    Gone surfing in California
    Had a hamster
    Pet a wild animal
    Used a credit card
    Did “spirit day” at school
    Dyed your hair
    Got a tattoo
    Had something pierced
    Got straight As
    Been on the honor roll
    Known someone with HIV or AIDS

  19. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 10:13am UTC
    Stay strong, and don't forget about yourself and what you want. Your happiness and ONLY your happiness is all that matters. Enjoy life. You really only get one shot at it. Don't mess it up.

  20. codababy37 codababy37
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 1:36pm UTC
    My mom was on Witty last night.
    Time to delete my witty.......


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