Witty Profiles

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  1. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2011 7:15pm UTC
    Me + you
    Chapter 8
    We now had only 3 days left on this ship. I woke up the next morning at 9:30. Everyone must of gone to get breakfeast because I was only in the room. There then was a knock on the door so I got out of bed and opened the door to our maid holding flowers. Her name was Vivian . She was hispanic she was so cuute and nice.
    " Oh thanks viv " I said
    " No hunny they not from me " She replied
    " What do you mean ? " I asked
    " They from a very and oh i very handsome boy " She replied
    " Who ? " I asked
    " Day something " She replied
    " Oh you mean Daylen ? " I asked
    " Yeah " She said
    " well thank you " I said
    " Anytime babycakes " She said walking away.
    There was a card with the flowers that said :
    We only have 3 days left together lets make the best of it . Go to the spa at 10 and get your nails done and toes with a girl named Dana.
    I love you - Daylen.
    I smiled and straightened my hair and threw on some clothes and put some mascara and eyeliner on and walked out the door.
    I then walked into the spa. I asked for dana and I sat down and got my nails and toes done. When we were done she then gave me a box. I opened it and there was a card in it and a ring in it,. It was a heart ring is was beautiful. The card said
    Hey there well if you haven't noticed your on a scavenger hunt . Go up to the buffet to meet Lilly and Mandy. Have lunch with them . Then they will give you an outfit and as you know another card . Love ya !
    . I then went up to the buffet and met Lilly and Mandy we got some sushi and then at 2. They gave me an outfit and jewelry and another card that said.
    Hey babe. So I want you to go back to your room and look around on your bed to find something then thats your next clue! Lovee you can't wait to see you.
    I then hurried back to my room to find a box of chocolates and a movie and a card. The card said
    Watch the movie , then youll have your next clue. I then put the video into my laptop I brought . Daylen appeared in the video
    " Hey babe I hope your enjoying your day of surprises" He said
    I couldnt stop but blush at his smile it was so cute!
    " Don't worry there is more. Your going to have to go through this tommorow too , by the way you must wear that outfit tonight that the girls gave you. Well open your closet door and thats your next clue love you "
    The video then ended. I went and open my closet door it said Look down. I looked down to find a pair of gorgeous shoes . There was a card with them too it said :
    Hey you . Wear these with your outfit. Also be dressed and ready at the entrance at 5:00 . Love you
    It was now 230 I took a nap till 330. Got a shower and got out and blow dryed my hair and then straightened it and curled it and threw on my outfit. I walked to the entrance to see daylen standing there he was smiling and looked away to hide his smile. I then hugged him and kissed him and he took my hand and couldnt stop smiling. We then walked to a resturant at the Island we docked on.
    We got to the resturant and ordered seafood and talked about what was going to happen after the cruise . We decided we were going to visit eachother on schools breaks and birthdays. I was glad we agreed on that but I would have to talk to my mom. We then walked back to the cruise and went to my room and watched a movie with my cousins and brother and sister. My siblings loved daylen. At 10 :30 daylen said he had to leave so I got up and went out in the hall to give him a kiss and hug goodbye. At 11 My parents came back and I went to bed.

  2. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2011 7:42pm UTC
    Me and you
    chapter 6
    I met up with Daylen and Joe and Mandy at the entrance . We got a shuttle to a spot on the island where the dolphins were. It was so fun swimming with them. We were there till 1. We then went out to lunch . Then I got back on the cruise about 3 and went and took a nap. I was awoken at 6 to my sister jumpin on the bed telling me to get up that we were going to dinner at 7 tonight. So I took a quick shower and scrunched my hair and threw on some clothes and makeup. At 645 I took my little sister to the dining room. Our family came ten minutes later.
    While we were eating dinner daylen walked past our table and I stopped him and Introduced him to my family. Lilly also walked by I stopped her and asked her what happened that night and she said she has been seeing Ryan. At 8:30 , I went back to my room with my sister and my cousin and I crashed at 9.
    4 days has passed by and I hung out with daylen everyday. It was our tenth day on the cruise and it was tuesday. We only had 4 days left. I got up at 11 and threw on some clothes and headed down to the Teen club to see what was going on . Mandy was chillin there reading a magazine so I came up behind her and put my hands over her eyes
    " Joe? " She asked
    "Carissa? "She asked
    " Yup" I said sitting next to her
    " Dude , we only have 4 more days this is not good. We are hanging out. " I replied.
    Mandy lived in Maryland , and her mom said she could bring her down to visit whenever.I was glad.
    Lilly was gonna visit towards the end of the summer. Our moms talked and actually became friends. So one week before schools started she was gonna fly out to virginia i was happy. At 1 me and Mandy went to the buffet and got seafood and sushi and took pictures. We then went and put our bikinis on and went in the pool then tanned. at 6 we went back to my room I got a shower then she did and tehn she joined me and my family for dinner. We then went back to her room after dinner and got ready and went up to the teen club to party.
    I walked in and saw Daylen and I walked over to him he saw me and started walking away.
    I was confused.
    Mandy went over and told him I was here and he said " Cool "
    I then started to get upset . Joe was walking as we were walking out
    I told him what happened.
    "Thats not cool , Ill talk to him " He said.
    I then went up on one of the decks with mandy and cried on her shoulder. I was so confused and didn't know what I did wrong. Daylen then found us and told mandy to leave because he had to talk to me.
    He then hugged me as tight as he could and told me he loved me and never meant to upset me. That was the first time a guy ever said he loved me besides family members. He then layed down on the long lawn chair and i lied beside him . Me and him talked about what would happen after the cruise and we both agreeed to visit eachother. I then fell asleep besides him. He fell asleep too until a worker on the cruise came and woke us up and said to either go back to the club or go back to our rooms. We then walked hand in hand and he walked me back to my room and I kissed him goodnight. I then crashed on my bed.
    Ideas /suggestions
    click the heart <3

  3. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2011 1:45pm UTC
    Me + you
    Chapter 6
    At 2 oclock me and Daylen went back on the cruise. I said bye to him and told him I would see him tonight since the Teen Club was having a dinner dance for 14-17 year olds. At 2:30 I met Lilly and Mandy at the Spa to get pedicures and manicures. The dinner dance was sheduled for 645 . We got out of the spa at 4. We then stopped at My room and got my outift and makeup and hair stuff and then went to Lillys room and got her stuff and then went and got Ready at Mandys. I curled my hair with a triple barrel weaver and left my bangs straight. Mandy has brown hair too and gorgeous blue eyes she curled hers with a wand and Lilly curled her long dirty blonde hair with the wand also. We were ready by 6:30. We went up to the Dining room where the dance was going to be and I spooted daylen I went up to him and kissed him on the cheeck. Mandy Spotted Joe and Lilly just tagged along. I was hoping she'd meet a guy tonight. All 5 of us sat at a table and then a guy came up to our table his name was ryan and he didn't have a table to sit at . Since there was an extra seat we let him sit at our table and we got to know him. He had alot in common with Joe and Daylen. He was really flirty with Lilly but she didn't seem to pay attention to him. We ate dinner and me and daylen danced alot. I always had butterflys in my stomach when I was with him. at 9:45 Me and Daylen and Joe and Mandy left we couldn't find Lilly or Ryan so i thought something was up between them too.
    " Yo I got 4 spots reserved for wswimmming with dolphins at our next island tommorow you two wanna come? " Joe asked.
    " I'm down how about you babe ? " I asked Daylen.
    " Sure " he said.
    " What time is good ? " I asked.
    " Meet us at the entrance at like 10 " he said.
    " Ok " I replied.
    Daylen then put his hands around my stomach and whispered in my ear I looked beautiful.
    I couldnt help but smile. Daylen was like my bestfriend not only my boyfriend. He kissed my head. I thought he was so cute.
    " Your hair smells good " He said
    " Aha duh " I replied.
    " I'm getting tired " he said " I think im gonna go"
    "Okay " I said turning around and kissing him.
    " Goodnight " I replied
    " Bye babe" He replied.
    I then walked back to my room and fell asleep.
    I got up at 8:45 again the next morning and got a shower and straightened my hair . I then put it in a pony tail and clipped my bangs back and headed to the entrance
    Sorry for the spelling and all m in a rush
    click the heart <3

  4. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2011 12:09pm UTC
    Where are you in your life ?
    Are you a teenage girl?
    That doesn't feel loved?
    and has a fake smile ?
    Well guess what
    you are loved
    by God ...
    you probably don't believe in God or know him.
    But God is real and he loves you.
    His love never fails
    Get to know him
    I did
    It changed my life in so many ways and impacted me.
    If you want to get to know him
    Please comment on this and please
    click that heart if your going through
    a time where you don't feel loved and your that example I gave in the beginning
    because your life will change .
    Just remember your beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different
    I love you also <3

  5. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2011 12:04pm UTC
    Where are you in your life ?
    Are you a teenage girl?
    That doesn't feel loved?
    and has a fake smile ?
    Well guess what
    you are loved
    by God ...
    you probably don't believe in God or know him.
    But God is real and he loves you.
    His love never fails
    Get to know him
    I did
    It changed my life in so many ways and impacted me.
    If you want to get to know him
    Please comment on this and please
    click that heart if your going through
    a time where you don't feel loved and your that example I gave in the beginning
    because your life will change .
    Just remember your beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different
    I love you also <3

  6. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2011 12:03pm UTC
    Where are you in your life ?
    Are you a teenage girl?
    That doesn't feel loved?
    and has a fake smile ?
    Well guess what
    you are loved
    by God ...
    you probably don't believe in God or know him.
    But God is real and he loves you.
    His love never fails
    Get to know him
    I did
    It changed my life in so many ways and impacted me.
    If you want to get to know him
    Please comment on this and please
    click that heart if your going through
    a time where you don't feel loved and your that example I gave in the beginning
    because your life will change .
    Just remember your beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different
    I love you also <3

  7. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2011 12:03pm UTC
    Where are you in your life ?
    Are you a teenage girl?
    That doesn't feel loved?
    and has a fake smile ?
    Well guess what
    you are loved
    by God ...
    you probably don't believe in God or know him.
    But God is real and he loves you.
    His love never fails
    Get to know him
    I did
    It changed my life in so many ways and impacted me.
    If you want to get to know him
    Please comment on this and please
    click that heart if your going through
    a time where you don't feel loved and your that example I gave in the beginning
    because your life will change .
    Just remember your beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different
    I love you also <3

  8. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2011 12:03pm UTC
    Where are you in your life ?
    Are you a teenage girl?
    That doesn't feel loved?
    and has a fake smile ?
    Well guess what
    you are loved
    by God ...
    you probably don't believe in God or know him.
    But God is real and he loves you.
    His love never fails
    Get to know him
    I did
    It changed my life in so many ways and impacted me.
    If you want to get to know him
    Please comment on this and please
    click that heart if your going through
    a time where you don't feel loved and your that example I gave in the beginning
    because your life will change .
    Just remember your beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different
    I love you also <3

  9. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2011 12:00pm UTC
    Where are you in your life ?
    Are you a teenage girl?
    That doesn't feel loved?
    and has a fake smile ?
    Well guess what
    you are loved
    by God ...
    you probably don't believe in God or know him.
    But God is real and he loves you.
    His love never fails
    Get to know him
    I did
    It changed my life in so many ways and impacted me.
    If you want to get to know him
    Please comment on this and please
    click that heart if your going through
    a time where you don't feel loved and your that example I gave in the beginning
    because your life will change .
    Just remember your beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different
    I love you also <3

  10. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2011 4:41pm UTC
    ( I really need Title Suggestions )
    Chapter 5
    I put on a striped pink and Orange shirt with jean shorts and flip flops and a Betsy Johnson flower ring.
    Me , My sister, my Cousin and my aunt and mom walked down to the dining room and met up with my Uncle , Brother , Cousin and Father to eat. We sat down.
    " So your other daughter called me today " I announced.
    My mom looked up from her menu.
    " What ? " My mom asked.
    My dad had a concerned face .
    " Yeah she called , and was wondering where we were " I replied.
    " Your kidding me right ? " My mom asked.
    " Nope , I think shes at Grandma and Grandpas now " I replied.
    " Oh my gosh ! I'll call there after we are done eating " My mom said.
    We then went on about a different topic. I had a feeling something might be wrong with my sister other than the excuse she told us. There had to be more to the reason why she came back. I was worried. At 7:45 The adults went to a comedy show on the cruise they put the kids in a kids thing where they hang out and get watched and all my cousin and I went back to our room and I did her hair. Lilly then came down to our room and we watched a movie. At 9 the parents came back and Me and Lilly went up to her room. My cousin went and hangout with her friends she met. As I and Lilly were walking to her room. We bumped into Daylen. He said that he was going to play some video games at the teen club , he also said he wanted to chill later and if not later than tomorrow. He then kissed me on the cheek and walked away and told me I looked beautiful. at 9:30 me and Lilly ran around the cruise to look for things to do. We decided to play ding dong ditch : ) and take pictures it was pretty fun and we almost got caught. We then met another girl named Mandy she was our age so she chilled with us and told us about her and she had alot of things in common with us. She was on the cruise with her boyfriend his family and her family. At 11 oclock I went back to my room and layed on the bed and was out like a light.
    The Next morning I woke up to my loud cousin crying because her mother wanted her spending time with her today not her friends. C000l don't ya know people are sleeping and this was of course at 8:45 am . yay ! I then had no choice but to get up since I couldn't fall back to sleep. I then jumped in the shower and blow dryed my hair out and straightened it and put on some makeup and went to go get breakfast. I saw Mandy and her boyfriend Joe , they were eating breakfast just the two of them so I sat with them and introduced myself to Joe .We all chit chatted and Mandy and me agreed to go get pedicures later at the spa.
    Daylen came behind me and put his hands over my eyes
    " Uh Lilly ? " I said
    " No " He said.
    I then figured out it was im because of his voice. He leaned down and kissed me and grabbed my hand and held it.
    " Good morning " He said
    I just smiled.
    " We should explore the island today " He said.
    " Totally " I replied.
    " Cool " he answered.
    We then walked off the cruise . We were still at the island we were at yesterday. We walked around and went out to lunch just me and daylen. I felt safe with him.
    suggestions please
    click the heart<3

  11. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 4:37pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 8:46pm UTC
    Chapter 3
    ( I need title suggestions)
    The next day I got up at around 10ish. My aunt happened to hear me get up so we went and got breakfast. I told my aunt alot of stuff and loved her advice! I told her about daylen and she was really excited for me. We had docked at a island that day and on the way back from breakfast I ran into daylen. Me and him decided to get off the cruise and go to the beach for a little that day. So I ran back to my room and put my bathing suit on. I then met him at the entrance of the cruise
    We then walked to the beach and got in the water. Daylen was being very flirty. we talked more than we did the other night and I got to know more stuff about him.
    " so do you have a boyfriend ? " Daylen asked.
    " Nah , how about you ? " I replied
    " No , I'm straight" He replied smiling.
    " shutup" I said
    " Hahah but no I don't have girlfriend" He said " Do you wanna be mine ? "
    " Awhh that sucks and oh my gosh look at that ..... wait what did you just ask me ? " I replied
    " Will you be my girlfriend? " He asked smiling.
    " Yeah " I replied smiling back.
    " Good" he answered " But what about your parents"
    " They won't care but how will we chill back in Virginia ? " I asked
    " Don't worry we will work something out " He said.
    " Okay " I said smiling.
    We then got out of the water and went back on the ship and agreed to meet later. I then went back to my room and got changed into a shirt and sweats and flip flops and called to Lilly's Room.
    I went and chilled with her I told her about me and daylen and we painted nails and stuff and talked more. At 6:30 I went and ate dinner with the family. I then went and got clothes out of my room and went to Lilly's and got ready with her for the teen club.
    We then went up to the teeen club and chilled then music came on so we started dancing . We got the dance floor going. While we were dancing i suddenly felt hands wrapped around my waist I turned around and saw Daylen. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. We continued to dance . At around 930 Daylen grabbed my hand and took me out of the teen club and to the deck where other kids hung out we sat on the ground and talked and i leaned my head on his shoulder.
    " I'm lucky to have such an amazing girl like you " He said
    I started to Blush.
    " Awhh thanks I'm lucky too " I replied.
    At 10 We stood up and told him i was tired so he walked me back to my room. As we got closer he stopped me and grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. I couldnt help but smile. I then said goodbye and hugged him and went into my room and crashed.
    After all tommorow was a new day
    Comment ideas/suggestions
    click the heart <3

  13. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 10:28pm UTC
    You just blew me away♥

  14. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 2:00pm UTC
    (need suggestions )
    Chapter 2
    I then turned around to see who tapped me.
    " Hey my cousin over here wants your number " A kid said with the same type of hair as the cute kids but brown. He looked Bella's age.
    " Shutup " He said punching the kid who asked me in the shoulder.
    " Psh okay I guess you don't want my number " I said turning around.
    " No , I do " the cute kid said.
    " Okay " I said turning around " Let me see your phone."
    He then handed it to me. I put my number in it and then texted myself so I could save his number.
    We then got on to the plane. It was a 2 hour ride . We got there around 10 :15. We got off the plane and took a bus to our hotel. I then got a text from the guy who I put in my phone as the creep : )
    the creep : ): so your names Carissa
    Me: yup ha and yours
    the creep: ) : daylen.
    Me : oh thats a different name.
    I then changed his contact named to daylen.
    daylen : hah how so ?
    Me : never heard of it before.
    daylen : well i never heard of your name before.
    Me : haha ohh , well its italian obvi.
    daylen : haha why are you in florida?
    me : disney cruise for 14 days with my loud italian family yay sike. you ?
    daylen : hahah same . but part of the family im with right nnow isnt italian but me and my mom and sister.
    Me : ohh my goshh your going on the cruise ? ahah fun!
    daylen : yeah how old are you ? im 15
    me : same
    daylen : cool where ya from
    Me : 15 minutes from the airport back in VA.
    daylen : oh im an hour away.
    Me : coool. so do you always creep on girls at airports.
    daylen : not all the time i only do on pretty girls ; )
    me : aw.... well your pretty cute yourself.
    daylen : haha thanks we should chill and get to know eachother on the cruise.
    me: totally im down.
    We then got to the hotel and brought our suitcases up to the hotel rooms. I stayed with my sister , cousin and my aunt and mom in a hotel room and the guys stayed in another. We got to bed around 11 and woke up around 9. Us girls then got dressed and went shopping till around 3. I got alot of clothes. At 330 a bus came to the hotel and picked people up who were going to port Canaveral. We got to Port around 4:00 and went through security and got our pictures taken and all that stuff. We then boarded the ship. Us girls shared a room again. I then decided to explore the ship. I then bumped into a girl while walking around and we started talking her name was Lilly she was my age too and she was here with her sister and her brother in law and 2 nephews and one niece . Little did I know we would become good friends during the 14 days. Me and Lilly decided to go check out this "teen club " that the ship had it was pretty cool. Me and Lilly decided to go later. At 5:15 they had a sail away party. It was okay but unfortunetly my family got brought up on stage with the characters for some gay reason and then my aunt and uncle and mom and dad got free drinks . c000000ll . We then had a practice drill for the ship and like with our life jackets and all. then the ship made dinner reservations with us and we sat with another family but they didn't show up the first night. At 8:30 Me and Lilly met up and went to the club. I bumped into daylen and me and him chilled till 10 and got to know eachother . I told him about my family and my sister and all and i came to find out me and him like the same bands. I liked daylen alot. He was also really flirty. He made me blush a few times. Lilly had left in the midst of those two hours to go back to her room. Daylen then walked me back to my room and he hugged me goodnight. We agreed to meet the next day I had a feeling that this was gonna be a good vacation after all.
    click the heart <3

  15. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 2:00pm UTC
    (need suggestions )
    Chapter 2
    I then turned around to see who tapped me.
    " Hey my cousin over here wants your number " A kid said with the same type of hair as the cute kids but brown. He looked Bella's age.
    " Shutup " He said punching the kid who asked me in the shoulder.
    " Psh okay I guess you don't want my number " I said turning around.
    " No , I do " the cute kid said.
    " Okay " I said turning around " Let me see your phone."
    He then handed it to me. I put my number in it and then texted myself so I could save his number.
    We then got on to the plane. It was a 2 hour ride . We got there around 10 :15. We got off the plane and took a bus to our hotel. I then got a text from the guy who I put in my phone as the creep : )
    the creep : ): so your names Carissa
    Me: yup ha and yours
    the creep: ) : daylen.
    Me : oh thats a different name.
    I then changed his contact named to daylen.
    daylen : hah how so ?
    Me : never heard of it before.
    daylen : well i never heard of your name before.
    Me : haha ohh , well its italian obvi.
    daylen : haha why are you in florida?
    me : disney cruise for 14 days with my loud italian family yay sike. you ?
    daylen : hahah same . but part of the family im with right nnow isnt italian but me and my mom and sister.
    Me : ohh my goshh your going on the cruise ? ahah fun!
    daylen : yeah how old are you ? im 15
    me : same
    daylen : cool where ya from
    Me : 15 minutes from the airport back in VA.
    daylen : oh im an hour away.
    Me : coool. so do you always creep on girls at airports.
    daylen : not all the time i only do on pretty girls ; )
    me : aw.... well your pretty cute yourself.
    daylen : haha thanks we should chill and get to know eachother on the cruise.
    me: totally im down.
    We then got to the hotel and brought our suitcases up to the hotel rooms. I stayed with my sister , cousin and my aunt and mom in a hotel room and the guys stayed in another. We got to bed around 11 and woke up around 9. Us girls then got dressed and went shopping till around 3. I got alot of clothes. At 330 a bus came to the hotel and picked people up who were going to port Canaveral. We got to Port around 4:00 and went through security and got our pictures taken and all that stuff. We then boarded the ship. Us girls shared a room again. I then decided to explore the ship. I then bumped into a girl while walking around and we started talking her name was Lilly she was my age too and she was here with her sister and her brother in law and 2 nephews and one niece . Little did I know we would become good friends during the 14 days. Me and Lilly decided to go check out this "teen club " that the ship had it was pretty cool. Me and Lilly decided to go later. At 5:15 they had a sail away party. It was okay but unfortunetly my family got brought up on stage with the characters for some gay reason and then my aunt and uncle and mom and dad got free drinks . c000000ll . We then had a practice drill for the ship and like with our life jackets and all. then the ship made dinner reservations with us and we sat with another family but they didn't show up the first night. At 8:30 Me and Lilly met up and went to the club. I bumped into daylen and me and him chilled till 10 and got to know eachother . I told him about my family and my sister and all and i came to find out me and him like the same bands. I liked daylen alot. He was also really flirty. He made me blush a few times. Lilly had left in the midst of those two hours to go back to her room. Daylen then walked me back to my room and he hugged me goodnight. We agreed to meet the next day I had a feeling that this was gonna be a good vacation after all.
    click the heart <3

  16. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 1:04pm UTC
    ( give me a suggestion )
    chapter 1
    I was dreading the last day of freshman year . Now that might sound quite odd for a 15 year old girl not want the last day of school to come. Yeah probably because my parents were making me go on a Disney cruise with them my 8 year old sister and 5 year old brother. Not to mention my aunt and uncle and my 13 year old cousin and another 8 year old but this time a boy which was also my cousin was coming yay ! sike. Yah see my familys Italian and they are super loud. well im only 50 percent but my dad was 100 % and so was my aunt . so This is gonna be a long and annoying 14 day vacation . Well my name is Carissa Vinci. As you know already I'm 15 and yeah i get tan easily and have long brown hair, with brown eyes oh and not to mention unfortunately my younger sister looks like me but she has short brown hair and yah know brown eyes too. my the weird thing is my brother has blonde like my mother. Thank god ! I live in Virginia and have been through alot. I used to have an older sister , well I do her name is Gabriella. I haven't seen her since I was in 8th grade shes 23 and she just left . We were eating dinner one day and all of a sudden she told us she needs to get away for a while yeah she sends us letters once in a while which is good and lets us know shes safe. But we still worry about her. I used to be able to go to her about anything and now I can't . Her ex still comes and visits us his name is mike hes like a big brother to me. So here I was on the bus on the way home from the last day of school. I packed last night and it was 3 o'clock right now and we were going to the airport at 630 our flight was leaving at 8 to Florida. Our ship was leaving Port Canaveral at 5:00 pm the next day. But my Mom and aunt wanted to go a day early so they could shop until we had to go to Port Canaveral. I got back to my house and packed on my chary on bag. I then got a text from my 13 year old Cousin Bella who was coming she texted me every day the past week saying how excited she was and a countdown. It was SOO ANNOYING! I was about to block her number. At 6:00 my aunt and uncle and their kids came over. We then took two cars and drove to the airport at 6:30. We got there at around 6:45. We lived close. We did that luggage jawn thing they do when you arrive and then security check. We then got to our terminal when all of a sudden my eye caught a glimpse at a very cute boy . He had hair that you could flip and it was black, he had brown eyes. He was SO cute, but I pretended to not see him and sat down with my family while we waited 45 more minutes for our flight YAY! sike. I then turned my iPod on and turned on some FTSK. I put it loud so my cousins wouldn't bother me. I then got a text from Bella who was sitting right next to me .
    Bella: The guy next to you wont stop staring at you.
    Me : ...
    I then turned to my right to see that cute guy turn away.
    Me : hah thanks.
    Bella : yeah oh and can you come with me to get a drink at the stand straight ahead.
    Me : sure.
    I then put my iPod away and walked with her to get a drink. I got a mountain dew voltage. I then went to turn around and bumped into the cute kid.
    " Dang you creep hard. " I said walking away.
    I then went back to my seat and put my iPod on again until 745. When the plane finally pulled up.
    I started to get organized to board the plane when all of a sudden I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.
    Let me know what you think /suggestions
    click the heart <3

  17. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 12:23pm UTC
    Hey guys im stoppingg prety in yellow for a while because i got writers block so im starting
    a new storyy
    i hope you like it
    : )

  18. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 8:08pm UTC
    Capter 3 part 1
    The invitation said
    To : Mel
    From : Ry
    Time 6:00 pm
    Message: Meet me at Sakura
    I then grabbed my fried pickles and ran home.
    I looked through my new clothes and grabbed the cutest outift I then jumped in the shower and then blow dryed my hair threw on makeup straightened my hair and curled the ends of my hair. I Then put on my outift and texted ryan I looked at the camera and it was already 5:45
    Mel : Hi
    Ry<3: yo
    Mel: Are you there yet?
    Ry<3 : yeah
    Mel : Can I come now
    Ry <3 : yea! im waiting for you
    Mel : okay.
    My sister than drove me to Sakura and Ry was waiting outside with a bouquet of flowers. I got out of the car and couldn't help but smile.
    " Dont blush to hard" My sister said while i got out of the car I then gave her the finger while shutting the door and she drove off.
    He came up and hugged me and kissed me and took my hand. We walked in and it was 5:55.
    "Reservations for Ryan" Ryan said.
    " Yep Right this way" The hostess said.
    She then took us to the habachi table . I sat next to Ryan.
    " Thank you so much" I said resting my head on his shoulder are hands still together.
    " Mel " He said.
    " Yeah " I replied.
    " Your amazing " He said I then looked up and gave him a kiss.
    "Awh so are you " I replied.
    Our food came I got chicken and rice and he did too but also with vegetables.
    We then left and walked down the street.
    " Babe , lets go on the boardwalk " He said.
    " Okay" I replied.
    We then went to where the rides are.
    " Hun , Loook what I'm wearing " I said
    " Don't worry babe we are only going on the ferris wheel " He said.
    He then smiled at me and we got in line.We got in and got up to the top it then stopped. He then took a bx and a card out of his pocket. I opened the card first and in the card was another envelop and i opened that up and my eyes automatically brightened up There layed two tickets to nevershoutnever. I screamed and kissed him like 10 times. I then opened up the box and there was another necklace but it was a locket. Inside the locket was a picture of me and him then on the back engraved was M +R and 6.16.11
    I smiled and kissed him once again. We then got to the bottom of the ferriss wheel and started walked back to the houses by that time it was 745. All of a sudden my phone started ringing to Friday by Rebecca Black.
    " Hello ? " I said
    " Sweetie " My mom said.
    " Uhm yeah " I replied
    " Where are you ? " She asked.
    " Walking off the boardwalk why ? " I asked
    " Because You know your family wants to spend time with you too and Ryan can come also " She replied.
    " Okay I'll see you in like 5 minutes " I then hung up.
    " Come chill with me and my family babe " I said to him.
    " Ohkay " He said.
    We then got to my house and I noticed all the lights off.
    We started walking up and ryan let go of my hand.
    " Honestly I dont care about my parents eeing us holding hands." I said to him.
    " Good " He said grabbing it again and then kissing my cheek.
    I Then opened the door and the lights turned on and I heard " SURPRISE" . All of my family from back home and freinds were in my house. My Parents threw me a suprise party, I was so surprised . All of my freinds ran over and hugged me for like 5 minutes straight I then went and hugged my family. I was so happy. My Party ran until 12 almost everyone spent the night it was crazy but I then remembered my mom rented out the downstairs of the house till next wednesday so alot of my family stayed downstairs. I woke up in my bed to ryan laying next to me. I looked at the clock and it said 11. Kali was a tthe bottom of the bed and i have like 10 other freinds scattered all over the floor. I turned over and saw ryan sleeping. He was so cute when he slept. I then got up and went out into the kitchen my mom was up and my presdnts from the party were on the table they took up all of the table not to mention.
    " Oh my lanta " I said looking at the table.
    " I know " my mom said " and i told them not to bring you any"
    " ah its fine though " I said
    I then walked over to her and hugged her again.
    " Mother " I said
    " Yeah" She asked.
    " Did you know ryan slept here " I asked
    " Yeah I told him too go in your room because he passed out on the couch and you know that its not that comfy plus your drunk uncle bill is sleeping on now ." She said
    I started to laugh and turned around and saw people that I guess i didnt notice when i woke up.
    All of a sudden i heard a door open and looked back and saw my sister come out of the room , she looked hungover.
    " Dang girl i said were me and my friends the only ones that didnt drink ? " I asked
    " Psh noo" My sister said .
    my mom then turned to her and gave her a " What are you saying look "
    " uhmm " my mom said
    " Oh mother stop it and go back to what you were doing " My sister said.
    My mother rolled her eyes. She then started to cook food and then the front door opened .....

  19. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 8:05pm UTC
    Capter 3 part 1
    The invitation said
    To : Mel
    From : Ry
    Time 6:00 pm
    Message: Meet me at Sakura
    I then grabbed my fried pickles and ran home.
    I looked through my new clothes and grabbed the cutest outift I then jumped in the shower and then blow dryed my hair threw on makeup straightened my hair and curled the ends of my hair. I Then put on my outift and texted ryan I looked at the camera and it was already 5:45
    Mel : Hi
    Ry<3: yo
    Mel: Are you there yet?
    Ry<3 : yeah
    Mel : Can I come now
    Ry <3 : yea! im waiting for you
    Mel : okay.
    My sister than drove me to Sakura and Ry was waiting outside with a bouquet of flowers. I got out of the car and couldn't help but smile.
    " Dont blush to hard" My sister said while i got out of the car I then gave her the finger while shutting the door and she drove off.
    He came up and hugged me and kissed me and took my hand. We walked in and it was 5:55.
    "Reservations for Ryan" Ryan said.
    " Yep Right this way" The hostess said.
    She then took us to the habachi table . I sat next to Ryan.
    " Thank you so much" I said resting my head on his shoulder are hands still together.
    " Mel " He said.
    " Yeah " I replied.
    " Your amazing " He said I then looked up and gave him a kiss.
    "Awh so are you " I replied.
    Our food came I got chicken and rice and he did too but also with vegetables.
    We then left and walked down the street.
    " Babe , lets go on the boardwalk " He said.
    " Okay" I replied.
    We then went to where the rides are.
    " Hun , Loook what I'm wearing " I said
    " Don't worry babe we are only going on the ferris wheel " He said.
    He then smiled at me and we got in line.We got in and got up to the top it then stopped. He then took a bx and a card out of his pocket. I opened the card first and in the card was another envelop and i opened that up and my eyes automatically brightened up There layed two tickets to nevershoutnever. I screamed and kissed him like 10 times. I then opened up the box and there was another necklace but it was a locket. Inside the locket was a picture of me and him then on the back engraved was M +R and 6.16.11
    I smiled and kissed him once again. We then got to the bottom of the ferriss wheel and started walked back to the houses by that time it was 745. All of a sudden my phone started ringing to Friday by Rebecca Black.
    " Hello ? " I said
    " Sweetie " My mom said.
    " Uhm yeah " I replied
    " Where are you ? " She asked.
    " Walking off the boardwalk why ? " I asked
    " Because You know your family wants to spend time with you too and Ryan can come also " She replied.
    " Okay I'll see you in like 5 minutes " I then hung up.
    " Come chill with me and my family babe " I said to him.
    " Ohkay " He said.
    We then got to my house and I noticed all the lights off.
    We started walking up and ryan let go of my hand.
    " Honestly I dont care about my parents eeing us holding hands." I said to him.
    " Good " He said grabbing it again and then kissing my cheek.
    I Then opened the door and the lights turned on and I heard " SURPRISE" . All of my family from back home and freinds were in my house. My Parents threw me a suprise party, I was so surprised . All of my freinds ran over and hugged me for like 5 minutes straight I then went and hugged my family. I was so happy. My Party ran until 12 almost everyone spent the night it was crazy but I then remembered my mom rented out the downstairs of the house till next wednesday so alot of my family stayed downstairs. I woke up in my bed to ryan laying next to me. I looked at the clock and it said 11. Kali was a tthe bottom of the bed and i have like 10 other freinds scattered all over the floor. I turned over and saw ryan sleeping. He was so cute when he slept. I then got up and went out into the kitchen my mom was up and my presdnts from the party were on the table they took up all of the table not to mention.
    " Oh my lanta " I said looking at the table.
    " I know " my mom said " and i told them not to bring you any"
    " ah its fine though " I said
    I then walked over to her and hugged her again.
    " Mother " I said
    " Yeah" She asked.
    " Did you know ryan slept here " I asked
    " Yeah I told him too go in your room because he passed out on the couch and you know that its not that comfy plus your drunk uncle bill is sleeping on now ." She said
    I started to laugh and turned around and saw people that I guess i didnt notice when i woke up.
    All of a sudden i heard a door open and looked back and saw my sister come out of the room , she looked hungover.
    " Dang girl i said were me and my friends the only ones that didnt drink ? " I asked
    " Psh noo" My sister said .
    my mom then turned to her and gave her a " What are you saying look "
    " uhmm " my mom said
    " Oh mother stop it and go back to what you were doing " My sister said.
    My mother rolled her eyes. She then started to cook food and then the front door opened .....

  20. coachluvxx4 coachluvxx4
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2011 7:02pm UTC
    Chapter 2 part 5
    I woke up today at 9:30 and realized today was my birthday. Ryan called me last night at 1159 and when it turned 12 he said happy birthday. Me and brit came much better friends since friday. I got out of bed and got in the shower and got out scrunched my hair and threw on some makeup . I then put on skinny jeans a a lace tank top and gladiators and got my coach purse and went out in the living room. My mom was at the kitchen table reading the paper my dad already left for his running. She got up from the table and hugged me. Today me brit and my sister were going to a mall near baltimore to go shopping for my birthday. My mom gave me 600 dollars which i was shocked at. Usually i get 200 from them. I then got a text from Ryan telling me to come over so I put my bag on the counter and ran next door real quick. He was at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the door.
    " Hey babe " He said .
    " Hi " I said smiling, He then kissed me .
    " Happy birthday" He replied
    " Thanks why did you need me to come over ?" I asked.
    " Well what time do you think your getting back by " He asked.
    " Like 3 ish ? " I replied.
    " Ohkay well when you get back come right over i have something for you " He said.
    " Ohkay Well I have to go get brit " I replied giving him a kiss and hug and going back next door.
    At 945 Me and Kat drove to Brit's beach house and then drove an hour away to the mall. We left the mall by like 130. Why we were there i got alot of clothes and makeup and we went out for lunch to get sushi. I got back to my house at like 245 and texted ryan askin him if it was ok if i came over now and he said sure.
    I walked to his house and noticed a note on his door saying.
    haha i made you walk to my house and im not even here tehe open the door and theres a box on the coffee table then head over to the library which is like 2 blocks away.
    I then realized to myself he set me up on a scavenger hunt. I then opened the door and took the box and opened it there was a heart necklace in the box and a note saying when you get to the library go to the front desk.
    I walked to the library and went to the front desk.
    " Hi i was told to come to the library to the front desk ? " I said
    " Oh yes ! your mel right ? well a boy dropped this off for you " The lbirarian said. She then handed me a medium sized box. I opened it and there was a wristlet with another note and a nametag that said hi im mel. The note said
    " Hey beautiful i hope you love your wristlet but theres more put your nametag on and go to the place where we bought fried pickles. I then did so.
    I went to the place and got a text saying
    Ryan <3 : hey now buy some fried pickles
    Me : uhm ok ?
    I then ordered it and gave them my money but they said no , they then gave me a invitation envelope.


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