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  1. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2012 2:38pm UTC
    Here's to the ones who are just done with life
    Only one step away from giving up on this fight.
    We've been trying to just get away from it all,
    Though the kick of reality just keeps making us fall.
    With all of this pain being built up inside,
    oh, does it fell like I'm being aten alive.
    Trying to tell everyone the truth,
    Though no one will listen, or even believe that is true.
    And when the others go and say they have it worse,
    They just dont realize how much we may hurt.
    No one to trust, No one to believe,
    Nothing in life is going how it should be.
    Just needing a break to get away from it all,
    Those rumors, the lies, and that drama,
    And im sick of hiding behind this wall.
    I know this quote may not seem to be written by me,
    But I'm honestly fed up with how lifes come to be.
    So, He re's to the ones who are just done with life
    even if this choice isnt right,
    Just one step away from picking up this knife...

  2. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 2:10pm UTC
    A l l o f m y o f m y l i f e
    I have felt as if I've been trapped inside a box of glass.
    Trying to get out but lifes moving way to fast.
    As you may knbow this box is quite fragile,
    Only to wonder what would happen if it may s h a t t e r.
    Trying to take a deep breath, forget, move on & let it all go,
    Though this box is holding me back and i cant really do so.
    Pretending to be fine, within the glass coving it all,
    No one knows how much it really hurts to be stuck behind this wall.
    Not knowing who to trust, who to leave behind,
    Nothing in life seems to be right at this time.
    A l l I w a n t t o d o i s g e t o u t
    A l l I n e e d t o d o i s t o s h o u t .
    But thinking of it now, if I were to leave,
    Along with this box would my life become shattered,
    Or would my life
    B e S e t F r e e ?

  3. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2012 1:45pm UTC
    Heres to the ones we've lost during warw
    Even though they are not with us anymore.
    They have served our country,
    and had to fight for their lives,
    So please lets us remember them,
    For just this one night.
    They were no cowards,
    Fighting our battles,
    Untill their very last hour.
    With all of the people they have saved,
    All of the lives the have changed,
    We will always be remembering them as brave.
    This goes out to all of the Military, Air Force, and Navy S.E.A.L.s,
    Words can never compare to what we feel.
    For all that you have done for us,
    I just dont know how to thank you enough.
    So heres to the ones we've lost during war
    Heres to the ones who believed that we were worth
    f i g h t i n g f o r .

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2012 6:15pm UTC
    Here's to the ones who've lost a friend
    someone who you'd always thought would be there in the end.
    It hurts me to see where this friendship has turned,
    leading to a path that has crashed and burned.
    I remember when you would say we were friend 'till the end,
    but looking back now it seems you weren't even there to begin.
    I've heard you've spread those terrible rumors and lies,
    I can tell that it's true with just a glance at your eyes.
    Who would have thought that between us would become a wall,
    beacuse you were always the one breaking my falls.
    The hardest part about this is facing the truth,
    which is knowing that this hurts me way more than you.
    Here's to the ones who've lost a friend,
    someone who you thought you could trust, but
    I guess every thing must come to an end.

  7. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2012 4:23pm UTC
    Here's to the ones who've been hurt
    way too much
    Acting as if we really don't give a f*uck
    We've been through it all keeping our heads held up high,
    Making sure no one can tell were dying inside.
    Were always holding on to our memories & past,
    Living our lives as if every day is our last.
    You would have never thought that we've hidden any tears,
    Or that we have any secerets or fears.
    & we just keep pretending that we don't live a life full of lies,
    Because no one can tell whats really hidden with-in our eyes
    Here's to the ones who've been hurt way too much,
    sometimes we just gotta forget 'bout the world
    & say this is enough.

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2012 4:23pm UTC
    H e r e ' s t o t h e o n e s w h o ' v e b e e n t h r o u g h i t a l l
    Getting up as if nothing happened, after they fall.
    Who would think of thoses m e m o r i e s ,
    & w o n t e v e r l e t t h e m g o.
    We've carried on tough, and always believeing in hope .
    We laugh, we smile, & no matter what shall come and go,
    We will always be finding a way to cope.
    No matter the troubles that will wander into our life,
    We'll always put on a smile that shines, oh so bright.
    & we just go on living our lives, ,,,,,
    taking the pain, and telling them were fine
    even though we may be
    D y i n g i n s i d e.
    Here's to the ones who've been through it all,
    Acting as if nothing has happened at all.

  10. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 5:11pm UTC
    » I'll Stop Loving You «
    when Lady Gaga is seen in public wearing
    jeans and a t-shirt

  11. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 6:14pm UTC
    3 Easiest ways to die;
    1. Puff a cigarette daily;
    - You'll die 10 years early.
    2. Drink alcohol daily;
    - You'll die 30 years early.
    3. Love someone who doesn't love you back;
    - You'll die daily.

  12. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2012 7:21pm UTC
    Me: heyy whats upp
    Him: just missing you<3
    Me: awww really<3
    Him: yea baby will you be my girlfriend?
    Me: OMG yess
    Him: I love you <3
    LOL JK more like
    Me: heyy whats upp
    Him: umm who is this?
    Me: oh sorry wrong number

  13. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2012 4:20pm UTC
    * Its the same old story,
    that everybody knows.
    One heart holding on,
    the other letting go. *

  14. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 6:17pm UTC
    I'm that girl who always has
    her headphones in her ears
    her phone in her hand \\\\\\\\\\\
    ///////// that one boy thats always on her mind
    faking that smile on her face
    even though she's dying inside

  15. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 6:44pm UTC
    It's all just an act.
    She's got the lead role.
    Her backs been stabbed.
    Her h e a r t s been stole.
    That smile she fakes
    That [makeup] she wears,
    Can make them believe
    S h e a c t u a l l y c a r e s
    She goes through the scenes,
    & that girl can act.
    Confusing the t r u t h
    With those r e a s o n s & [facts]
    She lies through her life,
    & n o o n e s h a l l k n o w .
    It's all just an act.
    & she runs the show.

  16. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2012 5:05pm UTC
    Here's to us gir l s.
    The ones that dont shut up,
    the ones that wont speak.
    They eaither call you popular
    or they call you a freak.
    D o n t l i s t e n t o t h e m ,
    b e c a u s e o u r r e a l s t o r i e s
    are the ones left unheard.
    Sometimes we may not even say a word
    But That Dosnt Mean That
    we dont have anything to regret.
    Because words that are thrown
    Can always [upset]
    So dont you dare worry,
    & dont dare say a word .
    The best stories in life,
    are the ones left unheard

  17. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2012 7:38pm UTC
    Shes a beautiful mystery
    & no one shall ever know her histery.
    Shes A Beautiful Mystery

  18. luchaswaggg luchaswaggg
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2012 5:20pm UTC
    Here's to the girls That are strong
    the ones who actually listen to l y r i c s ,
    when they hear the song.
    we'll take the heart breaks,
    the hormones, the tears
    the anger, the pain
    & the make-up s m e a r s.
    we'll [[fake those smiles]]
    & we always try to get good grades.
    though some-how we always feel like we're playing charades
    no-one shall notice that we may ache inside
    we always try to be strong but some-times it just passes us by.
    heres to us, the girls who are strong,
    Here's to us, the real girls.


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