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Member Since: 19 Jul 2011 04:59pm

Last Seen: 2 Jan 2012 02:48am

user id: 196842

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  1. cassidylovesyoulots cassidylovesyoulots
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2012 5:48pm UTC
    When people lie
    it hurts
    when people tell the truth
    it burns
    the only thing
    that doesn't do
    any of that is

  2. cassidylovesyoulots cassidylovesyoulots
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2011 12:36am UTC
    "Love is like having a balloon when you were little, you have to hold on to it really tight so it won't fly away, and you do. For one split second though, when something else distracts you, you let go. Now it's gone, and all you can do is watch it from a distance, as it flies away, never to be held again, and all you can do about it is cry..."
    made by-CassidyLynn<3

  3. cassidylovesyoulots cassidylovesyoulots
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2011 10:39pm UTC
    Your crush is in a relationship with The sluttiest girl in the school.
    Yesterday at 6:08pm ·LikeUnlike· · See Friendship
    you: just lost all hope you thought you ever had.

  4. cassidylovesyoulots cassidylovesyoulots
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 12:32am UTC
    "My Crush" Say your crushes name six times. Now close your eyes and make a wish about them. Decide what's more important, love or 10 million dollars. Now make one last wish, the love or the money. Repost this in 60 seconds with the subject "My Crush" And you'll get an unexpected talk from your crush..

  5. cassidylovesyoulots cassidylovesyoulots
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 2:17am UTC
    Future Therapist
    if any of you need anything
    don't be afraid to
    comment/ message me
    People say I give great
    advice because trust me
    I care about everyone
    perfect strangers probably tooooo
    much. So comment with your name, a random number, and your rant, and I will most
    defiantly get back to you <3

  6. cassidylovesyoulots cassidylovesyoulots
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2011 7:10pm UTC
    And what happens,
    when you realize I was the one?
    And because it took you so long,
    and you lead me on
    so many times
    had me excited, because of the
    things that you said, those sweet things
    i thought meant something.
    What happens if they do?
    Well I don't know anymore. You hurt me and I'm already halfway gone.

  7. cassidylovesyoulots cassidylovesyoulots
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2011 2:36am UTC
    Your the adorable one;
    I can't get my mind off of,
    The funny one;
    That will do anything to make me laugh,
    The one that tells me all his secrets;
    Cuz "Your the only one I trust enough"
    Your also
    But your really killing me....

  8. cassidylovesyoulots cassidylovesyoulots
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2011 2:11am UTC
    Boy: "What do I do?"
    Girl: "What do I ALWAYS tell you?" I say
    Boy: "You tell me that I'm better, I deserve better, and eventually I'll find the right girl, that she's out there somewhere."
    Girl: "Yeah, and why do you think you haven't found her?"
    Boy: "Because, I'm not looking hard enough"
    Girl: "No, because your looking too hard. "
    -what you want to say-
    " Listen boy, obviously if I'm the only one that's sticking around to help you with the stupid problems you have that you wouldn't have if you just realized I was the one, that I AM the one. Take a look at our past, I'm the only girl that stood right there, stayed up way longer than I wanted to, cried way more than I should have, got up a little earlier than everyone else to look good, for you. And how do you repay me? "Thanks your the best" Remember that one day, when you finally realize you made a mistake, I WILL BE HERE even if I don't want to be. So why don't you choose me? Cuz you don't wanna loose me? Well I'm gonna be walking away much faster than you want if you don't give me a chance because
    I deserve to be happy too...<3

  9. cassidylovesyoulots cassidylovesyoulots
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2011 1:54am UTC
    That awesome moment.
    when the one that
    you love a lot
    loves you back
    then you find out it was all a joke...

  10. cassidylovesyoulots cassidylovesyoulots
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2011 5:19pm UTC
    " I'm so happy for you", biggest lie in the world. Your best friend, you could tell her anything, tells you this all the time. Ever think she could be lying? Ever think she could be hiding tears behind her beautiful smile? Ever think that every time, your "perfect, amazing", and "we're gonna last forever she's never gonna break my heart" girlfriend does just the opposite she's thinking "I hate seeing you upset, be with me and this won't ever happen again"? Sometimes guys are stupid, clueless, and ungrateful, but somehow we keep loving you. Those bright, deep, enchanting eyes, that happy, crooked, to die for smile, the way you can make us feel better, and can put a smile on my face anytime, anywhere, no matter what the situation, that is why we love you. Your flaws are a scratch piece of paper compared to the novel of great things about you, so next time she says "I'm so happy for you!". Think twice about why she's saying it, it might be the truth, but most likely its an ugly, ugly lie because she needs you to be happy, because otherwise, she is not


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