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  1. replacedbylies replacedbylies
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2010 10:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. March_25_ily March_25_ily
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2009 2:36pm UTC
    And there we were;;
    sitting on his bed, working on our english assignment. it was
    awkward being at his house, considering we stopped being friends
    a few years ago. but even so, i can't say i didn't like it.
    he stopped writing and said, just out of the blue,
    "why aren't we friends anymore?"
    he took me by complete surprise. i didn't know what to say. so i simply said
    "because we just gave up trying."
    "trying what?"
    "Look, you're popular. you've been the football guarterback since i've known
    you. you have girls who'd do anything to date you. you're a straight-A student.
    to the untrained eye, you're basically the perfect teenage boy. but me? i'm
    not popular, i just have my close friends. i'm not beautiful, maybe not even
    pretty. i'm not great at sports or anything. i can barely pass the mile
    run in gym class. i do alright in school, but i'm no genius. and guys
    aren't exactly fighting to ask me out. we were total opposites. i'm not even
    sure how what made us friends in the first place. but whatever it was,
    wasn't strong enough to last long."
    he looked at me seriously for a long time, taking in what i had said.
    "I know why we became friends." he finally said.
    "Why, then." i asked.
    "because on the first day of middle school, when you walked into homeroom,
    i almost stopped breathing. you were beautiful. you were wearing those faded jeans
    and green tank top. you had you're hair in a ponytail and weren't wearing any make-up.
    and you didn't know anyone in our class, but you still just came in and sat down next to me,
    smiled, and said "hey, i'm erin, what's your name?" and i could smell your rasberry shampoo
    and see the friendship bracelet on your right arm. and right at that moment, i knew."
    "..knew what?" i asked, amazed.
    "Right at that moment, i knew, that you were the girl i wanted to be
    in my life forever <3

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. softballgirll21 softballgirll21
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2009 12:04pm UTC
    .She sits cross legged.
    in front of her mirror, looking at her hair.
    (( He used to play with ))
    Her wide blue eyes.
    (( He could see right through ))
    Her lips.
    (( He kissed so softly ))
    Every part of her holds a memory.

  5. XxGohdeexX XxGohdeexX
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2009 7:52pm UTC
    if there ever comes a time when we are not together, there is something you must remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but even if we are not together...
    i will always be with youa
    -winnie the pooh

  6. qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2009 6:18pm UTC
    teenage love
    its the ( best kind of love ). its seeing his face for the first time, when you
    lock eyes with him, then quickly look down. its that feeling you get when
    your head is spinning out of control with thoughts and "what-ifs". teenage
    love is building up the courage to ask the other out. its having your friends
    giggle while you slow dance, and tease you about it later. its when o-n-e
    gesture can completely brighten your day;; or destroy it. teenage love is
    about first dates. its about spending hours in your room finding an outfit
    that looks amazing, yet like you :just threw it on: then rushing out the
    door to avoid concerned fathers. teenage love is rejection, and heart ache.
    its seeing |the one you want| with another person, or having some one tell
    you its over in a text message. teenage love is feeling thousands of butterflies
    when he passes you in the hallway, and blushing when you hear his name.
    its when you're assigned to be lab partners with the one you're crushing
    on, and you sit there babbling all the wrong things. its having him tell
    you you're beautiful. teenage love is when you drop your books and
    he helps you *pick them up*. its magical first kisses, late night phone calls,
    and ( pebbles thrown at bedroom windows ). teenage love is when you
    can't sleep at night, and you wake up dying to see his face. its about
    flirting, and hol-di-n-g ha-nd-s. its when you're so in love, nothing else
    matters. teenage love is falling hard for someone that won't catch you.
    its about dating jerks, jerks, and more jerks. then finding the one you're
    so sure you'll marry someday, you start secretly naming your children.
    its about break-ups and make-ups ;; and finding your true friends while
    defining yourself. teenage love is feeling on top of the world, like
    nothing could ever knock you down. its having nothing to lose, and loving
    with every fiber in your being. its being totally unaware how love-sick
    you truly are. some day, we're all going to wish we could go back to our
    teenage love

  7. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2009 4:08pm UTC
    let's look at two pictures, shall we?
    there's a girl asleep in her room;
    mascara is under her eyes and pillow;
    the notebook is playing on her tv;
    there's an empty carton of ben & jerry's;
    her phone is lying next to her;
    she's just praying they'll text her back.
    now let's look at another one;
    there's a guy lying awake in his bed;
    he can't seem to sleep;
    he has his phone on his chest;
    he can't make up his mind.
    all his covers on his bed are kicked off;
    the xbox hasn't been turned on yet.
    guess which one screwed up?

  8. onemorechance95 onemorechance95
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2009 7:54pm UTC
    Only a real girl
    can cry all night,
    and the next day be jumping on her bed
    in shorts and a hoodie,
    screaming disney songs.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. sabriinaaxkaulitz sabriinaaxkaulitz
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2009 11:28pm UTC
    *&Why Does Everything I Do
    seem so - - - - - > w r o n g ?
    why*is*e v e r y*move*i*m a k e ; ;
    j u s t - a n o t h e r - h o p e l e s s
    m i s t a k e ?

  11. crisis_unknown crisis_unknown
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2009 2:58pm UTC
    girl, you're thirteen.
    you're not in love with him.
    you barely know him.
    middle school isn't all about finding the one.
    it's about find yourself.
    suure, maybe you'll get your first kiss,
    your first time on frist base, or maybe second,
    but he'll probably end up breaking your heart,
    or you'll break his. maybe you'll stay
    best friends after the break up, but
    that's what we all wish right?
    it's middle school.
    it's not about hooking up.
    it's about growing up.
    mostly just a rant. to myself.
    i need to rethink my priorities.
    im aware its hard to read.
    if you actually read it, i love you;<3

  12. K_stewxo K_stewxo
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2009 2:15pm UTC
    ever had that one song, that made you cry, but you could
    not stop listening to it?
    happening right now.
    Yours to hold- Skillet.

  13. Xx_JustShutUpAndSmile_xX Xx_JustShutUpAndSmile_xX
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 2:28pm UTC
    - - -
    has 4 letters;
    but so does
    - - -
    has 7 letters;
    but so does
    - - -
    has 5 letters;
    but so does
    - - -
    it's silly how these words

  14. TicketToHeaven_ TicketToHeaven_
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 3:15pm UTC
    you got to learn to love yourself
    before you love anyone else
    before anyone can understand you
    y o u g o t t o f a l l t o t h e g r o u n d
    before you learn how to pick yourself up again

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. x0oja1m33 x0oja1m33
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 10:16am UTC
    two little girls
    hand in hand
    skippingdown the kindergarden hallway
    dragging the teddy bears behind them
    laughing hysterically til it felt like there faces were gonna fall off
    two middle-aged women
    hand in hand
    walking through the crowded mall
    pulling their screaming children and stubborn teenagers
    laughing and complaining about their lifes
    two old ladies
    hand in hand
    racing down the nursing home hallway
    on their hott pink motor scooters decorated with all the ribbons they could find
    laughing and yellingat each other while people stopped and stared
    now we know the meaning of
    all mine i worked so hard on this
    it took me forever!

  17. blubb blubb
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2009 1:37pm UTC
    take your time, girls.
    to find the right guy who makes you smile,
    who will make you want to hurl and cry at the same time.
    The guy who makes your heart race and your head spin,
    but also makes you nervous and shy. The guy who you'll
    `-- >tell everything to, and he'll tell you everything to. < --'
    Just wait girls, and I promise, that guy will come sometime.

  18. polkadotxoxo32 polkadotxoxo32
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2009 4:47pm UTC
    And the honest truth is...
    I don't wanna grow up
    I would love to be entertained with
    one more time.
    To feel those rubbery polly pockets again.
    Dress up like my American Girl doll.
    Know every Disney Princess
    & Dont forget
    The words to their songs.
    Eat Mac & Cheese Daily.
    Think blue eyeshadow made me
    Where has the time gone?

  19. kodieeeee kodieeeee
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2009 4:13pm UTC
    just admit it __x
    you only wanna go see G.I. Joe
    because Channing Tatum is in it

  20. ps_iloveyoux3 ps_iloveyoux3
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2009 4:27pm UTC
    every girl has a boy she
    will never forget and a
    summe r ;
    it all began


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