Witty Profiles

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  1. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2010 10:56am UTC
    Name: Alexandria Atkins
    Age: 14
    Bday: December 8th
    Current Location: my housee
    Current Mood: sadd
    Flower: idkk
    Color: pink
    Restraunt: Chilis
    Store: Hollister
    Animal: tiger or dolphin
    Drink: Dr. Pepper
    This or That:
    Summer or Winter: Summer
    Shoes or Purse: Shoes
    Jeans or Skirts: jeans.
    Showers or Baths: showers,
    Rich or Famous: rich,
    Diamonds or Pearls: diamonds
    Nsync or Backstreet Boys: Nsync
    Yoga or Sports: sports
    Ocean or Pool: pool
    Pink or Blue: pink
    White or Black: white
    Real tan or Tanning beds: real tan
    Preppy or Gothic: preppy
    Eyeliner or Mascara: both
    Lipgloss or Lipstick: lipgloss
    Taken or Single: takenn<3
    Relationships or Flings: relationship
    Whats more important looks or personality: personality,
    Longest relationship: 7 months
    Shortest relationship: 5 minutes
    Crush?: mybaby<3
    Does he know you like him: duuh.. im his girlfriiend[:
    Funnest Date you've ever been on: idkk.. just chilling at his housee.
    Worst Date you've been on: at my house attempting to put up a pool. haha.
    Do you believe in soulmates: yes. and i believe im dating mine noww♥
    Do you like romantic guys: i love them
    Flowers or candy: both,
    Have you been in love: i am in lovee
    Did it work out: yepp.
    Has any guy ever cheated on you: mhm.. ]:
    Have you ever cheated: nope,
    If so why: i would never.
    Why do you think girls stay when they know their man is cheating on them?: their stupid?!
    Would you stay: absolutely not.
    Sweetest thing a guy's ever done for you: uhmm. my bf swore over his brothers grave that he would love me forever
    Who's your best friend: Dylann☻
    Do you tell him/her everything: yes
    Is this person number 1 on your friends list: yessh
    Would you do anything for him/her: yes.
    Is it important for him/her to like your current BF? he is my boyfriend.
    Can you be yourself infront of your girls: yeshh
    Do you spend lots of time shopping with them: yeah.
    Is it better to have lots of buddies or one or two best friends: a few best friends; less drama[;

  2. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2010 10:28am UTC
    and you, my friend;;
    mean everything to me

  3. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2010 10:14am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2010 4:47pm UTC
    <3i love you<3
    thats it. plain and simple.

  5. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2010 4:54pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2010 8:09pm UTC
    if i had to choose one moment i would
    never forget;;
    it would be the moment you held me tight in your arms.
    baby,, please dont ever let me go..<3
    [this ones for you babe,, im so glad were back together. i couldnt be happier:]<3]

  7. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2010 6:58pm UTC
    Name 10 guy friends.
    1. dylan
    2. kaine
    3. sean
    4. evan
    5. otis
    6. steven
    7. alec
    8. twinkie
    9. troy
    10. zach
    Party with 1 or 7?
    Marry 2 or 6?
    uhh.. neither!
    Kill 3 or 8?
    Date 9 or 10?
    Make out with 4 or 7?
    Cuddle with 6 or 8?
    Have kids with 4 or 5?
    Live with 1 or 9?
    Be stuck on an island with 2 or 5?
    Trade lives with 8 or 10?
    umm idk!
    Wake up next to 4 or 9?
    1!!!!!! (:
    A Few More Questions..
    Has 3 ever hurt you?
    yess last night :|
    Have you ever hurt 4?
    dont think so
    who's the funniest?
    Can you beat up 8?
    nooo wayy.
    When is the last time you saw 9?
    idk a while ago
    Who's the smartest?
    uh there all dumb. lol
    How long have you known 2?
    like a year
    What would you do if 1 and 6 started dating?
    they are both guys soo um nooo they would nott date each otherr!!
    Who is 5 dating/crushing on?
    Does 7 smell good?
    Who will you still be talking to in 15 yearrs?
    hopefully,, 1, and i know 7,9,.. there my cousins. lol

  8. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2010 11:21am UTC
    we were so close.
    and now were getting farther and farther apart as the days go by.
    the farther were getting apart, the closer hes getting to her.
    the less and less he thinks of me, the more and more he thinks of her.
    the less and less he loves me, the more and more he loves her.
    now instead of remembering the good memories we have;
    hes making better ones with her )':
    & i dont think i can handle that.

  9. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2010 5:18pm UTC
    1. Full Name: Alexandria Atkins Gassaway
    2. Nicknames: Aly, Cat
    4. Place of Birth: Mass.
    5. Zodiac Sign: Sagitarius
    6. Male or Female: Female
    7. Year at College: middle school
    8. School: maums
    9. Occupation: dont have one?
    10. Residence: somewhere
    11. MSN Screen Name: xDareYouux03
    __Your Appearance___
    12. Hair Color: redish brownn
    13. Hair Length: little past shoulders
    14. Eye color: hazel
    15. Weight: not suree
    16. Height: 5'3"
    17. Braces?: no
    18. Glasses?: yea
    19. Piercings: ears
    20. Tattoos: no
    21. Righty or Lefty: righty
    ___Your 'Firsts'___
    22. First best friend: Logan
    23. First Award: soccer
    24. First Sport You Joined: soccer
    25. First pet: Thor (dog)
    26. First Real Vacation: New Hampshire
    27. First Concert: idk
    28. First Love: Dylan</3
    ___ Favorites___
    29. Movie: ladder 49
    30. TV program: csi
    31. Color: Pink
    32. Rapper: dontknoww
    33. Band: unknownn(:
    34. Song Right Now: sorry
    35. Friends: Brittany, Logan
    36. Sweet: Chocolate
    37. Sport to Play: soccer
    38. Restaurant: i do not knowww.. prolly chilis
    39 Brand: i dont know
    40. Store: Aerie, AMerican Eagle, hollister
    41. School Subject: Math
    42. Animal: tigerr
    43. Book: she said yes
    45. Shoes: nikess
    46. Feeling: broken</3
    47. Single or taken: single..
    48. Have a crush: still in lovee :[
    49. Eating: nothing
    50. Drinking: nothing
    51. Typing: what i am typing right now
    52. Online?: duh
    53. Listening To: my mother talk
    54. Thinking About: an amazing boyy<3
    55. Wanting To: get my ex boyfrenn back</3
    56. Watching: nothing
    57. Wearing: jean shorts,, and a strapless topp.
    ___Your Future___
    58. Want Kids?: 2 or 3
    59. Want to be Married?: yes
    60. Careers in Mind: csi detectiveeee
    62.Car: i dont know
    Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___
    63. Hair color: light brown
    64. Hair length:sorta long
    65. Eye color: green or blue
    66. Measurements: big(: hehehe.
    67. Cute or Sexy: both
    68: eyes or lips: eyes
    69. Hugs or Kisses: kisses both
    70. Short or Tall: tall
    71. Easygoing or serious: in the middle
    72. Romantic or Spontaneous: both
    73. Fatty or Skinny: skinny
    74. Sensitive or Loud: in the middleee
    75. hook up or relationship: relationship.. being used hurts:[
    76. Sweet or Caring: both
    77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant one: middle
    77. Black or white: white
    ___Have you ever______
    78. Kissed a Stranger: nope
    79. Had Alcohol: yes
    81. Ran Away From Home: attempted
    82. Broken a bone: i;ve chipped one
    83. Got an X-ray: one
    84. Had a serious relationship: yes.. best seven months of my life,, trying to get him back[:
    85. Broken Someones Heart: yes
    86. Broke Up With Someone: unfortunally,, very very big mistake
    87. Cried When Someone dumped you: ohh yeahhh
    88. Cried At School: yesssssiirrr
    __Do You Believe In___
    89. God: yep
    90. Miracles: sometimes
    91. Love At First sight: i'll let you know
    92. Ghosts: yes
    93. Aliens: no
    94. Soul Mates: yes
    95. Heaven:yes
    96. Hell: yes
    97. Angles:yes
    98. Kissing on The First Date:yes
    99. Horoscopes: sometimes
    ___Answer Truthfully___
    100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know you cant have? no.. i think i can still get my baby back♥

  10. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2010 3:35pm UTC
    I cant believe you almost threw away
    everything we ever had;;
    over a stupid little fight
    //but im glad you changed your mind♥

  11. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2010 3:12pm UTC
    &+ even though i've found someone better
    its those times when our eyes meet;;
    i miss the times we had together..

  12. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2010 5:49pm UTC
    Last Night I Had A Crazy Dream
    a wish was granted just for me
    it could be for anything
    i didnt ask for money
    or a mansion in Malibu
    i simply wished, for one more day with you.
    One More Day
    one more time
    one more sunset, maybe I'd be satusfied
    but then again
    i know what it would do
    leaving me wishing still, for one more day with you.
    First Thing I'd do, is pray for time to crawl
    then I'd unplug the telephone
    and keep the t.v off
    I'd hold you every second
    and say a million i love you's
    thats what I'd do, with one more day with you.
    One More Day
    one more time
    one more sunset, maybe I'd be satusfied
    but then again
    i know what it would do
    leaving me wishing still, for one more day with you.
    Leave Me Wishing Still, For One More Day
    Leave Me Wishing Still, For One More Day
    <3love this songg,,
    One More Day;; Diamond Rio
    my boyfriends leaving at the end of the school year..
    all i want is one more day with him</3
    click the ♥ if you love this song tooo!

  13. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 3:55pm UTC
    soo the other day i was talking to my boyfriend of almost 5 months. i am so in love with him and this is what he said;;
    i have some bad news.
    i really think that at that moment my heart stopped beating. i was so scared of what he might say next..
    i typed so slowly..
    what i read next brought tears to my eyes instantly.
    i might be moving up north.
    as my tears blurred my vision i managed to send him
    i told him i was scared that he would fiond someone new and that i would miss him soo much and that i love him.
    he told me that
    he didnt want anybody else and that he really loved me and he didnt want a move to change that. and that he would come down as much as he would just to see me.
    i dont think i ever cried as hard or as long as i did that night.
    true story.. i dont know what im gonna do.. </3 : '(

  14. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2009 6:09pm UTC
    xxbobo123: hello
    starchristy55: who is this?
    xxbobo123: you dont remember? oh what a shame. year 1997 you were born. december 5th
    2003 you had your 6th birthday party. your best friend sally michaels got you your first ever easy bake. but she turned on you.
    starchristy55: what the.....?
    xxbobo123: when you were trying to bake the vanilla brownies. you set down the butter knife. she grabbed it and tried to stab you. but, when she missed your head, where she was aiming, and hit your arm ,and saw what she had done, she turned the knife on herself.
    starchristy55: who is this? billy? jane? fred? taylor? brittany? those are the only people who went to my party! an adualt wouldent do this!
    xxbobo123: december 31st you had the funeral. you kept seeing her, standing next to people staring at you, with the knife in her eye. blood dripping from all paths. but you ignored her.
    starchristy55: who the eff r u?
    xxbobo123: 2 years later on january 3rd of 2005, her birthday, you saw her again. but she didnt just fade away like before, she followed you every where
    starchristy55: who do you know my life? how do you know me? how do you know this?
    xxbobo123: 1 hour ago you were just thinking of her. of the day you killed her.
    starchristy55: i did not kill her!
    xxbobo123: i think differently
    starchristy55: who ARE you?
    starchristy55: why are you doing this?
    starchristy55: come on! ANSWER MEE!
    dancarella38 has logged on
    dancerella38: hello christy
    starchristy55: oh great whos this person?
    dancarella38: why its me, sally
    starchristy55: why is this happening to me?
    dancarella38: the day on your birthday party i tried to kill you, i regret it, but i always finisha task before it ends
    dancarella38: i will see you tonite christy. goodbye
    dancarella38 has signed off
    xxbobo123: i will see you tonite as well
    starchristy55: who are you?
    xxbobo123: remember 3 days after your party? billy colman died ina an accident?
    starchristy55: yeah?
    xxbobo123: i died, there was no accident. i died because sally came to me. and asked me to come with her. which i did not want to do. she said i must or a slow painful death will come to me. i refused. so a slow painful death indeed there was.
    starchristy55: oh my god... im so sorry
    xxbobo123: well now you have that same choice.. let us take you... or a slow painful death
    xxbobo123 has sighned off
    later that night
    christy sat in her room cold and afraid
    exactly wat she was told would happen, did
    she chose to be taken because she beleived it was real
    repost this once and you will be safe
    if you dont repost thisthe spirits of, billy, sally, and christy will haunt you.... this is a life or death situation....
    repost, or be taken..or have a slow and painful death....
    SORRY GUYS! i only posted this becuz it scary... i kno its not true but u kno....

  15. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2009 11:10am UTC
    8 Favorites;
    • Favorite Color: pink.
    • Favorite Food: tacos.
    • Favorite Singer: lil' wayne.
    • Favorite Movie: ladder 49.
    • Favorite Sport: soccer.
    • Favorite Day Of the Week: friday.
    • Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: vanilla
    • Favorite Time of Day: when im with him<3
    9 Currents;
    • Current Mood: missing himm.
    • Current Taste: hot chocolate.
    • Current Clothes: p.js and dylans sweatshirt.
    • Current Computer: dell.
    • Current Finqer/Toenail color: plain.
    • Current Time: 10:59am
    • Current Surroundinqs: my friend
    • Current Annoyance(s):ashley
    • Current Thought: him...
    5 Firsts;
    • First Best Friend: courtney
    • First Crush: austin
    • First Screen Name: sexy4soccerboyz
    • First Pet: dog.
    • First Piercing: ears.
    6 Lasts;
    • Last Food: french toast.
    • Last Car Ride: when i drove in the back yard.
    • Last Text Message: iloveyoubaby.
    • Last Movie Seen: unknown..
    • Last Item Bought: who knows.
    • Last CD Played: i dont have any c.ds.
    4 Have You Evers;
    • Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: no.
    • Have You Ever Broken the Law: not that i remember.
    • Have You Ever Been Arrested: nope. not yet atleast. :)
    • Have You Ever Been on TV: idk
    4 Things;
    • You're Wearing: p.j pants and dylans sweatshirt.
    • You Did Last Night: watched my bro.
    • What Can You Hear Right Now: the tv.
    • You Can't Live Without: my true friends.
    5 Places You've Been To;
    • 1. hamoton
    • 2. new york city
    • 3. botston
    • 4. ?
    • 5. ?
    3 People You Can Tell Anything To;
    • 1. courtney
    • 2. logan
    • 3. Mechelley
    2 Choices;
    • 1. Black or White: both(:
    • 2. Hot or Cold: hot.

  16. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2009 1:33pm UTC
    Grab your Phone.
    got it
    What kind is your phone?
    Whos the first person to come up under the letter M?
    mammie cell
    Whos the last person you called?
    Who was your last missed call from?
    Who is the 2nd person to come up under D?
    Whos speed dial 2?
    Whos the third person who comes up under J?
    Who was your last received call from?
    Milly and Dylan
    Whos your speed dial number 4?
    What does your banner say?
    How many messages are currently in your inbox?
    What do you have as your background?
    me and Dylan<3
    Whos speed dial number one?
    Whos the 5th message in your inbox from?
    .Dylan. ♥
    Whos the first person who comes up under B?
    Becca S.
    How many bars of signal do you currently have there?
    Who was your last message from?
    Logan D.
    Name every person you have text messages from in your inbox.
    courtney, dylan, Loga d., Mechelle, Milly, Hannah, Caitlwyn
    Whos the 5th person under A?
    Who is the ninth person on your missed call list?
    What does the 6th message on your outbox say?
    i love you morererererer baby
    Who is the first name in your phone book?
    Aaron F.
    Who is the last person in your phonebook?

  17. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2009 4:03pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2009 4:17pm UTC
    .:look at me:.
    tell me you dont miss me.
    but heres the tricky part:
    .(mean it).
    pretty much describing my feelings riight now.

  19. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2009 4:01pm UTC
    ok so the other day i was texting my boyfriend...
    me: once you find the six, make a wish. 121234798979154231345799875443634519724 then send to ten people and it will come true.
    [i made the wish that he would love me forever]
    then i sent it to 10 people.. 1 of them being him.
    him: i did it
    me: me2
    him: what did you wish for?
    me: i cant tell you or it wont come true and i want it too
    him: is it about me?
    me: idontknowwww.. is yours about me?
    him: idk..just tell me
    me: okaay il give you a hint.. its about you.
    him: okay mines about you too.. now another hint.
    me: no. i really want it to come true
    me: but it probably wont because... forevers a lonng time.
    him: so what is it?
    me:..that... you'll love me forever..
    him: i will.
    <3 i love him so muuch

  20. alybay03 alybay03
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2009 8:37pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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