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Member Since: 7 May 2010 01:21pm

Last Seen: 27 May 2013 06:25pm

user id: 108271

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Welcome to _thisismystory!
As you can see, this is an account I made for writing stories. I also have a quote account which will remain anonymous for now. I don't have too much free time for story writing, but I'd appreciate it if you gave input on my stories (well story for now). If you're a writer, please comment & I promise I will read a random chapter of your story & give you suggestions and stuff. Well, I hope you like my stories(:
  1. _thisismystory _thisismystory
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 7:25pm UTC
    Sail Away. Ch.3
    I made my way through the lines quickly. That cute boy with the soccer shirt kept staring at me though, as if he recognized me. I couldn't say anything since I was with my parents....and Tyler. I couldn't wait to get away from them.
    When we finally reached the check-in desk, I was starving. The kind lady gave us our keycards, took our pictures, and we were ready to go.
    We boarded the ship and made our way to the cabin. When we got there, by our surprise, our bags were waiting right outside the stateroom. We quickly unpacked and headed for lunch.
    On the way to lunch, I spotted a couple more...uh... attractive guys. I also spotted girls who seemed a bit...well..uh floozy to say the least. I'm sure they'd be the ones who'd get the guys...which was alright with me, for now, anyway.
    So then I ate lunch, I chose a salad since I didn't want to gain weight on this trip. During lunch, my mom handed me a schedule of the teen activities. I realized that in fifteen minutes, there was a meet and greet... so I quickly finished my lunch and made my way down to the bowling lounge.
    On the way there, one of the... well.. "girls" eyed me. I thought I looked considerably good. My long, brown hair was in a semi-messy fishtail braid, and I had a little bit of make-up on (for a natural look). I was wearing my favorite denim Hollister shorts (yes, they were on the shorter side, but nothing too revealing), an American Eagle tank top with my Juicy jacket. I was carrying a Vera Bradley wristlet. I mean, none of these details are really relavent, but since it was one of my better outfits, I could see why she eyed me.
    So now I stand in a crowded room full of eager teenagers. I'm not the most social person, I'm on the verge of being socially awkward.
    Then the counselors decided to get things started...which saved me.
    "Hey guys!" one of the counselors yelled.
    "Hi" us teenagers monotonously replied.
    "My name is Michaela, and this is Noelle. We will be your teen counselors this cruise. We're both pretty chill people we have a couple-"
    She was cut off by a knock at the door.
    "Come in!" Noelle yelled.
    Since I was sitting next to the door, I could easily see who was standing in front of me.
    When I thought everything was going to be normal, I turned around to see someone who I didn't think would be here....

  2. _thisismystory _thisismystory
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 10:27pm UTC
    Sail Away. Ch.2
    Today is the day. I'm finally escaping reality for a week. Maybe this week would somehow change my life?
    I meet a lot of people on cruises, I've been on some before. I usually end up getting asked out on the last night by someone, and sadly, I usually have to turn them down because it's the last night. I don't really do hook-ups, like I said, but since I'm a high-schooler, I might give in... but I still don't know.
    Anyway, I was in the car on the way to the cruise terminal. My brother, Tyler, chose to annoy me every chance he could. My parents weren't helping me out either-they were too busy focusing on the traffic ahead.
    "Look, it's Justin Bieber!" Tyler shouted.
    "Shut up, I don't even like him," I replied.
    "OOOOH there's Taylor Lautner..." Tyler continued.
    "Tyler, I'm not giving in to your petty stuff." I was already annoyed.
    Tyler finally stopped bothering me. I chose to stare out the window, and text Matt. He was being weird. I felt like he didn't want me to leave, which was what seemed strange. I wondered if he was into me like my friends said he was. I don't see him too often, because we go to two seperate schools. I still can't define what we are yet, which really bothers me. I probably wouldn't forget him on this trip, but I just didn't know. Then, Matt said something which completely caught me off guard:
    Matt: "I hope you have a nice trip. Get some girl(;"
    I wondered...maybe he isn't too interested in me.
    We arrived to the dock at the perfect time... I luckily just said, "Gotta go, just got to the dock. Bye!"
    Ending that was easy enough.
    I helped my parents unload our bags out of the car. Then, we were greeted by people to take our suitcases-and walked to the terminal. When we reached the cruise terminal, there was a long line of people waiting to go through security. While I was in the line, I saw a pretty attractive guy who seemed to be my age... he was wearing a sweatshirt from my soccer league...I didn't know him though.
    Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all(:

  3. _thisismystory _thisismystory
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 10:56pm UTC
    Should I continue with my story, Sail Away?
    I have a really good idea with how things can work out!
    Comment if you think I shouldn't continue..
    Fave if you think I should!

  4. _thisismystory _thisismystory
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2011 10:46pm UTC
    Sail Away. Ch.1
    "Goodnight <3"
    That was the last text I had received before my vacation. It was from Matt, this guy who I kind of had a thing with. It was a really complicated relationship. He wanted to hook up with me-but I promised myself that I only was to save that stuff for relationships.
    I was going on a cruise to the Caribbean. It was to stop in St. Thomas, Puerto Rico, and St. Marteen. I was so excited, I needed to escape my annoying, somewhat-small town. It's not that I hated it, but I was just so stressed with starting high school & sports that I needed to get away immediately.
    I have yet to introduce myself. My name is Michelle. I live in a small town in America. It's nothing too exciting, although we may get a few surprises here and there. I have a passion for singing and soccer. I run sometimes too, but I only run to stay in shape for soccer. I'm fourteen, and I'm a freshman in highschool. It's nothing exciting, just your typical American highschool with the same old drama and sterotypes. I mean there's nothing too exciting about me besides my hidden talent of singing, otherwise, I'm a pretty normal girl.
    So tomorrow... I board the ship... I'm so excited! I'm going just with my family, which consists of me, my mom, and my twelve-year-old brother Tyler.
    I packed everything tonight. I hope this trip will be as good as I expect it to be.
    Should I continue?


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