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Member Since: 2 Dec 2008 01:19am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 59324

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  1. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 2:02am UTC
    A.M. && P.M.
    2 of the most commnly used aconyms
    and no one knows what they stand for

  2. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 1:59am UTC
    you know what i hate about deserts?
    they are all the same thing.
    a pie
    is a liquid cake
    a cake
    is a bunch of cup cakes put together
    a cupcake is a pretty muffin
    and muffins are ugly cupcake
    its all the same thing!

  3. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 1:56am UTC
    how do you prove a peice of paper, is a lazy dog in three steps?
    1. a piece of paper is a ink-lined plane
    2. a inclined plane is a sloap up
    3. a slow pup is a lazy dog
    [[works better if you say it out loud]

  4. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 1:55am UTC
    i bet you 10 thousand dollars
    that if Walt Disney rose from the dead
    and saw what disney had turned into
    he would probably kill himself the secound he got the chance to

  5. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 1:51am UTC
    you know what i find halrious?
    that when you sign up for something online
    theres always that big contract thing you have to accept
    but no one ever actually reads them

  6. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 1:50am UTC
    if you ever come across someone
    who says they will grant you 3 wishes
    if you help them
    screw it.
    if they are so magical
    they can help themselfs.

  7. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 1:46am UTC
    when people say they want a super power
    they say the want to fly
    but its the lamaest super power there is.
    all it is
    is jumping up into the air , and missing the ground

  8. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 1:35am UTC
    The Many Meanings of "LOL"
    -your boring
    -i dont care
    -you talk to much
    -i wonder what im haveing for dinner....
    - a sarcastic lovely
    -a way to get you to shut up
    -im not really paying attention or reading your texts
    -i dont want to pay a high texting bill, so i'll keep putting "lol"
    -what you just said makes windows seem smart
    and you realize, none of these are saying your funny are they?

  9. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 1:30am UTC
    i was thinking the other day.
    lets just say for some reason you were stuck in a tube.
    it wouldn't be YouTube
    or Myspace
    could it be...

  10. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 1:28am UTC
    i had a epiffiny the other day
    and its that theres always one person
    in every group of friends
    that no one likes,
    and for all of you who are saying there isnt

  11. XxraynexX XxraynexX
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2008 1:26am UTC
    you know what i realized
    to get a mystical animal all you have to do is add wings
    a horse, becomes a peagusus
    a lion becomes a girffan
    and a hawk..


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