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Member Since: 1 Sep 2009 07:33pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 88121

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Hey EveryBody:]
So my name is Holly Lynn
and this is my fanart account:]
My regular witty is holly_gurl_8.
So obviously I make fanart...
if ya want some, then send
me a comment darlin' :]
But, there are a few...
erm.... regulations.
I need to know some info
so here they are :

1. tell me the theme you want.
2. tell me what you want it to say
3. tell me if you want some specific font or color.
4. tell me if you want your username on it.
5. spread the word sweetie ;]

So yeah. if ya want some fanart,
you can ask me at anytime.
Oh yeah, and umm just
lemme know all the info
through a comment on my prfoile ;]

haha kay.
bye bye darling :]

oh wait.
here are some examples of some fanart
i've made for my other account.
(In the next scroll box :] )

Heres Some Fanart :]

asdgsrg.jpg picture by XxdancerxX8

thlove_colorful.jpg picture by XxdancerxX8

(c) dangerlayouts<3
Dont remove credit <-- u can remove
this but no credit!!
  1. Xoodles_of_fanartX Xoodles_of_fanartX
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2009 6:42pm UTC
    Looking For Fanart?!
    Well stop your seacrh, cause i can make it for you!
    Where are my manners?! Well, my name is holly &
    this is my fanart account, but my regular account
    would be holly_gurl_8! I love to make fanart so
    requests are greatly appreciated! Theres just a few
    simple steps to get your fanart, and here they are:
    (comment me on my profile please) :] 1)Tell me your
    theme you want for the fanart. 2) Tell me what you
    want it to say. 3) Tell me any fonts or c olors you
    want. 4) Tell me if photobucket is blocked on your
    computer. 5) Spread the word, please! :] And thats
    it! thanks so much, and don't forget to request!

  2. Xoodles_of_fanartX Xoodles_of_fanartX
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2009 4:54pm UTC
    Looking For Fanart?!
    Well stop your seacrh, cause i can make it for you!
    Where are my manners?! Well, my name is holly &
    this is my fanart account, but my regular account
    would be holly_gurl_8! I love to make fanart so
    requests are greatly appreciated! Theres just a few
    simple steps to get your fanart, and here they are:
    (comment me on my profile please) :] 1)Tell me your
    theme you want for the fanart. 2) Tell me what you
    want it to say. 3) Tell me any fonts or c olors you
    want. 4) Tell me if photobucket is blocked on your
    computer. 5) Spread the word, please! :] And thats
    it! thanks so much, and don't forget to request!

  3. Xoodles_of_fanartX Xoodles_of_fanartX
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2009 1:21pm UTC
    Looking for fanart?!?!
    Well you can stop your search!
    I take requests and make fanart.
    All ya have to do is leave a comment on this quote or my profile.
    But, in the comment you have to give this info:
    a) What theme do you want?
    b) What do you want it to say?
    c) What font or what color?
    d) Do you want it to have your username on it?
    That's all ya gotta do!
    Oh and uh, spread the word, please :]
    (c) Xoodles_of_fanartX

  4. Xoodles_of_fanartX Xoodles_of_fanartX
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2009 5:20pm UTC
    Looking for fanart?!?!
    Well you can stop your search!
    I take requests and make fanart.
    All ya have to do is leave a comment on this quote or my profile.
    But, in the comment you have to give this info:
    a) What theme do you want?
    b) What do you want it to say?
    c) What font or what color?
    d) Do you want it to have your username on it?
    That's all ya gotta do!
    Oh and uh, spread the word, please :]
    (c) Xoodles_of_fanartX

  5. Xoodles_of_fanartX Xoodles_of_fanartX
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2009 7:15pm UTC
    Hi :D
    okay so I just made a new fanart account and this is it!
    haha so yeah, i really like to make fanart
    so i'd really appriciate it if you made requests!
    :] Um all you have to do is look at my profile info
    and it'll tell ya what to do, darlin'
    haha thnx so much!

  6. Xoodles_of_fanartX Xoodles_of_fanartX
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2009 8:25pm UTC
    Hey everybody:]
    So my name is Holly Lynn
    So I make fanart...
    if ya want some, then send
    me a comment darlin' :]
    But, there are a few...
    erm.... regulations.
    I need to know some info
    so here they are :
    1. tell me the theme you want.
    2. tell me what you want it to say
    3. tell me if you want some specific font or color.
    4. tell me if you want your username on it.
    5. spread the word sweetie ;]
    So yeah. if ya want some fanart,
    you can ask me at anytime.
    Oh yeah, and umm just
    lemme know all the info
    through a comment on my prfoile
    or on this quote ;]
    haha kay.
    bye bye darling :]

  7. Xoodles_of_fanartX Xoodles_of_fanartX
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2009 8:17pm UTC
    Hey everybody:]
    So my name is Holly Lynn
    So I make fanart...
    if ya want some, then send
    me a comment darlin' :]
    But, there are a few...
    erm.... regulations.
    I need to know some info
    so here they are :
    1. tell me the theme you want.
    2. tell me what you want it to say
    3. tell me if you want some specific font or color.
    4. tell me if you want your username on it.
    5. spread the word sweetie ;]
    So yeah. if ya want some fanart,
    you can ask me at anytime.
    Oh yeah, and umm just
    lemme know all the info
    through a comment on my prfoile
    or on this quote ;]
    haha kay.
    bye bye darling :]


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