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Member Since: 22 Oct 2010 10:00pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 129777

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Names Kaylie.
You can take me as I am
Or not take me at all.
I could really care less.
^Two best sports.
Just please remember when I'm gone
ILoveYou, Always&Forever. ♥

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  1. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2010 4:11pm UTC
    Brad: So now I'm just a goose?
    Abby: 'fraid so.
    Brad: Well....
    Abby: What?

  2. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 2:58pm UTC
    i never did anything wrong to you.
    yet i said i was sorry for freaking out
    you said you forgave me
    you decided not to say sorry
    for anything you did
    do you not remember;
    what you said or did?
    well guess what..
    i remember.

  3. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2010 1:20pm UTC
    & we danced on the ice and the snow;
    and i fell into your eyes
    & we danced through the night
    with the stars;
    i never wanna say goodbye
    and you played me a song with your heart;
    and it beat along with mine
    and i know that with you
    i've had the time of my life

  4. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2010 1:13pm UTC
    I feel like i'm losing my best friend.
    you might have forgotten
    but i haven't
    i love you i really do
    but every time i think back to that night
    it makes me afraid to talk to you
    i want to forgive you for it but
    i don't know how to explain it,
    all i can say is
    i miss you

  5. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2010 1:00pm UTC
    I can't forget that night;
    When we got in that fight;
    I know you apologized and everything;
    and that I shouldn't have said something's I said;
    But you got your sister on the phone;
    And some of the things you said to me;
    Cut deep;
    I told you I forgive you and I want to;
    But the problem is;
    My guard's up for the first time in my life.

  6. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2010 11:23pm UTC
    & you got your share of secrets;
    And i'm tired of being' last to know;
    And now your asking' me to listen;
    Cause it's worked each time before;
    You don't have to call;
    I won't pick up the phone;
    This is the last straw;
    Don't wanna hurt anymore;
    Your not sorry;
    No-no-no-ooh .

  7. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2010 11:14pm UTC
    I never told a lie;
    & that makes me a liar;
    i never made a bet;
    yet we gamble with desire;
    i never lit a match with intent to start a fire;
    But recently the flames are getting outta control;
    Call me a name;
    Kill me with words;
    Forget about me;
    its what i deserve

  8. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2010 11:07pm UTC
    You miss me now?
    Well , i've moved on and im RIDING SOLO
    but wanna know some advice?
    Taylor swift helps

  9. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2010 11:03pm UTC
    Today was the most embarrassing day at school;
    I ran down the hall with tears brimming on my eyes;
    I passed one of my best guy friends who asked what was wrong;
    When I didn't answer;
    He grabbed my arm and let me drag him along all the way up to the bathrooms;
    A teacher was in there so I couldn't recollect myself;
    I curled my self up into a stall;
    A couple seconds after I heard the door close;
    I heard it open;
    I figured it was the teacher;
    about to yell at me for being in the bathroom and not getting my passbook signed;
    But it was actually about five of my friends;
    They didn't ask what was wrong;
    Cameron must've told them;
    They just hugged me until I cried it all out;
    Another friend of mine walked in;
    & even though my mascara was starting to run;
    and my eyeliner droop;
    She just calmly took a paper towel and wiped it.
    You guys don't know how much all that meant to me.
    And I hope you see this and realize it

  10. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2010 10:51pm UTC
    Did he hug you everyday?
    Did he tell you you were beautiful?
    Or that even when you forgot to straighten your hair
    Or do your make-up, that you looked amazing?
    Did he pick you up and spin you around?
    Text you even when he was taking a test?
    Would he hug you and not let go?
    Then you don't understand how hard it is to get over him .

  11. Xcountry_is_beast Xcountry_is_beast
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2010 10:46pm UTC
    So here's the deal.
    Life is the hardest thing your gonna deal with;
    But honey you can't say you hate it;
    Because you know looking back at all the memories;
    That you've had with friends, family, and maybe even lovers;
    Your just trying to get over another mountain;
    So you can see another view


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