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Member Since: 10 Dec 2009 02:13pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 95571

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Im an 13 year old girl who is confused about so much, i love the boy i love... & i love this website<3*

  1. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2010 9:20pm UTC
    why cant a guy just take a girl for who she is?
    why cant the guy just take what he can get?
    why do they bother to ask for more?
    why do they make you feel so down?
    Do they not realize what love feel's like, something you dont want to rush, something you may want to take slow, so no mess up's...
    after a while you grow closer & stuff can happen...
    but why would it all have to happen so fast for the guys?
    why cant they just ever wait?
    p.s. i mean yea it may take a whileee... but in the end wouldnt it all be worth waiting for?

  2. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2010 3:02pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2009 8:14pm UTC
    Say you're sorry
    That face of an angel comes out
    Just when you need it to
    As I pace back and forth all this time
    'Cause I honestly believed in you
    Holding on,
    The days drag on
    Stupid girl
    I should have known, I should have known

  4. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2009 7:57pm UTC

    Phone rings baby cries TV diet guru lies
    Good morning honey
    Go to work make up try to keep the balance up
    Between love and money
    She used to tie her hair up in ribbons and bows
    Sign her letters with X's and O's
    Got a picture of her mama in heels and pearls
    She's tryin' to make it in her daddy's world
    She's an American girl
    An American girl
    Slow dance second chance mama needs romance
    And an live-in maid
    Fix the sink mow the yard really isn't all that hard
    If you get paidS
    he used to tie her hair up in ribbons and bows
    Sign her letters with X's and O's
    Got a picture of her mama in heels and pearls
    She's tryin' to make it in her daddy's world
    She's an American girl
    An American girl
    Well she's got her God and she's got good wine
    Aretha Franklin and Patsy Cline
    She used to tie her hair up in ribbons and bows
    Sign her letters with X's and O's
    Got a picture of her mama in heels and pearls
    She's tryin' to make it in her daddy's world
    She's an American girl
    An American girl
    She's an American girl

  5. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2009 10:20am UTC
    ----->i can say what i want to him how ever i want & when i want... but he makes one little jearkie move... my friends will be after him without me even hangin 2 say a world or weather i want them 2 or not...<----- now those are people you keep close in life♥

  6. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2009 10:10am UTC
    i can be you souljia girl♥
    because i love you

  7. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2009 9:59am UTC
    have you ever got in a fight with him & then wanted 2 say sorry so u do & he never texted back so, then usay sorry & u dont look & thats when he text's back, givin u one last chance♥
    i love him

  8. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2009 9:48am UTC

  9. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2009 9:26am UTC
    ~This is a storry of a girl~
    girl: do you miss me?
    boy: kinda...
    girl: i miss you 2
    boy: do u regret letttin me go?
    girl: yes♥
    boy: ohh
    girl: you still mad at me?
    boy: its a little early 2 talk about it, i mean we just started talken agian
    girl: okay i understand
    boy: ok
    girl(crying): i love you
    boy: yeah
    girl: you will probily never love me back again, so what do u want for christmas
    boy: not 2 sure... you?
    girl: not 2 be single, to be back with the one i love, i hate being single
    boy: yeah me 2, i hate being single
    girl: sorry for being a screw up in life
    boy: you not a screw up, u just mest up...
    girl: well sorry for all i have done... i have you neclace on, do u still have the stuff i gave you?
    boy: yeah its in my room with the rest of my stuff
    girl: oh
    boy: yeah why?
    girl: just wondering sicne i have urs on...
    [story of my life right there]

  10. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2009 2:41pm UTC
    more like

  11. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2009 2:39pm UTC
    you cant put a price on friendship
    you can put a price on a pet
    you will alwayz have a friend there for you
    you end up loseing you pet in the end
    The End alwayz ends happy with friends they makeup
    they are not like pets they are even betta & more understanding

  12. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2009 2:33pm UTC
    +&+ All i Wanted*
    ~wish he was still here to hold me~
    never thought we would end up like this
    I love him, why cant he realize,
    one more chance i would not mess up
    i promise after cryin myself 2 sleep
    do stuff that i could have never done
    im a confused girl over love
    in the end i get more heart broken when i was the one end it

  13. WithLoveAlwayz WithLoveAlwayz
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2009 2:27pm UTC
    ~ i Broke Up With Him~
    thinking that him & me would still have somthing there
    We did Till i messed up
    Now he hates me
    i still love him but he doesnt feel the same
    one more chance is all i would ever want
    in the end i think i was more heart broken
    than he was when i was the one 2 let him go


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