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Member Since: 20 Sep 2011 07:54pm

Last Seen: 4 Jan 2012 02:24am

user id: 219804

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You're Beautiful

hey y'all wittyers. I'm Lulu ;)
I like...
one direction
justin bieber
demi lovato

I think everyone is perfect so 
don't ever change <3
you guys should follow me and so 
should you girls ;)
it's hipster!!


  1. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2011 5:11pm UTC
    the good life Part 2.
    September 25th
    As soon as I got home, I ran inside and started shouing.
    "Mom!!" I screamed.
    "Mommy?" My voice started to get lower.
    "Daddy?" I was now whimpering.
    "Guys?" I whispered. "No." Then I cried. And cried. And kept crying until 12 am, when I finally realized no one was coming back. I ran up to my room and started to pack. I realized I would need money so I went into my parents bedroom and stole some. [Well, since they were dead...] I also found their credit cards and stuffed all of it into a purse of mine.
    When I was ready it was about 3 am. I dragged all the suitcases and bags into my car. The I drove off. Forever.
    Well, okay, I stopped at a gas station and filled 'er up. Then I drove away forever.
    I drove all the way to L.A. from San Francisco. When I got there, I realized I hadn't really thought this plan out. I needed somewhere to stay and a job. I went into a nearby coffee shop, (I know, coffee shops in LA? Who knew!) and looked for people looking for a roommate. I saw one that looked okay, a 20-year-old guy living just about a mile from the coffee shop. I drove all the way there and called him.
    "Hello?" said a sexy, guy-groggy voice.
    "Hi, sorry to wake you up, but I saw something that said you needed a roommate?" I prayed he hadn't already found someone.
    "Oh, yeah, it's okay. Come over and you can check the place out," he said.
    "Okay, I'll be there soon...Like, now." I got out of the car. After about a minute I saw him coming down the stair. And, damn, he was fine.
    'we've got our stories but please tell me what there's to complain about.'
    do you like? comment/fave <3
    PS. Some of this is taken from another writer. Please don't judge, but I liked it and found it interesting.

  2. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2011 10:10pm UTC
    i obviously don't exist anymore

  3. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2011 8:49pm UTC
    There are 6,930,055,154
    people in the world.
    Why are you letting just one
    ruin your life ?
    --Patrick Star

  4. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2011 6:45pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2011 6:45pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2011 5:44pm UTC
    that awkward moment when
    YOUr friend is at an all girls boarding school

  7. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2011 5:44pm UTC
    that awkward moment when
    YOUr friend is at an all girls boarding school

  8. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 10:17pm UTC
    i can feel myself
    fading away

  9. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 12:13pm UTC
    the good life Part 1.
    September 25th
    "Oh this has gotta be the good life...," I heard my alarm clock scream. In my head I sang along, but my hand slapped the off button. Too loud, too early.
    I hid under my covers for a minute, then got out groaning.. i pulled out my drawers on my dresser. Today was a plain day. Just skinny jeans and a T-shirt. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. After I was squeaky clean, I plugged in my wet-to-dry straightener, straightened my hair and got dressed. I realized it was really quiet. I didn't think anything of it, though, and just put on my iPod. Taylor Swift's "Sparks Fly" came on and I danced around my room singing.
    Once I was ready, I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. "Bye Mom! Bye Dad! Love you!" I called. I opened up my car and got in. I drove away to school.
    It was a normal day of dreaming about my crush and sort-of paying attention in class. Then, in the middle of 4th period, I was called into the office.
    "Ooooooh," everyone snickered. I rolled my eyes ahd walked to the office.
    The principle had a horrible look on his face, like he was feeling bad but trying to hide it with a smile. He looked like he had just drank a whole glass of what he thought was water but what was actually vinegar. The secretary ushered me in and closed the door behind me.
    "Darcy..." the principle trailed off and looked to the window. "Darcy there's no easy way to say this.Your parents were found dead last night in a car accident."
    "What?" I whisper-whimpered.
    "I'm sorry Darcy." Mr. B touched my hand but I pulled it away.
    "No. No! Stop lying! It's not funny!" I shouted.
    "NO!" I ran out of the office. Out of the building. I sped all the way home.
    'we've got our stories but please tell me what there's to complain about.'
    do you like? comment/fave <3

  10. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 11:19am UTC
    When Regina George punched you in the face.
    And it was AWESOME.

  11. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 10:26am UTC
    Ex September 22, 2011 4:01 PM
    what's wrong? i'll kill em :)
    suicide is a horrible thing.

  12. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2011 1:45pm UTC
    he looked right at me and said it was over. staring at the ground, i forget how breathe. a gasp slipped out from my mouth and one single tear from the corner of my eye. i slowly lay my head on his shoulder, holding him for what may've been the last time. he whispers in my ear "i'm sorry. . ." and i pray to god he means it.
    not mine but omg i just love it

  13. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2011 1:40pm UTC
    just a simple tale
    one boy, one girl
    they fell for eachother
    as a lot do
    but then the boy stopped calling
    the boy stopped talking
    and the poor girl
    didn't know what to do.
    one day
    the boy came to her house
    the girl jumped for joy
    "i've been waiting for you"
    "we need to talk" the boy said
    "oh, okay" the girl whispered.
    "i don't love you."
    the boy looked her in the eye
    and walked out
    just a simple tale
    one girl,

  14. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2011 12:57pm UTC
    a sharp knife
    to a short life

  15. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2011 12:51pm UTC
    think that they know you
    more than you do
    so you take it down
    another pill to swallow

  16. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2011 10:02am UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2011 10:20pm UTC
    It's not just "one of those nights"
    this is how I feel all the time
    every second of every day.
    It's always the same feelings
    That I'm not good enough.
    That I'm not pretty.
    That I'm unwanted.
    It's not something I can change.
    &It's not just "one of those nights"

  18. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2011 9:45pm UTC
    am I better off dead?
    am I better off a quitter?

  19. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2011 9:15pm UTC
    i l o v e h o w . . .
    even as my world is crashing apart
    everyone still thinks I'm happy.

  20. Want_Ya Want_Ya
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2011 9:07pm UTC
    I put that gun to my temple
    I told you this;
    'and I would've done anything for you,
    to show you how much I adored you.
    but it's over now; it's too late
    to save our love; just promise me
    you'll think of me every time you
    look up in the sky and see a star'


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