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Member Since: 5 Sep 2010 03:00pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 123998

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About this lovely one(;
This girl's name would be abbby(: i like puppies, and men (of couurse) <3 taken by a guy bye the name of john<3 i love him. k? i'm writing a story..well let's see how that goes...hmh(: feel free to comment and stuff(: i'll make some quotes and stuff occasionally. if i'm following you, that means that you're amazing and i wuv yew. k?! :)

(p.s no john doesn't have a witty)
hayyy there gorgeouss<3! you're beautiful. in every single wonderful beautiful magical way. k? my boyfriend's name is john<3 we've been dating ever since 4-6-10<3 he's amazing!! :) he just gets me, you know?! probably not..hmh. well i do enjoy the summer but i'm in school. the big cheese! eight grade<3 yupp! that's truee, :) i'm writing a story and well, i need some feedback!? so click on that little comment tab and lemme know what you think. I loveee comments and people sooo if youu wanna talk i'm here(; kay? goood! now, wanna get on my good side?! Give me a nickname? sure. Make me fan art? why not! Tell me i'm pretty? thank youu(: leave hate comments? it'll be deleted. I'm a pretty positive person that doesn't like negative people. thanks for reading doll face. :)
Thanks for commenting!
  1. Untold_x Untold_x
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2010 11:38am UTC
    my life
    I walked into study lab and smiled. I walked confidently to an open seat, just to find that we had to get assigned seats. Of course, I had to sit next to Josh's best friend..Craig.
    "Hey Craig." I said and smiled.
    "Hi." He said and turned to his math homework. I scanned the room for Josh. I found him and he was in the perfect seat for me to stare at him (; hahaha. I started to doodle on my assignment book when the loudspeaker went on.
    "Eighth grade students, please report to the LGI for an assembly." Our class all stood up and basically ran out of the room. I found my friend, Nicole, and we walked down together. Lucky for me, Josh was right behind me and I could hear his conversation with Craig.
    "Dude, you're so lucky." Craig said to Josh.
    "Why?" Josh asked surprised.
    "Dude, you're popular and all the girls like you."
    "Yeah right man." Josh joked.
    "No joke man. I think Rae does dude. She's hot." I smirked and started down the stair case.
    "Yeah, man she is hot. But I doubt it."
    "Her teeth look great since she got her braces taken off." Craig said again on the topic of me.
    "I guess."
    "You should talk to her and see for yourself." Craig said.
    "Ya, maybe I will." Josh said as Nicole and I walked into the LGI. We took a seat as far away from the stage as we could. I lost sight of Josh, but I found Chloe. She ran over to where Nicole and I were sitting and took a seat next to me. Nicole was talking to someone so I told Chloe everything.
    "SERIOUSLY?!" She half yelled in my ear. I nodded and smiled. She started to fix my hair.
    "What are you doing?!" I asked her grabbing my hair.
    "WHat?! Don't you wanna look pretty?"
    "You're going to mess up my curls!" I yelled at her.
    "FIne." She said and sat down as the assembly started.
    Chapter Two

  2. Untold_x Untold_x
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2010 5:01pm UTC
    my life
    Hayy didn't see you there. :) My name's Rae. I'm completely and madly in love with a guy named Josh. He has amazing mud blonde hair and he's tall, plus his eyes are something to die for. There's just one problem. He doesn't know that he's in love with me yet.
    BEEP! Ugh, stupid alarm clock. No, I don't want to go back to school. Especially not on a monday. I hesitantly got out of my bed and walked to my closet. I picked out an outift and walked to my bathroom to try it on. I came out in about half an hour. My hair perfectly curled, just a bit of make-up on, and the perfect first day outfit. Which was a cute hollister dress with white flats. I grabbed my phone off of my kitchen table and turned it on. I grabbed an apple and started to eat in when i found a note that my mom had left. hmh. Rae, went to work. Sorry i have to miss your first day! (P.S the gum's for you) Love mom. I put the note on the table and grabbed the fresh new pack of 5 gum. Man, do i love this stuff. I opened the package and popped some gum into my mouth. Yum. I thought to myself.
    "Wow, you look gay." I knew that voice oh so well. It was my brother. The happiest person alive.
    "Wow, you look fat." I said looking at him. In reality, Trevor's the skinniest guy ever. He was wearing khakis and a white and blued striped abercrombie shirt.
    "Do you want a drive to school?" He said holding up his keys. I sighed. He was my ride to school..
    "I hate you." I said grabbing my phone and my bag and walked out of the kitchen to my brother's car.
    "Rae!!" My best friend Chloe yelled to me as soon as I stepped out of the car.
    "Hey! What's up?" I asked her, I hadn't seen her since the last day of school because she spent the entire summer with her dad.
    "So much!" She replied. "but that's not the point! what's your schedule like?!" She asked me. I looked through my bag and finally found it.
    "Lemme see!" She said yanking it out of my hands. "Wow, two classes together."
    "WHAT!? Which ones?!" I asked her.
    "French first period and lunch 5th."
    "aww!" I said to her as we walked towards the main entrance. The bell rang and we walked to french together. The day almost flew by, except for study hall.
    Chapter One


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