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Status: Worrying is stupid; it's like walking on the shore and expecting not to get your new shoes wet.

Member Since: 23 Nov 2012 10:52pm

Last Seen: 28 Nov 2012 05:30pm

user id: 339724

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"And maybe I think I can do extravagant things because the doctors say I have an extravagant mind that thinks ahead of the average human. And maybe I can't do these things because I have no one who believes in me."
~RhiannaLee Carter The Kid You Were Warned About
  1. The_Kid_You_Were_Warned_About The_Kid_You_Were_Warned_About
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2012 4:48pm UTC
    The Kid You Were Warned About
    *RhiannaLee's POV*
    I walk down the street, and I get judged. I watch people give me disgusted looks, and I hear the intentionally loud whispers about me, and all I can think is that they don't know my side of the story. Then again, my side of the story is ten times worse than they can imagine. For now, I'll let their innocent imaginations run wild as if any of the rumors were remotely true.
    There's only one place in the entire world that I can go, and no one will ask any questions, or stare, or talk; everyone pretends like they're their alone. No one acknowledges any one else; everyone just listens to themselves playing and imagines themself in their happy place. This place is called "Music World", created and owned by my dad's best friend, who is the only person that ever got a chapter of my story correct. I go there every day, and I feel like I belong somewhere when my fingers stroke the instruments, especially the piano. With my reputation, I'm never going to be able to get out of this tiny town.
    I guess you can say people are scared of me. They're scared that I will hurt them. They think I am a psychopath, and I'm just going to come out and slaughter the town one day. The elderly are usually the ones who tell their grandchildren to cross to the other side of the street when they see me; you'd think the elderly would be a little more wise. The teenagers my age tell ghost stories about me at camp to the younger children. They make up legends about me of all different kinds that the children spread around to each other. Pretty soon, I'll be the town's very own legend that even kids tell to their younger siblings. All I can do is be flattered that people love to waste their breaths telling the rumor of my life.
    I'm just different, I guess. I've gone to and from this town periodically, leaving whenever I want. But I always come back, whether to know what people are saying or because my past leads me back here, I don't know. But I guess that's why I'm documenting my story from here on out.
    A/N: Comment! Fav for reminder!


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