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Member Since: 11 Apr 2009 10:48am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 73140

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TheWittyRevolution says goodbye.  We aren't going to log in anymore.
  1. TheWittyRevolution TheWittyRevolution
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2009 8:13pm UTC
    the revolution.
    join the tidal wave.

  2. TheWittyRevolution TheWittyRevolution
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2009 4:38pm UTC
    We at TheWittyRevolution have decided that we are now accepting ideas on how to make the site better, so that we can actually be helpful and not just annoy Steve/Frank/John into ending Witty for good - we would be upset if he did that also.
    So comment with your ideas...and we will deliver them to Steve in a few weeks, days, or months depending on how long we continue getting the ideas.
    TheWittyRevolution Owner/Operator

  3. TheWittyRevolution TheWittyRevolution
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 3:22pm UTC
    J_Witty97's Story
    Well first off this whole "Witty revolutionary war" thing is kinda dumb because this is a website and pretty much the people we fight with could live across the globe - i mean if steve could just fix this website up non of this would happen! Do you think putting Please Don't Fight in your profile is REALLY going to help us not fight? What you should be doing is if you see a a fight comment on their profile saying if they dont settle this you will be kickd off witty or something. And jocking. What is the point of that - the original quotes already up there reputting it is just a waste. if you edit it and give them credit then its okay because your making it better but if u just copy and paste what they had its STUPIDDD...
    Oh and Steve why dont you do anything?! Like a month or two ago EVERY SINGLE ACCOUNT I HAD WAS BEING HACKED. and I know that he could go on it - get the I.P. address and find out who it was but he wouldn't do it! So my first account iJulia97 - that had alot of favorites/ratings/followers and A LOT of quotes was all gone because he wouldnt do anything about it. Also i came up with abunch of good ways to stop it and i got comments saying they were good but steve never bothered listening. Steve if you AREN'T going to help the website - get some mods.

  4. TheWittyRevolution TheWittyRevolution
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2009 1:41pm UTC
    Babe231's Story
    there are many people who i have talked to who are fake! then people who are real are being told they are fake. its so dumb that people cant put up their own pictures. if they can't, then they shouldn't use some models! and people need to stop jocking. jocking is okay with perrmission. but too much jocking is happening without it. i havent been jocked but i am not looking foward to the day. Steve. what does he do to prevent jocking? any answers?! NO, thats what i thought! all that ever happens to jockers is they get put on someones list of jockery or what ever. if there are going to be rules, we need to use them!!! or why have rules? i dont think witty has rules anymore. i think they are just guidelines. witty is fallig apart and i'm not going to sit aside and watch it. i am going to stand up for TheWittyRevolution. it may not help but it will do some good. and i am soo angry about what happened with the President. Steve said she could do it, then what? she gets hatefull, terrible comment! and he does N-O-T-H-I-N-G! how could he?people who are fake and jock shouldnt be allowed on here. "This is a place where we should be able to be ourselves, and not have to pretend. We should be able to tell the complete truth, and no one should be able to tell us any differently." in the words of Twilight_Panda... we all need to stand up for what is right, and what we belive in. go ahead and hate me for this. but this is what is true, and what i believe!!

  5. TheWittyRevolution TheWittyRevolution
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2009 1:06pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. TheWittyRevolution TheWittyRevolution
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2009 12:55pm UTC
    Twilight_Panda's Story
    Too many bratty kids are on Witty, wanting to simply start fights. They curse, and use innappropriate slang. Now, a few curse words here and there don't bother me. But all the fakes? Those bother me. Too many people putting up fake pictures, and purposely starting fights. This is getting out of control! A few 11 year olds tried to take control of this site. I say we get some older, more experienced Wittiers! Several of us here are on hours a week, trying to make WittyProfiles a better place. Quotes should not be jocked. Nor should they be made fun of! Posting a comment on someone's quote about how it's stupid is simply ridiculous. These quotes typically come from the heart, there is no need for there to be somewhere else for people to be ridiculed, bitched at and simply made fun of. I say we enforce the rules, and make sure people follow them! Those of these people who refuse to follow the rules should be brought off of here! This is a place where we should be able to be ourselves, and not have to pretend. We should be able to tell the complete truth, and noone should be able to tell us any differently. Not that this speech here is going to make too much of a difference. But, hey. Atleast we're starting something here!
    Every good thing was started by one person. TheWittyRevolution is the way to go!
    Oh, and if 'Steve' won't enforce the rules? WE WILL!


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