Witty Profiles

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  1. jordankessdelfs jordankessdelfs
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2011 2:42pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. Bucketkiaad33 Bucketkiaad33
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2011 2:56pm UTC
    I'm watching pom.
    Fav if you just misread that ;)

  3. Babzzalaxx Babzzalaxx
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2011 4:56pm UTC
    Just remember, you are unique,
    just like everyone else..........

  4. abatha5505 abatha5505
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2011 4:57pm UTC
    the awkward moment
    when the teacher is looking for volunteers to answer the question, and you accidentally make eye contact . ♥

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. sassydoodle24 sassydoodle24
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2011 4:43pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. Unicornx8 Unicornx8
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2011 3:21pm UTC
    That Awkward Moment..
    When your teacher knows who you like..

  8. Billyboy Billyboy
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2011 5:52am UTC
    That awkward moment
    when your in the car & you look at the people in the car next to you,
    but they're already looking at you ..

  9. xaoifex xaoifex
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2011 5:57am UTC
    Do not skip.
    i work for the unicorn trust. I look after thousands of unicorns who are terribly depressed.
    our newest patient is a girl unicorn called Delilah, she is such a lovely unicorn! she eats guitar strings, watches disney movies and listens to heavy metal. but recently she becaume addicted to blue smarties. Without your help she might turn into a horse!! If you fave this i will donate 3 pieces of leprechaun gold to the trust. Please, do it for the unicorns!! This is obviously not a joke!! Please?
    thankyou, from all the unicorns, to all the people who will click the . ♥

  10. mistory mistory
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2011 8:34am UTC
    Your mama's so fat, she's got more Chins than a Chinese phone book

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. maggierose88 maggierose88
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2011 11:06pm UTC
    Whos the genious
    that thought...
    "Hey, let's make kids sit and listen to pointless information for 6-7 hours a day!"
    like seriously?

  13. xxsammy02xx xxsammy02xx
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2011 5:52am UTC
    When a guy hits your boob!!

  14. Nothing188 Nothing188
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2011 7:03am UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. soXmanyXsecrets soXmanyXsecrets
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2011 12:57pm UTC
    Today i found out;
    Katy Perry has a cat named Kitty Purry.

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. Letters_From_The_Heart Letters_From_The_Heart
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2011 4:28pm UTC
    The awkward moment
    When you tell someone you can do something really well,
    but then when you try to do it
    in front of them,
    y o u f a i l t e r r i b l y.

  18. Love_is_forever_x33 Love_is_forever_x33
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2011 1:02pm UTC
    Favorite This If...
    You could be doing something productive, but instead your on Witty♥

  19. ImaJockerBiteMe ImaJockerBiteMe
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2011 9:08pm UTC
    Drop it like it's hot.
    favorite this if you just thought of the sundrop commercial.

  20. Ccdavillie97 Ccdavillie97
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2011 3:04am UTC
    Long but worth reading .. <3
    This one always makes me tear up:
    I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said.
    You told me not to drink, Mom, so I drank soda instead
    I really felt proud inside, Mom, the way you said I would.
    I didn't drink and drive, Mom, even though the others said I should.
    I know I did the right thing, Mom, I know you are always right.
    Now the party is finally ending
    Mom, as everyone is driving out of sight.
    As I got into my car, Mom, I knew I'd get home in one piece.
    Because of the way you raised me, so responsible and sweet.
    I started to drive away, Mom, but as I pulled out into the road,
    the other car didn't see me, Mom, and hit me like a load.
    As I lay there on the pavement, Mom, I hear the policeman say,
    the other guy is drunk, Mom, and now I'm the one who will pay.
    I'm lying here dying, Mom.. I wish you'd get here soon.
    How could this happen to me, Mom? My life just burst like a balloon.
    There is blood all around me, Mom, and most of it is mine.
    I hear the medic say, Mom, I'll die in a short time.
    I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear I didn't drink.
    It was the others, Mom. The others didn't think.
    He was probably at the same party as I.
    The only difference is, he drank and I will die.
    Why do people drink, Mom? It can ruin your whole life.
    I'm feeling sharp pains now. Pains just like a knife.
    The guy who hit me is walking, Mom, and I don't think it's fair.
    I'm lying here dying and all he can do is stare.
    Tell my brother not to cry, Mom. Tell Daddy to be brave.
    And when I go to heaven, Mom, put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.
    Someone should have told him, Mom, not to drink and drive.
    If only they had told him, Mom, I would still be alive.
    My breath is getting shorter, Mom. I'm becoming very scared.
    Please don't cry for me, Mom. When I needed you, you were always there.
    I have one last question, Mom, before I say good bye.
    I didn't drink and drive, so why am I the one to die?


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