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Member Since: 27 Jun 2011 03:50pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 187885

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Don't let dreams just be dreams
The story that is created here are from loads of people wanting to make their stories witty! With a little hint from me!
  1. Story113 Story113
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 2:10am UTC
    Blood and tears
    chapter two
    Startled, I opened my eye's. The first thing I saw was a cream coloured ceiling, I looked around seeing that I was hooked up to loads of wires, to my left I saw my parents sleeping looking so innocent. "Dad! Mum! Wake up, where am I?!" I screamed trying to get up. My parents woke up, they looked at me, as if they seen a ghost. "Violet!" They yelled hugging me so tight I could hardly breath. Out of the blue, doctors ran in to my room. Somehow, I felt more calm then I was before. Loads of things spun round my head, wanting to ask questions all at once. "How long have I've been sleeping?" I asked as one of the doctors gave me a drink.
    "You were in a coma for 5 months" Replied the doctor with no emotion. My face went blank. "What! no,no,no! The accident was yesterday" The doctor sighed and left the room. I layed back then looked at the ceiling again, remembering the stars. I suddenly realise I was with a person during this Event. "Liam!" I screamed.
    Hopefull my stories will be a success!

  2. Story113 Story113
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 2:33am UTC
    Blood and tears
    chapter one
    I stared at his cold, lifeless body. My face turned pale, tears streaming from my eyes. Last thing I remembered was a truck coming towards us then a big crash. I dragged my self across the road, leaving a trail of blood behind me, I seized hold of his hand, squeezing it tighter by the second. "Don't go, Please! Everything's going to be ok...." I mumbled resting my head on to his chest. That was the moment I knew he was gone, I looked at the star's above wanting to grab them and bring Liam back to life, but I knew that will never happen. I reached out to my pocket clutching on to my phone then dialled 911.
    "Hello, what's your emergancy?"
    "I need an ambulance! Help please!" I pleaded
    "Miss, stay calm, can you tell me where you are please"
    I looked around puzzled looking for the name of the street until I found a sign round the corner.
    "Somewhere near Hendra walk"
    "Ok, there will be and ambulance coming soon" Then she hanged up.
    With that, I delicately closed my eyes wanting to drift off with Liam. My one and only.
    Hey! Sorry for not posting any more Sweet nightmares! Soon there will be more!

  3. Story113 Story113
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 4:10pm UTC
    Sweet nightmares♥
    Chapter 8
    Ten minuits later and i was sat in a booth at starbucks, I had calmed down slightly, but my mind was still whirring. Perhaps it wasn't really safe to be meeting a strange boy so late at night. I put my head in my hands, tears rolling down my cheeks. I was in such a mess.
    A soft hand rested on my shoulder as a warm body sat down next to me. "Hey, dont cry, please dont.. It's going to be fine.."
    I leant my head against his arm and cried my eyes out. Forgetting my dignity, and my tough girl image. A years worth of sleepless nights had caught up on me, and i let the tears flow, soaking his shirts sleave, and ruining my make up.
    After a few minuits had passed, i looked up. Pink flowing into my cheeks, making my embarrassment of being caught crying obvious. He gave me a small, reassuring smile, and handed me a tissue.
    "You okay now?" I nodded, my cheeks flaming. "Do you think you could tell me about your dreams?"
    I frowned at him. "What, all of them?"
    I thought hard, thinking back to the very first dream i had, it seemed so innocent now, compared to my most recent ones. I looked up into Joshua's deep, trusting brown eyes, framed by such long black eyelashes and spiIled my heart out.
    "Just what you can remember, the ones that felt important, just, tell me about them." I thought hard, thinking back to the very first dream i had, it seemed so innocent now, compared to my most recent ones. I looked up into Joshua's deep, trusting brown eyes, framed by such long black eyelashes and spilled my heart out. I told him about my first ever dreams that could be linked together, where it was simply some men in masks at a meeting. I explained how they had found a headquarters, how they had killed innocent people, even hunting people down and torturing them.
    By the time I had finished, my voice was hoarse. The sun was also rising outside and the staff at the counter were looking at us funny.
    Joshua frowned, not saying anything about my dreams.
    "Do you want to come back to mine for a while? I'd feel more comfortable explaining there." Joshua turned the handle of his front door, revealing high ceilings and antique furnature. The house looked old, and posh. Upstairs i heard loud music, yelling and laughter, it sounded like a party, although their was no trace of it down here.
    Story by Samii x

  4. Story113 Story113
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 4:03pm UTC
    Sweet nightmares♥
    Chapter 7
    But what do i do now? If i told jake he'd think i was going crazy. So would anybody else. Then i remembered the boy from today. He knew i was having dreams. And somehow, he knew they wern't normal. Stumbling slightly, i ran up the stairs, and rummaged through my discarded jeans pockets untill i found the slip of paper. I leant against the wall as i tapped the number into my phone and listened to it ring. Why was i doing this? What should i say? I was about to hang up when i sleepy voice replied.
    "Hey, Joshua's mobile, whats up?" I noticed just how tired he sounded and felt bad. I probably shouldn't have called him so late.
    "Oh god, im sorry, did i wake you up?"
    "No, dont worry about it, i wasn't sleeping very well anway, who is this?"
    "Oh Autmn, so you called!" His voice picked up slightly, slightly more alert, with a hint of happyness."Yeah, i did.. I've had a dream.. It was uh..Different to normal?"
    Happyness left his voice, replaced by worry. "Your alright though?"
    "Yeah, why wouldn't i be? Anyway it was of-"
    He cut me off. "Lets not talk over the phone. Meet me at starbucks in ten minuits, okay?"
    I glanced at the clock, it was three in the morning. "are you sure? i mean, its pretty early"
    "Its fine, honestly, just get there.""Okay, see you in ten."
    I wiped the sleep from my eyes and looked to the floor for some clothes, where the contense of my wardrobe was strewn. I wasn't one for keeping things tidy.
    Story by Samii x

  5. Story113 Story113
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 3:59pm UTC
    Sweet nightmares♥
    Chapter 6
    I lay still in bed, sweat beading on my forehead. My bones ached and my head was pounding. My dreams were never this vivid, and never affected me this much. I groaned and climbed out of bed forcing my shaking legs toward the window. As i pressed my head against the cold window frame and peering out into the darkness it struck me what was so bad about the dream. The gateposts were exactly the same as mine. I strained my memory, thinking back to the dream and slowly, it came back to me. There was the same grey gravel driveway, identical flowerbeds and the same two story building. That was my home in the dream. My head spun and i gripped
    onto the window ledge. It was just a dream. It wasn't real. But their was something inside of me that was telling me otherwise. Before i could think about what i was doing, i yanked a pair of trainers on before running down the stairs and out the front door. i stopped at the flowerbed, panting. Slowly, i looked down, then let out a sigh of releif. The flowers were unharmed. Just as i was about to walk away somethinng caught my eye. Nestled into the flowers was a tiny black ball, a couple of inches away from several singed flowers. My head span and i sat down, leaning against the fence with my eyes shut. It was real. It had to be. How could this all be a coincidence.
    Story by Samii x

  6. Story113 Story113
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 3:54pm UTC
    Sweet nightmares♥
    Chapter 5
    Once in my room I changed into the large tee shirt and leggings I usually slept in, before climbing into my bed. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a light at the end of the driveway, moving between the gateposts. It was probably just Jake, turning around. Pushing all thoughts of today from my mind, I let myself slip into sleep.
    Wind howled through the empty streets, every house in sight was in darkness, the only source of light the dappled moonlight. A sleek black car slowed under the cover of tree's and two suited figures stepped
    out. Masks covered their faces, two pinpricks for eyes. their footsteps silent, they strode down the street, only stopping when they reached the very last house. The tallest of the two took a slow step forward, then stopped, with a sharp breath. The tallest spoke. "Be calm Ahriman. This will not matter in a few months. She shall come to us."
    Ahriman nodded slowly, staying silent as he turned walking back the way he came, closely followed by his companion untill a cloud covered the moon and they vanished.
    Story by Samii x If anyone is reading, please comment!

  7. Story113 Story113
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 11:35am UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. Story113 Story113
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 11:27am UTC
    Sweet nightmares♥
    Chapter 3
    I couldn't see their actions, but i knew from past experiance that he was in a lot of trouble. I sighed. I really didn't want the boy to get hurt, but i wasn't sure how to call everybody off without rasising suspicion. whilst they were distracted i scooped up the scraps of paper. I glanced at the numbers scrawled on them before pocketing them. I was about to try and call off the guys when they backed off themselves. Each one of them was sporting some bIoody injury, but the boy seemed unharmed. My brows creased. Everybody knew that my guys were unbeatable. they were all well trained in martial arts, and had never been beaten before. But right now they were staggering backwards, staring at the guy like he was a ghost. Jake grabbed my hand, clutching at it like it was his lifeline. Auts, lets go. We have to get out of here.'' The boy was motionless, staring at us with blank eyes, untill he turned and ran, the wind whipping up leaves behind him.
    Jake tugged on my hand again. "Auts, i want to get out of here."
    I glanced at him, his usually tan face was pale and his his posture limp. I nodded at him and let him drag me back to the parking lot by the forest, closely followed by the rest of the guys. Walking through the kitchen i reached the lounge, and leant in the doorway and smiled at my boys..
    they were all yelling at the tv, which was showing this mornings rugby match. The ground was littered with cans of beer and pizza boxes, evidence of our tv night. I loved these boys so much. We'd met at martial art class, and we'd all immediately clicked. Closest to me were Brad and Hal, two black haired, twins. They were completely identical, except for their dimples. When they smiled they each had one, but in the opposite cheeks. Leaning on them was Rich, his lanky frame using them both as a footrest. Next we had Chace, our traditional blonde muscled jock. Beside him was Jared, outsiders spotted his shaved head and labled him as a thug, and he did nothing to stop this, but at home he was a kitten. And finally, we had Jake. Brown haired with an athletic build. We'd had 'a thing' for years, but we'd never admit it was a relationship. that was too soft for us.
    I cleared my throat and each face turned to smile at me. I smiled back. "Uh, I left my bike at home.. Could i have a lift?"
    Story by Samii x

  9. Story113 Story113
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 11:23am UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. Story113 Story113
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 11:14am UTC
    Sweet nightmares♥
    Chapter 1
    Candles flickered, setting a dim light to the cirular room. Quiet moans echoed off the stone walls, though nobody took notice. Twelve men sat around a round table in stony silence, untill one drew back his chair and stood. He looked no different from the rest. A black mask completely covered his face. His frame, like the others, was tall, slim, and athletic, clothed in a pristine black suit.
    "Bring in our guest," his voice was low, each word cut off sharply. The moans grew louder, accompanied by footsteps that came closer to the room, untill three more men entered through a stone archway. Two were the like the others, neat and masked. The other was shorter, dressed in a pair of ragged jeans. He was covered in dirt and sweat and had the air of a man who'd been living it rough for months.
    "Please," he moaned, falling to his knees. "Please, I can't."
    The man on his feet took a step forward. His voice was cool, without emotion. "Tell me. Where is the girl?"
    Again, the ragged man moaned. '"I can't tell you, I don't know. Please, please dont hurt me!"
    "Silence. I dont need your snivelling. This is your final chance. Where is she?"
    He let out a scream of angst. "I do not know!" His face was waxy white, terrible and distorted, though what really drew attention were his eyes. sunken into his face. His pupils flickered with malice, his irises dissolving away as they started to fix on the snivelling man. The two mens eyes met, both fixed on each other intently, as if a silent battle was taking place. Minuits passed in total silence. Untill life left both mens eyes, though only one man fell.
    The tallest man replaced his mask and stepped
    over the corpse, walking out the room, a cruel laugh dancing on his lips.
    Story by Samii x


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