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  1. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2009 7:35pm UTC
    And They Were Wrong...
    when they said the truth hurts.
    Because honestly, it absolutely kills.

  2. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2009 9:16pm UTC
    And I'm Thinking...
    That maybe I have a chance.
    Maybe you like me.
    And maybe it was meant to be.
    And then again,
    maybe I don't.
    All I know is,
    its killing me inside.

  3. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2009 6:29pm UTC
    As She Was...
    Just about to give up.
    After everything was going wrong.
    And nothing seemed to matter anymore.
    He came into her life,
    And she finally felt the need to
    hold on to it all<3

  4. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2009 6:35pm UTC
    I Love You
    I love your laugh, and how it sends
    goose bumps up my arms. And the way
    that when you say my name, it gives me
    shivers down my spine. When I look at
    you, my stomach fills with overly active
    butterflies that cant seem to calm down.
    Whenever I look into your eyes, I just cant
    look away. Its like I'm stuck there. I dont
    k n o w w h a t l o v e i s e x a c t l y . B u t I ' m
    guessing this is what it might just feel like<3

  5. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2009 10:28pm UTC
    He may not be
    But he's pretty damn
    *Yes this is mine.
    I re-made it because
    I spelt flawless wrong.lol
    So you may see two. so sorry :[

  6. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2009 10:22pm UTC
    No Darling
    I didn't fall in love with
    I fell in love with the person
    (I thought you were.)

  7. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2009 7:18pm UTC
    I'm Not Afraid
    O f l o v i n g y o u.
    *_I'm just afraid of losing you.

  8. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2009 11:10pm UTC
    Whats It With
    g u y s f a l l i n g f o r w h o r e s?

  9. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2009 3:37pm UTC
    The. Truth. Is.
    His eyes are gorgeous, his smile flawless.
    He always smells perfect, and is completely funny.
    His voice is amazing, and gives me butterflies.
    Everything about him is unbelievable though,
    Hes just not the one for me.

  10. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2009 12:55pm UTC
    And Take My Hand
    even if it means you'll break my heart.
    Hold me in your arms,
    even if it means you'll change your mind.
    Love me now,
    even if it means you'll leave me later.
    B e c a u s e b o y
    I'm willing to lose it all,
    If it means you'll be all mine.
    For just a little longer.

  11. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2009 6:02pm UTC
    She Looks At The Sky
    As it starts to rain.
    Tears begin escaping her eyes.
    And she yells out in pain.
    Mascara running down her face.
    And as she begins to realize what happened,
    Her heart begins to race.
    You lied, and you cheated.
    Ripped her heart out of her chest,
    and left her there to bleed.
    She cries herself to sleep,
    and fakes a smile.
    Are you happy now, are you satisfied?
    You've taken her power, her strength,
    her trust, her life..
    And you don't even care.

  12. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2009 8:58pm UTC
    Boy, I dont need this.
    I don't need your honesty, if it's all a bunch of lies.
    I don't need your trust, if you never look in my eyes.
    I don't need your love, if all you do is cheat.
    I don't need your help, if you're going to think I'm weak.
    I done with all your bullshit, I'm done with all this crying.
    I'm done with staying up at night, wishing I were dying.
    I wish I would've listened, to the ones who said you weren't good.
    To the ones who loved me most, when you never would.
    I wish I could forget you, everything was just one huge lie.
    I wish you weren't in my memory, I wish you'd just die.

  13. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2009 8:56pm UTC
    And I'm Pretty Sure..
    I looked all through witty profiles.
    &&Found nothing that reminded me of how i feel about you.
    I guess when people said love was indescribable they were right.
    Because my old definition of love..
    Doesn't even come close to how I feel about you<3
    I guess this is how it feels to be in lovee.

  14. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2009 7:44pm UTC
    And When He Smiled At Me
    Every nerve ending in my body caught on fire.
    My heart seemed to go into overtime.
    It took my breath away.
    It was the [[most beautiful]] thing I ever seen.
    ...And then like most stories...
    I fell in love

  15. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2009 7:36pm UTC
    Dont Always
    Believe what a girl says,
    For her eyes can tell a different story

  16. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2009 7:27pm UTC
    Something Every Guy Should Realize
    When a girl says she loves you
    [she means it]
    When she stares at you and looks away quickly when you catch her
    [she definitely likes you]
    When you compliment her
    [she likes it more then she lets it show]
    When you ask her how she is and she immediately says 'fine'
    [she really isn't]
    When you pick on her about something
    [it actually does bother her more then you realize]
    When you announce to everyone shes flirting with someone
    [she gets more angry then embarrassed]
    When you lie to a girl
    [she can sense it]
    When you leave without saying goodbye
    [she'll believe your gone forever]
    The littlest things you do make a girls entire day.
    Never forget that.

  17. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2009 11:45pm UTC
    While she was crying her eyes out over you,
    (for the last time.)
    Listening to the same song that reminds her of you,
    (for the last time.)
    Looking at your picture the one she can't help but laugh at,
    (for the last time.)
    She runs her fingers through her hair and screams im done,
    (for the last time.)
    She looks at her clock and it says 11:11, and she wishes about you,
    (for the last time.)
    Shes wishes she could just forget ever having feelings for you,
    (for the last time.)
    As she looks up at her ceiling she something finally hits her...
    (shes moved on.)
    She wipes away her tears and runs outside and laughs,
    (shes moved on.)
    She rips off her head phones and deletes the song from her playlist,
    (shes moved on.)
    She rips the picture that she has of you up and burns it,
    (shes moved on.)
    She puts her hair up into a ponytail and screams im finally done,
    (shes moved on.)
    Boy, shes finally forgotten about you.
    [[...You're history...]]

  18. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2009 8:42pm UTC
    ...And it's too late...
    for you and your white horse
    /--to catch me now--/
    *credit.. haha,
    the first one i did of this
    was messed up so i fixed it :]
    [[thats why you might see two]]

  19. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2009 10:55pm UTC
    &&_+Wanna Know A Secret?
    Every one of my 11:11 w i s h e s;
    Every birthday c a n d l e;
    Every lucky wish b o n e;
    Every shooting s t a r;
    &&_+Every dandilion I ever blew...
    I have wasted on you....</3
    &&+I wanted to let you know that--
    I'm done...

  20. Soccerchickaa4 Soccerchickaa4
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2009 10:45pm UTC
    And Just When;;
    I was about to give up, and break down.
    You looked me in the eyes and told me you'll always be there for me, no matter what.
    You said that everything will get better sometime.
    You told me how you went through the same thing, and you understand my pain.
    You know how much pain I'm going through, and told me bad things only happens to the best of us.
    You always make me laugh when I'm crying.
    You understand me completely, and are the only one I can tell everything to.
    F r i e n d s f o r e v e r, and not a day less.


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