Witty Profiles

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  1. SimpleLifeOfMe SimpleLifeOfMe
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2011 12:56pm UTC
    Cross out the things you've done
    Graduated high school.
    Kissed someone.
    Smoked a cigarette
    Got so drunk you passed out.
    Rode every ride at an amusement park (I wish I did)
    Collected something really stupid.
    Gone to a rock concert.
    Helped someone.
    Gone fishing.
    Watched four movies in one night.
    Gone long periods of time without sleep.
    Lied to someone.
    Snorted cocaine.
    Failed a class.
    Smoked weed.
    Dealt drugs.
    Been in a car accident.
    Been in a tornado.
    Done hard drugs (i.e. ecstasy, heroin, crack, meth, acid).
    Watched someone die.
    Been to a funeral.
    Burned yourself.
    Ran a marathon
    Cried yourself to sleep.
    Spent over $200 in one day.
    Flown on a plane.
    Cheated on someone.
    Been cheated on
    Written a 10 page letter.
    Gone skiing.
    Been sailing.
    Cut yourself on accident.
    ...on purpose
    Had a best friend.
    Lost someone you loved.
    Shoplifted something.
    Been to jail.
    Dangerously close to being in jail.
    Skipped school
    Had detention.
    Got in trouble for something you didn’t do.
    Stolen books from the library.
    Gone to a different country.
    Dropped out of school.
    Been in a mental hospital
    Watched the “Harry Potter” movies.
    Had an online diary.
    Fired a gun.
    Had a yard sale.
    Had a lemonade stand.
    Actually made money at the lemonade stand.
    Been in a school play.
    Been fired from a job.
    Taken a lie detector test.
    Swam with dolphins.
    Gone to sea world.
    Voted for someone on a reality TV show.
    Written poetry.
    Read more than 20 books a year.
    Gone to Europe.
    Loved someone you shouldn't have.
    Used a coloring book over age 12.
    Had surgery.
    Had stitches
    Taken a taxi.
    Seen the Washington Monument.
    Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once.
    Had a drug or alcohol problem.
    Been in a fist fight.
    Suffered any form of abuse.
    Gone surfing in California.
    Had a hamster.
    Pet a wild animal.
    Used a credit card.
    Did “spirit day” at school.
    Dyed your hair.
    Got a tattoo.
    Had something pierced.
    Got straight A’s.
    Been on the Honor Roll.
    Known someone with HIV or AIDS
    Madeout with someone
    Played on a sports team
    Been to NYC ♥ (yesterday haha)
    snuck out of the house
    swore at a teacher
    gone laser tagging
    had a boyfriend/girlfriend
    been on the TV
    french braided
    driven a car
    performed in front of an audience
    had a blonde moment
    been in love
    been on a train
    seen a ghost
    gone bungee-jumping
    been to Mexico
    crashed a car
    sky dived
    been kissed in the rain
    been to your states capitol
    made an 11:11 wish
    drank alcohol (tiny sip)
    forwarded a chain letter
    made a mistake

  2. SimpleLifeOfMe SimpleLifeOfMe
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2011 5:49am UTC
    When someone asks me,
    why I like a band, because they think it's 'gay' I say this.
    'First off, don't call something 'gay', that is not the appropriate word. Second off, I like them because they mean something to me. Their music means something to me. I like them, because their music was there when you were'nt. And they'll be with me continually when people leave me.'♥

  3. SimpleLifeOfMe SimpleLifeOfMe
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2011 5:10am UTC
    You're judging me?
    What on? My music taste?
    Well good luck there because
    my music taste ranges from One Direction,
    to Sleeping with Sirens. Good luck to you.

  4. SimpleLifeOfMe SimpleLifeOfMe
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2011 7:57am UTC
    One Direction Facts♥
    One Direction have code words for when they meet fans, so they can talk about them without them knowing.

  5. SimpleLifeOfMe SimpleLifeOfMe
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2011 7:52am UTC
    One Direction Facts♥
    Louis Tomlinson likes when girls wear glesses - real or not.

  6. SimpleLifeOfMe SimpleLifeOfMe
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2011 7:47am UTC
    One Direction Facts♥
    At christmas , Liam missecd Harry being naked all the time, and Niall's farting....

  7. SimpleLifeOfMe SimpleLifeOfMe
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2011 2:53pm UTC
    Write the first thing that comes to mind.
    01] Hello: Hiyah
    02] Love:YOU
    03] Cow: Black and white
    04] Peace: Peace Out
    05] Sky: Birds
    06] Mr: A man
    07] Horror: Scary things.
    Answer with only one word.
    01] You are a: girl.
    02] You drink: waterr
    03] Your first kiss: discusting
    04] Where are you: car
    05] You like:musicc
    06] Hate is: horrid
    07] Love is: happy
    08] You dream of:things
    09] You can’t spell: nothing xD
    10] Your favorite color is: pink
    Answer either yes or no. No “maybes” allowed.
    01] You like a boy/girl: yes
    02] You would kiss someone for $10: No.
    03] You’re addicted to facebook: No.
    04] You’re addicted to notes: No.
    05] Pink looks nice on guys: yes
    06] You can’t keep a secret: No.
    08] You know what an asterisk is: Yes.
    09] You dye your hair: No.
    Write the first thing each color makes you think of.
    01] Red: Blood.
    02] Green: trees
    03] Blue: Sky.
    04] Maroon: maroon 5
    05] Silver: pretty
    06] Brown: Chocolate.07.white invisible
    08] Peachy: peaches.
    09] Yellow: bright things
    10] Purple: Purple Rain

  8. SimpleLifeOfMe SimpleLifeOfMe
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2011 12:47pm UTC
    Okay santa,
    You have officially ONE MONTH to:
    -Lose some weight
    -Get a black hat and cut eye holes in it
    -Spy on my crush
    -Work out when's best to grab him.
    -Put him in a sack
    -Make sure he's at mine on Christmas Day.

  9. SimpleLifeOfMe SimpleLifeOfMe
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2011 12:31pm UTC
    Hate on me all you want,
    Nobody's perfect, I'm not and nor are you.

  10. SimpleLifeOfMe SimpleLifeOfMe
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2011 1:45pm UTC
    Girls why?
    Why do you keep forgiving him?
    Every time he pulls you down with his harsh words
    Why do you let him walk over you?
    Like your nothing
    Why do you allow him to talk to you like that?
    Why do you let him use you
    Like your some cheap tacky toy
    Don't tell me it's because your both in love
    Because he doesn't love you


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