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Member Since: 4 Dec 2010 03:10pm

Last Seen: 16 Dec 2011 01:42am

user id: 137807

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My name is Sierra. My life is very complicated. I make stupid choices thinking it will only help me. I am single. Sex me.? I am fourteen years old, and my birthday is on April 10th. I love neon colors and bananas.? Music is absolutly amazing. You would always see me with at least one earpiece in at all times. I love alternative music All Time Low and Never Shout Never are completely orgasmic. Music is just like another sex life. Anyways, my whole life is based around softball and volleyball. I don't have to many friends in school, but I guess I am okay with that. I like to go to the mall occasionly to mess around, but it usually just turns into a big joke. I hate going places, or just going out in public. I hate seeing someone out of school and I hate all the drama that everyone brings. I never go out on friday nights, I guess i'm just a loser. I hate people. Call Of Duty is my boyfriend. I get to many headaches. I love taking walks at night. I love to sleep and take naps from long days. I like being home alone and away from everyone. I love the rain and being outside in it. Crying is a good way to let out emotion. Love is laame because you only get hurt in the end. I straighten my hair, and I enjoy texting. I can't wait until I get to drive. My family hates me. I love talking on the phone with people for hours. I love being entertained rather than being bored. I love reading quotes and poems. I like meeting new people. I'm fed up with life and don't give a shit about anything anymore. Want to start drama, i'm gonna punch you in the mouth(: I'm actually a very sweet person, but depression is overcoming me. I just started to smoke weed and cigarettes. I'm also starting to drink and hurt myself. I've changed so much since the last years. New beginning? Not going down the right path you might say? Help me rather than hurt me.
  1. RawwrSierra69 RawwrSierra69
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 1:14pm UTC
    The perfect dream.
    When I am with you
    I feel like I am in a dream
    Far from reality
    And as happy as could be
    You are the apple to my eyes
    And the blood in my veins
    Your eyes are as bright as morning skies
    And your smile is like the sun’s rays
    You promised me that you loved me
    And you would never think about leaving me
    The words that you spoke intertwined with each other
    And proposed a strike
    Unfortunately though, I guess when something in life is so perfect
    It just never seems to follow through
    Because the day has finally come
    And I woke up from that perfect dream
    You broke your promise
    And you broke my heart
    I had to watch with tears in my eyes as you walked away
    I miss your voice
    And your touch
    And if I told you I loved you
    Could that be enough
    I tried everything I could to get you back
    But I guess enough was not enough
    So I guess I have to face reality
    It is a lot different from a dream
    I have to face the good and evil
    And stuff I do not want to see.
    Now this is it
    I will lie down
    And hope for a special dream
    That has occurred once before.

  2. RawwrSierra69 RawwrSierra69
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2010 6:04pm UTC
    I love you.
    I look in the mirror, to find the real me.
    I suffer from fear, fear that can not be seen.
    It is as if I wear a mask at school, and try to smile and act all cool.
    I hide my secrets so it does not come out to the open, and at home there is only one thing I am hopin'.
    I wish for darkness and coldness, where pain is no more felt.
    I have lost my trait of boldness, and I am just ready to melt.
    I am sick of everyone.
    I hate actions that people take.
    The ways guys say they love you, and how the girls act all fake.
    My family hates me, and the guy I love is a dick.
    He always says he loves me, and he tells me I am beautiful.
    But whenever we become boyfriend and girlfriend, I am never, ever good enough.
    He always has at least one other girl lined up, so what do i strive for between us?
    You make me go crazy, and only feel pain.
    So I take out the scissors, and blast my music with full force.
    The tears start trickling down, this is not a sense of remorse.
    The depression is over coming me, and my time is coming soon.
    I go in for the cut, and I feel in control.
    The deeper I go, my life becomes at great risk.
    But if I cut on the surface, there will be blood lines with secrets.
    But I want that deep cut, so that's exactly what I do.
    I close my eyes shut, and my life is almost through.
    I have to sit there and wait, until my life is at fate.
    The time starts passing, and I can feel my body is too
    So I guess this is it, my last words were
    "i love you."


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