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Member Since: 23 Jun 2010 12:06pm

Last Seen: 30 Mar 2017 10:53pm

Birthday: September 26

Location: North East, US

Gender: F

user id: 113333

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ashweepitcher.tumblr.com • instagram.com/ashweepitcher

  1. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2013 6:36pm UTC
    Remember when..
    # meant number?
    I remember when it meant
    Tic Tac Toe

  2. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2012 5:38pm UTC
    "Everyone deserves to be loved
    so long as
    they themselves
    have not deprived others of just
    - A girl who has had her heart broken <3

  3. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 4:49pm UTC
    Finally someone that actually makes me happy <3

  4. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2010 3:07pm UTC
    Me: I want a "I ♥ Balls" bracelet!
    Mom: That might be inappropriate...
    Me: But I support balls!
    Mom: So, you're a jock strap?
    hehe gotta love parents♥

  5. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2010 10:38am UTC
    Living in denial.
    I don't know if I'm
    o v e r r e a c t i n g ,
    or if I'm just not
    to admit what
    really happened.

  6. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2010 5:50pm UTC
    I l l b e t h e r e f o r y o u t h r o u g h i t a l l , e v e n i f s a v i n g y o u s e n d s m e t o h e a v e n .

  7. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2010 5:43pm UTC
    Right before you're about to put someone down by
    calling them names or pointing out their mistakes/ flaws,
    think about what they could be hiding.
    There could be so much more behind a persons smile...
    that you know nothing about.
    It might not affect you,
    but think about what it does to them.
    Chances are, they don't need
    the extra crap.

  8. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2010 4:55pm UTC
    You tease me.
    Talk to me,
    then ignore me.
    Say you miss me,
    then want nothing to do with me.
    Say things will get better,
    then never change a thing.
    Do you like to see me suffer?
    Im done playing this game.

  9. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2010 4:08pm UTC
    I'm in l o v e with an amazing guy.
    I smile when I hear his voice...
    He knows j u s t what I'm thinking...
    He says all the r i g h t things...
    That g u y is you.
    the guy you used to be...

  10. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2010 6:18pm UTC
    A 13 year old boy in Texas shot himself in the head after years of being bullied
    and tormented for being gay.
    Seth Walsh, also 13, hung himself from a tree.
    And Tyler Clementi, an 18 year old freshman at Rutgers, jumped off the GW Bridge.
    TODAY, I STAND UP TO THOSE BULLIES in honor of those who took their lives.
    If you care to STAND UP with me, press the heart.
    RIP to all who's lives were taken by suicide.
    You are forever in my heart.

  11. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2010 6:00pm UTC
    Am I the only one
    who gets really
    when people put
    surveys in the
    vent section?

  12. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2010 5:56pm UTC
    Why is it that the people who have no r e a l problems at all
    are the ones that c o m p l a i n the most?
    There are people with it a b i l l i o n times harder,
    you n e v e r hear them complain . . .
    not even o n c e.

  13. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2010 5:25pm UTC
    I like to take things s l o w.
    I wanted to g e t t o k n o w y o u fist.
    But then she c a m e i n t o the picture.
    As soon as you and y o u r e x b r o k e up.
    Not even o n e d a y and you choose her.
    I warned you of t h e c h e a t e r she is.
    I warned you of t h e l i a r she is.
    I just w i s h you would have l i s t e n e d.

  14. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2010 6:55pm UTC
    You're constantly in my ear.
    "Everybody hates me. Kill me now."
    I tell you time and time again,
    "It's not funny. Please don't joke about that."
    But you never listen.
    Every thing's a joke to you.
    To you it might not be such a big deal...
    but to me
    It's something I have to deal with
    every single day.

  15. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2010 6:46pm UTC
    I couldn't wait to get to High school,
    New school,
    New friends,
    New start.
    What I didn't realize
    was that even though I left that all behind,
    I'm still the same person.
    I thought I could start over new,
    drop old habits,
    finally be happy.
    But I never could have been more

  16. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2010 7:41pm UTC
    Me: Oh my god feel my hair!
    Friend: Mmkay ... holy crap that's so soft!! what do you do to get it like that?
    Me: Well I dye it, straighten it, tease it, basically treat it like shitt... ya know
    Friend: Lucky bitchh
    Me: Hahah :P
    I really like my hair... :D

  17. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2010 6:28pm UTC
    As simple as I can,
    I'll tell you the difference between a
    pencil and a pen and where it will leave us.
    Now as your body lets you die,
    I sit here still alive.
    In my memory I wrote you down in ink,
    I never wanted to erase your story
    even with the tragedy it brings.
    The fluid in your lungs that tells you,
    you're losing,
    stop breathing.
    The medicine that comes
    will fix you,
    will help you.
    But takes you from conscious to sleep
    place my hands to face and weep.
    Emery - Returning the Smile You Have Had from the Start

  18. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 4:03pm UTC
    ON HER

  19. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2010 3:12pm UTC
    Dear life,
    I am writing to express my dissatification.
    First. I didn't ask to be put here. You just went ahead and put me here.
    And that started us off on a bad foot.
    Given that rocky start, I'd assume you'd strive to be a good host...
    but no. you fill this place with very unplesant surprises.
    As if that's not enough. At some point I apparently cease to egsist in a manner that is most likely shocking, painful and/ or tragic.
    Can you say RIP OFF.
    Please provide a re-fund. Thank you.
    mineee give credit paweesee

  20. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2010 8:55pm UTC
    Scars = Tattoos with better stories.


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