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  1. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2005 2:40pm UTC
    be YOURself because the people that matter dont mind and the people that mind DONT MATTER! <3

  2. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2005 2:39pm UTC
    EVERYONE tells me dont cry over them they are not worth your tears.. then why do i cry.. why does it bother me so much? because i think i still care..

  3. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2005 2:39pm UTC
    everyone keeps tellin me HE is not worth your tears...
    then why do i cry </3

  4. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2005 2:38pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2005 2:37pm UTC
    have you ever felt like you wanted your life to end..?
    ever ask your self why am i here? when nothin feels right in your life. and NO ONE understands how you feel

  6. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2005 2:36pm UTC
    you know what i hate... when people hear something... and they automatically think it is true... and then they tell someone else.. and before you know it you are the most hated person of the month!

  7. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2005 8:58pm UTC
    sometimes i think your the stupidest person
    sometimes i think your still stuck in little boy world
    and sometimes i think i want to end everything
    but then i think of the memories we shared the little things you did to make me smile and the way you look at me when i think i look the worst...
    and then i think WOW i have everything ive been dreaming for ... !

  8. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2005 8:48pm UTC
    have you ever been inLOVE?
    im not talkin about i have a crush on you LOVE
    im talkin about...
    the kind of love where he still wants to show you off to the world even if your in sweat pants and a huge t-shirt.
    or the kind of love where you cuddle up and watch a chick flick just because he knows it makes you happy.
    or the kind of love where when you have make up runnin down your face, eyes puffy and red from crying, and hair a mess, but he still kisses you and holds you like your the most beautiful girl in the world.
    thats what kinda love im talkin about.
    im in that kinda love...
    girls you may think there is no one out there for you... and you may think there is the perfect guy for you but he is taken. there are more fish in the sea. and its his loss he missed out. if he hasnt looked your way or even show that he knows your alive. hes not worth waiting for!

  9. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2005 8:42pm UTC
    If guys had their period they would compare the sizes of their tampons

  10. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2005 8:41pm UTC
    how can anyone answer the question "whats wrong"?
    when nothing seems right...?

  11. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2005 8:39pm UTC
    ally: look were already fighting
    noah:yea thats what we do...fight.you tell me when im bein an arrogant son of a b*tch and i tell you when your bein a pain in the @$$. which you are 99% of the time.its like i have a 2 second rebound before your on to the next pain in the @$$ thing.
    ally: so...
    noah:so its not going to be easy its going to be really hard! were going to work at this everyday but i want to do tht because i want you! i want all of you forever, everyday!

  12. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2005 5:12pm UTC
    i HEART cowboys! :)

  13. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2005 5:01pm UTC
    WhY cAnT yOu SeE iT YeT...?
    yOuR tHe LiGhTeR tO mY cIgArReTe

  14. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2005 10:57am UTC
    one time this girl met this guy names eric in the mall so they started going out. they were a really cute couple. well eric stopped calling adn she got really worried. then at a football game the girl met a girl that went to erics school so she asked if he was alright. "he?" the girl asked. "yes he ...eric!" "dont you mean her ericA?" asked the cofused girl. SHE is on my sisters volleyball team. Shes gay though she dresses like a boy when shes not at school.
    thats a true story ! she actually made out adn stuff with eric when it was really a girl (erica) EWWWWWWW

  15. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2005 10:52am UTC
    karen: you know what sounds like fun? lets go to taco bell.
    regina: i cant go to taco bell karen im on an all carb diet, gosh why do you have to be so stupid!
    cady: your not stupid karen...
    karen: no actually i am im failing almost everything
    cady: well there must be one thing your good at
    karen: i can fit my whole fist in my mouth want to see?
    cady: no anything else?
    karen: well i have a fifth since...my b reast always know when its going to rain...well they always know when its raining ...its like i have espn or something...
    man kristin this movie is getting really old!

  16. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2005 10:24am UTC
    ally: look were already fighting
    Noah: you tell me when im being an arrogant son of a b*tch and i tell you when your being a pain in the @$$ its what we do. and its like i have a 2 second rebound before your on to the next pain in the @$$ thing.
    ally: so what now...
    Noah: so its not going to be easy. its going to be really hard! were going to have to work at this everyday but i want to do that because i want you, i want all of you, forever, everyday!
    ThE nOtEbOoK!
    best movie ever!

  17. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2004 8:42pm UTC
    ~*ScRuB a DuB dUb ..... SwImMiNg In ThE TuB*~
    ^ TaKiN a ShOwEr If YoU hAvEnT nOtIcEd lol

  18. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2004 8:39pm UTC
    *~WhY dOeS sNoOp DoWg CaRrY aRoUnD a UnBrElLa...?~*
    ***Fo DrIzZlE !!!***
    kind of cheesy but in a funny way lol ... hope you like it

  19. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2004 8:34pm UTC
    SuM tImEs I(cry).....
    BuT yOuR aLwAyZ tHeRe To (WiPe My TeArZ)
    AnD cHaSe AwAy (AlL mY fEaRz)
    AnD wHeN mY hEaRt Is (CoNfUsEd)
    YoUr AlWaYz ThErE tO(lEaD iT oN tHe RigHt RoAd)
    SuM tImEs I wOnDeR wHy GoD pUt ThIs (LoAd) On Me AnD wHy ..
    BuT iM gLaD YoU aLwAyS ( lEnD ) yOuR sHoUlDeR ( 4 mE tO cRy )
    i KnOw I cAn AlWaYs CalL yOu mY ( bEsT fRiEnD )
    ~* i love you mel mel , cathrine , and caitlyn *~

  20. PaulieGurl2807 PaulieGurl2807
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2004 8:16pm UTC
    */*..I wish that i could understand why you hate me sOoO much but you are probably wondering the same thing */*
    * hope you liek it kind of dumb but o well *


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